Legalizing Marijuana Is a Big Mistake

6,057 Views | 89 Replies | Last: 5 mo ago by boognish_bear
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Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

Why are so many people afraid of other peoples freedom?
Do you call that freedom? It seems more like a prison and a life sentence. And why wouldn't people be afraid of the mental destruction of large numbers of the population and what that would lead to?
Drama much? How have other countries started to handle it? America, home of the free, imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation.
America imprisons its that makes the "prison" of drug use ok? Is this the pot talking?

Never touched stuff. The dufference between us is that make rules for myslef. You seem to want to make rules for others. I dont. Your way supports cartels, violence and Americas proson industry. Mine doesnt.
Legalized marijuana supports cartels because the legal weed gets you hooked and is priced about 50% higher than cartel black market weed. Free market does the rest.

From the article:
Legalization hasn't delivered on its promises of emptying prisons and raising billions in taxes for government.
On the criminal justice front, the expectation that legalizing pot would help reduce America's prison population by clearing out nonviolent offenders was always overdrawn, since marijuana convictions made up a small share of the incarceration rate even at its height.
There is also no good evidence so far that legalization reduces racially discriminatory patterns of policing and arrests.
So legalization isn't necessarily striking a great blow against mass incarceration or for racial justice.
Nor is it doing great things for public health. A new paper published in the Journal of Health Economics found that "legal medical marijuana, particularly when available through retail dispensaries, is associated with higher opioid mortality."
This month brought a new paper strengthening the link between heavy pot use and the onset of schizophrenia in young men.
And the broad downside risks of marijuana, beyond extreme dangers like schizophrenia, remain as evident as ever: a form of personal degradation, of lost attention and performance and motivation, that isn't mortally dangerous in the way of heroin but that can damage or derail an awful lot of human lives.
The legalization era has seen a dramatic increase the number of noncasual users. Occasional use has risen substantially since 2008, but daily or near-daily use is up much more, with around 16 million Americans, out of more than 50 million users, now suffering from what is termed marijuana use disorder.
So to make the legal marketplace successful and amenable to regulation, you would probably need much more enforcement against the illegal marketplace which is difficult and expensive and, again, obviously uncool, in conflict with the good-vibrations spirit of the legalizers.
Unlicensed weed can cost as much as 50 percent less than the licensed variety. So the more you tax and regulate legal pot sales, the more you run the risk of having users just switch to the black market and if you want the licensed market to crowd out the black market instead, you probably need to make legal pot as cheap as possible, which in turn undermines any effort to discourage chronic, life-altering abuse.
In summary, Marijuana legalization as we've done it so far has been a policy failure, a potential social disaster, a clear and evident mistake.
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You clearly don't have much experience with marijuana or purchasing marijuana specifically. An 1/8th at a dispensary will run about $45-$55 (depending on strain/potency/etc). That price is consistent with what you would find, for the same quality, on the "black market" in both a recreationally legal and illegal state. The 50% cheaper tidbit is somewhat disingenuous because it doesn't take into account quality of the cannabis. It could be 50% cheaper, but the quality is most likely far inferior, thus, the lower price.

Whoever wrote the article you embedded is likely very biased.
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DancinBear09 said:

KaiBear said:

Over 100,000 fatal drug overdoses last year alone, and some morons want to make the narcotics involved easier to obtain .

So stupid .

Show me the statistics on marijuana related overdoses. You are putting the carriage way in front of the horse here. Nobody is talking about legalizing hard drugs like cocaine or heroin on here. You are sensationalizing and conflating the issue at hand, which is marijuana legalization.
Not refering to marijuana .

Clearly referring to hard narcotics; and yes there are individuals ( probably druggies ) who have advocated for the legaization of ALL narcotics .

Maybe such individual just want to sound 'progressive' or merely want attention.

Who knows ?
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DancinBear09 said:

You clearly don't have much experience with marijuana or purchasing marijuana specifically. An 1/8th at a dispensary will run about $45-$55 (depending on strain/potency/etc). That price is consistent with what you would find, for the same quality, on the "black market" in both a recreationally legal and illegal state. The 50% cheaper tidbit is somewhat disingenuous because it doesn't take into account quality of the cannabis. It could be 50% cheaper, but the quality is most likely far inferior, thus, the lower price.

