So... at what point do Republicans realize Trump is bad at this?

113,469 Views | 1438 Replies | Last: 4 yr ago by Florda_mike
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BrooksBearLives said:

CutTheTVoff said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.

Thank God for a president who's not a politician. About effing time.
Yeah... that's working super well for him.
This is how you get people who want to nuke hurricanes.

Expertise matters. Our president is a ****ing moron.

You are right. It's working VERY well for him. Better than it did for Billary. He's POTUS despite ridiculous odds.
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YoakDaddy said:

if you had watched the clown show hearing today.
I tried. Turned it off once, came back, tried again, couldn't take it.

I think what bothers me is that it seemed like a witness was testifying, but Clown A and Clown B didn't want testimony, they wanted air time. I kept waiting for someone to object to relevance and get us back on track. Maguire tried to testify, kudos to him for that. I'm sure my email tomorrow will have headlines from each side (I subscribe to AlterNet and Townhall, not that either provides balanced reporting but I like to know what the fringe is up to) claiming that one side owned the other.
“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.” (The Law, p.6) Frederic Bastiat
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And so, some of those candidates would be....?
Sam Lowry
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Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

GrowlTowel said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

Didn't this already happen before? I seem to remember the IRS being used in this manner by the previous administration. Certainly we can now all agree that the FBI was used to spy on his political rival.

I don't remember the outrage from you but I could have missed it. Those were BF days.
It's different when a Democrat does it.
Only Obama didn't do that. Here's the Bloomberg story that clearly spells out the false Republican narrative.
The Bloomberg article is curious. It gives the impression that the Treasury report contradicts the bipartisan Senate report as well as previous IRS assessments. If you click the link to the final report, it doesn't take long to see why. Bloomberg is grossly misrepresenting its conclusions.


In August 2015, the Senate Committee on Finance concluded a more than two-year investigation into the IRS's actions and issued a bipartisan report. It found that "...from 2010 to 2013, IRS management was delinquent in its responsibility to provide effective control, guidance, and direction over the processing of applications for tax-exempt status filed by Tea Party and other political advocacy organizations." It concluded that "Not only did those organizations have to withstand delays measured in years, but many also were forced to bear a withering barrage of burdensome and inappropriate "development letters" aimed at extracting information the IRS wrongly concluded was necessary to properly process the applications." The Committee also found that:

While most of the potentially political applications that the IRS set aside for heightened scrutiny were Tea Party and conservative groups, the IRS also flagged some left-leaning tax-exempt applicants for processing. In order to centralize these cases for review and processing, names and descriptions of several left-leaning groups were placed on the BOLO spreadsheet. Some left-leaning applicants experienced lengthy processing delays and inappropriate and burdensome requests for information.

We did not assess the political leanings of any organizations in our May 2013 report. However, an internal IRS e-mail provided to congressional investigators showed that the IRS had completed an assessment in July 2012 of the political leanings of the political advocacy cases that were the subject of our May 2013 report. The conclusions reached by the IRS were similar to the results of the Senate Committee on Finance investigation discussed above. Specifically, the IRS concluded that:

Of the 84 (c)(3) cases, slightly over half appear to be conservative-leaning groups based solely on the name. The remainder do not obviously lean to either side of the political spectrum. Of the 199 (c)(4) cases, approximately 3/4 appear to be conservative leaning, while fewer than 10 appear to be liberal/progressive-leaning groups based solely on the name.


Scope of current audit

This report presents a historical account of the IRS's development and use of 17 select criteria using the information that was available to the audit team. We attempted to obtain relevant information from current and former IRS employees as well as electronic and paper documents in the possession of the IRS. However, due to the amount of time that has passed since some of the 17 criteria were in place, documentation was not always available, personal memories of events had faded, and a