Whoever wrote the article you embedded is likely very biased.
THC sleep gummies are popular in some states.

My doctor says they are dangerous for several solid reasons .

But to druggies......such reasons don't matter.

Limited IQ Redneck in PU
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You dont want it. I understand. I dont want it either. But who are to tell Mike he cant have it? You have the freedom to drink. Why do you try to force others tonbe like you?
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Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

Why are so many people afraid of other peoples freedom?
Do you call that freedom? It seems more like a prison and a life sentence. And why wouldn't people be afraid of the mental destruction of large numbers of the population and what that would lead to?
Drama much? How have other countries started to handle it? America, home of the free, imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation.
America imprisons its that makes the "prison" of drug use ok? Is this the pot talking?

Never touched stuff. The difference between us is that make rules for myslef. You seem to want to make rules for others. I dont. Your way supports cartels, violence and Americas proson industry. Mine doesnt.
You write like you're touching the stuff right now.

If you don't believe in rules for others, then you are anti-civilization. That's apparently the real difference between you and I - I'm for having a civilization.

Saying that the cartels, violence, and prisons are supported by having laws against certain behavior, is like saying the sex trafficking industry is supported by laws against rape. It's ridiculous, distorted thinking.

Throughout most of history most civilizations did not declare war on its citizens. Incarceration rates by country:

  • United States 629
  • Rwanda 580
  • Turkmenistan 576
  • El Salvador 564
  • Cuba 510
  • Palau 478
  • British Virgin Islands (U.K. territory) 477
  • Thailand 445
  • Panama 423
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis 423
  • [/ol]
    Notice where the USA, "Land of the Free" ranks. We have a gool lead of Rawanda. I think its an embarrassing stat. Are you chanting "We're number 1, We're number 1"? Land of the Free.

    Our war on drugs is the biggest part of this. We legalize vodka rum amd whiskey, but arrest others for their drug of choice. See Busy Tarp, I back my ideas with facts while you name call. China has a bigger population but we tonight there are more Americans locked up than Chinise. How can this happen in the
    "Land of the Free"?

    Why can Jim go to town and buy vodka, but if Joe goes and buys his drug of choice, pot, he can lose his freedom?

    Alcohol causes more deaths each year in Amercia than Fentanil, Cocain, herion and methdone combined.

    Our drug laws finance the cartels I know they have branched out lately but drugs are still their bread and butter. I could grow a bale of pot and sell it for 10 dollars and make a good profit. Thats it real value. But when you make it illegal it sells for thousands times that. Why? Our laws. Drop the price down to $10 dollars a bale and the drug part of the cartels disappear.. Same holds true of other drugs.

    Think back high school. Most kids smoked at least a little. Did it being legal or illegal make that much difference? It didnt back in Midway in the late 70's. But the law ruined a lot of lives.
    Drug laws don't support the cartels, prisons, and violence.
    DRUG USERS support the cartels, prisons, and violence.

    The law didn't ruin a lot of lives.
    DRUG USE ruined a lot of lives.

    Any responsible, rules-based society that wants to be prosperous would try to enact laws to curtail destructive behavior like drug use. Considering this "declaring war on its citizens" is a completely ridiculous mindset. Citing our #1 incarceration ranking is not making any kind of case because you're not making the case that releasing drug prisoners or not putting them in prison in the first place leads to a net desirable outcome. To uncritically default to the argument that the LAW is wrong simply by virtue of the fact that there are too many in prison, so the remedy is to release them or not imprison them at all, is a dangerous, insane, and failed policy. Ask New York or Chicago how that's going for them, and whether or not their people feel more "free". To argue that our country is "less free" because we don't let our citizens douse themselves in mind-killing drugs is ironic because drug use is prison for the mind. Not to mention that drug-induced states can present a physical danger to others, thus robbing them of freedom as well.

    Comparing us to China is ridiculous because in China you can get EXECUTED for drug offenses. And there's less incarceration in China because of cultural differences, but mostly because their people are kept in line due to them being deathly afraid of their government, who can imprison them even for their religion. And you use China's example to lament our "lack" of freedom? Good grief.

    A cost benefit argument can be made for the legalization of certain drugs, but any reasonable, rational person understands that allowance would only be a lesser of two evils that will inevitably come with serious negative consequences, risk, and cost to society. Your focus, as reflected in your comments, is ignorantly and callously one-sided in the way you disregard all that, by your concern only for the woes of imprisoned druggies, by your characterization of drug use as a mere "personal freedom" that others shouldn't be "afraid of", and by how proud you are of the fact that you don't "make rules for others", as if that were some kind of virtue rather than a destructive, anti-civilization sentiment that it actually is.
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    BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Why are so many people afraid of other peoples freedom?
    Do you call that freedom? It seems more like a prison and a life sentence. And why wouldn't people be afraid of the mental destruction of large numbers of the population and what that would lead to?
    Drama much? How have other countries started to handle it? America, home of the free, imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation.
    America imprisons its that makes the "prison" of drug use ok? Is this the pot talking?

    Never touched stuff. The difference between us is that make rules for myslef. You seem to want to make rules for others. I dont. Your way supports cartels, violence and Americas proson industry. Mine doesnt.
    You write like you're touching the stuff right now.

    If you don't believe in rules for others, then you are anti-civilization. That's apparently the real difference between you and I - I'm for having a civilization.

    Saying that the cartels, violence, and prisons are supported by having laws against certain behavior, is like saying the sex trafficking industry is supported by laws against rape. It's ridiculous, distorted thinking.

    Throughout most of history most civilizations did not declare war on its citizens. Incarceration rates by country:

  • United States 629
  • Rwanda 580
  • Turkmenistan 576
  • El Salvador 564
  • Cuba 510
  • Palau 478
  • British Virgin Islands (U.K. territory) 477
  • Thailand 445
  • Panama 423
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis 423
  • [/ol]
    Notice where the USA, "Land of the Free" ranks. We have a gool lead of Rawanda. I think its an embarrassing stat. Are you chanting "We're number 1, We're number 1"? Land of the Free.

    Our war on drugs is the biggest part of this. We legalize vodka rum amd whiskey, but arrest others for their drug of choice. See Busy Tarp, I back my ideas with facts while you name call. China has a bigger population but we tonight there are more Americans locked up than Chinise. How can this happen in the
    "Land of the Free"?

    Why can Jim go to town and buy vodka, but if Joe goes and buys his drug of choice, pot, he can lose his freedom?

    Alcohol causes more deaths each year in Amercia than Fentanil, Cocain, herion and methdone combined.

    Our drug laws finance the cartels I know they have branched out lately but drugs are still their bread and butter. I could grow a bale of pot and sell it for 10 dollars and make a good profit. Thats it real value. But when you make it illegal it sells for thousands times that. Why? Our laws. Drop the price down to $10 dollars a bale and the drug part of the cartels disappear.. Same holds true of other drugs.

    Think back high school. Most kids smoked at least a little. Did it being legal or illegal make that much difference? It didnt back in Midway in the late 70's. But the law ruined a lot of lives.
    Drug laws don't support the cartels, prisons, and violence.
    DRUG USERS support the cartels, prisons, and violence.

    The law didn't ruin a lot of lives.
    DRUG USE ruined a lot of lives.

    Any responsible, rules-based society that wants to be prosperous would try to enact laws to curtail destructive behavior like drug use. Considering this "declaring war on its citizens" is a completely ridiculous mindset. Citing our #1 incarceration ranking is not making any kind of case because you're not making the case that releasing drug prisoners or not putting them in prison in the first place leads to a net desirable outcome. To uncritically default to the argument that the LAW is wrong simply by virtue of the fact that there are too many in prison, so the remedy is to release them or not imprison them at all, is a dangerous, insane, and failed policy. Ask New York or Chicago how that's going for them, and whether or not their people feel more "free". To argue that our country is "less free" because we don't let our citizens douse themselves in mind-killing drugs is ironic because drug use is prison for the mind. Not to mention that drug-induced states can present a physical danger to others, thus robbing them of freedom as well.

    Comparing us to China is ridiculous because in China you can get EXECUTED for drug offenses. And there's less incarceration in China because of cultural differences, but mostly because their people are kept in line due to them being deathly afraid of their government, who can imprison them even for their religion. And you use China's example to lament our "lack" of freedom? Good grief.

    A cost benefit argument can be made for the legalization of certain drugs, but any reasonable, rational person understands that allowance would only be a lesser of two evils that will inevitably come with serious negative consequences, risk, and cost to society. Your focus, as reflected in your comments, is ignorantly and callously one-sided in the way you disregard all that, by your concern only for the woes of imprisoned druggies, by your characterization of drug use as a mere "personal freedom" that others shouldn't be "afraid of", and by how proud you are of the fact that you don't "make rules for others", as if that were some kind of virtue rather than a destructive, anti-civilization sentiment that it actually is.

    Rational post …well done .

    But druggies will always attempt to justify their addictions and drag others into their misery .

    No amount of conversation ; regardless how logical, will change their mindset .
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    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
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    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    BusyTarpDuster2017 said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Why are so many people afraid of other peoples freedom?
    Do you call that freedom? It seems more like a prison and a life sentence. And why wouldn't people be afraid of the mental destruction of large numbers of the population and what that would lead to?
    Drama much? How have other countries started to handle it? America, home of the free, imprisons more of its citizens than any other nation.
    America imprisons its that makes the "prison" of drug use ok? Is this the pot talking?

    Never touched stuff. The dufference between us is that make rules for myslef. You seem to want to make rules for others. I dont. Your way supports cartels, violence and Americas proson industry. Mine doesnt.

    So again in the binary world you live in, make it all legal, and don't regulate it. Because, you know, govt involvement limits freedom, as you've told us. Let people sell it on the street. Let cartels run rampant in the country. Maybe we will use the Mexican model. Because, you know, freedom and *****
    Wrecks Quan Dough
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    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How long do you want to ignore this user?
    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.

    Each product you list is regulated. But you say anything goes when it comes to marijuana. Breathtakingly stupid
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    Osodecentx said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.

    Each product you list is regulated. But you say anything goes when it comes to marijuana. Breathtakingly stupid
    And that doesn't even touch that in his list, alcohol and tobacco are the only things anyone would use for recreational consumption.
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    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
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    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
    Careful, we may have to hard-wire you to dream about Hillary or Nancy Pelosi.
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    Oldbear83 said:

    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
    Careful, we may have to hard-wire you to dream about Hillary or Nancy Pelosi.
    That would definitely be a bad trip.
    Wrecks Quan Dough
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    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
    Oily missing the point, Bat Man! Don't operate heavy machinery or handle firearms when you are mediating.
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    He Hate Me said:

    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
    Oily missing the point, Bat Man! Don't operate heavy machinery or handle firearms when you are mediating.
    Good point. Remember Alec Baldwin!
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    He Hate Me said:

    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
    Oily missing the point, Bat Man! Don't operate heavy machinery or handle firearms when you are mediating.
    BUt if I get off work and dont go to happy hour but instead go home and take a weed gummy to watch tv on my couch how am I being a threat to others?
    Wrecks Quan Dough
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    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    muddybrazos said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.
    How are you going to regulate the psychoactive chemical DMT that is released in my brain when i dream or when i meditate?
    Oily missing the point, Bat Man! Don't operate heavy machinery or handle firearms when you are mediating.
    BUt if I get off work and dont go to happy hour but instead go home and take a weed gummy to watch tv on my couch how am I being a threat to others?
    I guess if THC use started and stopped at watching TV in your own home, then there would be less of a concern.
    Limited IQ Redneck in PU
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    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    Wrecks Quan Dough
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    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
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    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.

    That is a crock of **** and you know it. If the government gave a **** about harmful substances people put in their bodies then drugs like OxyContin and countless other dangerous drugs would have been outlawed a long time ago. It's all about money, plain and simple. Marijuana was actually legal and widely used until it was outlawed in 1937. The reason for it becoming illegal in the first place was rooted in racism and faux science.
    Wrecks Quan Dough
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    DancinBear09 said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.

    That is a crock of **** and you know it. If the government gave a **** about harmful substances people put in their bodies then drugs like OxyContin and countless other dangerous drugs would have been outlawed a long time ago. It's all about money, plain and simple. Marijuana was actually legal and widely used until it was outlawed in 1937. The reason for it becoming illegal in the first place was rooted in racism and faux science.
    THC is not the only drug that is regulated and placed on both federal and state schedules. The tight regulation and even outright prohibition of hundreds of substances cannot all be about racism and faux science.
    Limited IQ Redneck in PU
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    He Hate Me said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
    But we are no where near the top in poverty. We rule in the incarcerating your own citizens game.
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    He Hate Me said:

    DancinBear09 said:

    He Hate Me said:

    TenBears said:

    Let's see. What things are not only legal and poisonous but condoned. Raid, Roundup, alcohol, tobacco, chemical plants spewing carcinogens, opioids, fentanyl, SSRI's, benzodiazepines. AK47's. And people have their panties in a wad about a PLANT that most believe has at least some beneficial properties. Breathtakingly stupid.
    I think the people have their panties in a wad not over the plant, but over the psychoactive chemical in the plant that some people ingest. The psychoactive chemical and its effects are why there are laws about what should and should not be ingested from the plant.

    That is a crock of **** and you know it. If the government gave a **** about harmful substances people put in their bodies then drugs like OxyContin and countless other dangerous drugs would have been outlawed a long time ago. It's all about money, plain and simple. Marijuana was actually legal and widely used until it was outlawed in 1937. The reason for it becoming illegal in the first place was rooted in racism and faux science.
    THC is not the only drug that is regulated and placed on both federal and state schedules. The tight regulation and even outright prohibition of hundreds of substances cannot all be about racism and faux science.

    True, but that's not the point I am making. The point I was making was specifically tied to marijuana being made illegal not on its pharmacological properties, but on hysteria and ,in this case, racism. The fact that Marijuana is schedule I and cocaine and heroin are schedule 2 just goes to show how ass backwards the government is on drugs. That's even more laughable than the food pyramid.
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    seems to be one of those things where 90% of the users can control volume and frequency of consumption.

    but the 10% that cant can wind up w/ some nasty problems - more likely for those who start smoking heavily at a young age.

    esp. since the marijuana of today is significantly more potent than the crap from many decades ago.

    - KKM

    pro ecclesia, pro javelina
    Doc Holliday
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    DancinBear09 said:

    KaiBear said:

    Over 100,000 fatal drug overdoses last year alone, and some morons want to make the narcotics involved easier to obtain .

    So stupid .

    Show me the statistics on marijuana related overdoses. You are putting the carriage way in front of the horse here. Nobody is talking about legalizing hard drugs like cocaine or heroin on here. You are sensationalizing and conflating the issue at hand, which is marijuana legalization.
    Cannabis runs the risk of CHS. Hyperemsis syndrome. Some people have died from it.
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    Doc Holliday said:

    DancinBear09 said:

    KaiBear said:

    Over 100,000 fatal drug overdoses last year alone, and some morons want to make the narcotics involved easier to obtain .

    So stupid .

    Show me the statistics on marijuana related overdoses. You are putting the carriage way in front of the horse here. Nobody is talking about legalizing hard drugs like cocaine or heroin on here. You are sensationalizing and conflating the issue at hand, which is marijuana legalization.
    Cannabis runs the risk of CHS. Hyperemsis syndrome. Some people have died from it.
    My doctor has repeatedly warned me that legal cannabis causes paranoia and anxiety with long term use.

    But the real killers are the hard drugs like fentanyl, cocaine, meth, LSD and heroin .

    Talk of legalizing such toxic substances is ridiculous.
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    KaiBear said:

    Doc Holliday said:

    DancinBear09 said:

    KaiBear said:

    Over 100,000 fatal drug overdoses last year alone, and some morons want to make the narcotics involved easier to obtain .

    So stupid .

    Show me the statistics on marijuana related overdoses. You are putting the carriage way in front of the horse here. Nobody is talking about legalizing hard drugs like cocaine or heroin on here. You are sensationalizing and conflating the issue at hand, which is marijuana legalization.
    Cannabis runs the risk of CHS. Hyperemsis syndrome. Some people have died from it.
    My doctor has repeatedly warned me that legal cannabis causes paranoia and anxiety with long term use.

    But the real killers are the hard drugs like fentanyl, cocaine, meth, LSD and heroin .

    Talk of legalizing such toxic substances is ridiculous.

    From a physiological point of view, LSD actually has an extremely low fatal toxicity rate and is one of the lowest of any illegal drug and overdoses have been extremely rare. It also has among the lowest addiction rates of any illegal drugs out there. Mushrooms and LSD actually have substantially lower rates of abuse compared to cocaine, opiates, alcohol, and even marijuana. You won't get an argument from me on the other drugs, and I am not advocating for LSD to be legal and available at any store you want, but I think in an extremely controlled clinical environment it can do a lot for people with PTSD and a few other other anxiety disorders.

    As for Marijuana causing anxiety, so what? Alcohol causes anxiety, your job, family and life in general causes anxiety. That shouldn't be the reason it's kept illegal considering all of the medical benefits it brings (pain and diet control medication for cancer patients on chemo, epilepsy and seizure medication, arthritis medication, glaucoma treatment, etc.)
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    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    He Hate Me said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
    But we are no where near the top in poverty. We rule in the incarcerating your own citizens game.

    Among Western countries, we have one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Same goes for incarceration among western countries. We're not even close to the top and incarceration for non-western countries.
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    Mothra said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    He Hate Me said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
    But we are no where near the top in poverty. We rule in the incarcerating your own citizens game.

    Among Western countries, we have one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Same goes for incarceration among western countries. We're not even close to the top and incarceration for non-western countries.

    We are 2nd to China in the number of incarcerated citizens and the 3rd highest (Brazil) is far behind the US and China.
    How long do you want to ignore this user?
    DancinBear09 said:

    Mothra said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    He Hate Me said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
    But we are no where near the top in poverty. We rule in the incarcerating your own citizens game.

    Among Western countries, we have one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Same goes for incarceration among western countries. We're not even close to the top and incarceration for non-western countries.

    We are 2nd to China in the number of incarcerated citizens and the 3rd highest (Brazil) is far behind the US and China.

    That isn't marijuana possession cases locking up folks
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    Osodecentx said:

    DancinBear09 said:

    Mothra said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    He Hate Me said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
    But we are no where near the top in poverty. We rule in the incarcerating your own citizens game.

    Among Western countries, we have one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Same goes for incarceration among western countries. We're not even close to the top and incarceration for non-western countries.

    We are 2nd to China in the number of incarcerated citizens and the 3rd highest (Brazil) is far behind the US and China.

    That isn't marijuana possession cases locking up folks

    It's definitely part of the statistic…not quite sure what point you are trying to make.
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    DancinBear09 said:

    Osodecentx said:

    DancinBear09 said:

    Mothra said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    He Hate Me said:

    Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

    Alcohol is ;legal; because prohibition didnt work. How is the Nixon's war on drugs working? We are number !!!!!
    The war on poverty is going far worse. We have spent over $25 trillion on it and have not received a positive return on investment.
    But we are no where near the top in poverty. We rule in the incarcerating your own citizens game.

    Among Western countries, we have one of the highest poverty rates in the world. Same goes for incarceration among western countries. We're not even close to the top and incarceration for non-western countries.

    We are 2nd to China in the number of incarcerated citizens and the 3rd highest (Brazil) is far behind the US and China.

    That isn't marijuana possession cases locking up folks

    It's definitely part of the statistic…not quite sure what point you are trying to make.
    A minute part.
    One of the arguments made for legalizing pot is the high incarceration rate in US. Not true

    First, on the criminal justice front, the expectation that legalizing pot would help reduce America's prison population by clearing out nonviolent offenders was always overdrawn, since marijuana convictions made up a small share of the incarceration rate even at its height. But Lehman argues that there is also no good evidence so far that legalization reduces racially discriminatory patterns of policing and arrests.
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    Why It's So Hard to Crack Down on Stoned Drivers in New York
    Smoking marijuana while operating a vehicle appears to have become ubiquitous in New York City after the drug's legalization. But it's a trend, though illegal, that's not easy to curb.
    Since recreational marijuana was legalized statewide in March 2021, weed now seems ubiquitous on New York City roadways. At smoke shops, customers drive off after blazing up. In motion or at red lights, smoke wafts from car windows, the smell mingling with exhaust fumes in a pungent miasma.
    "It's coming from all walks of life. It's all over the city," said Jayson Vasquez, 39, who has worked as a bike messenger in New York City for 13 years. He sees and smells more and more drivers smoking, even as they negotiate heavy weekday traffic, puffing away behind the wheel and straying from their lanes.
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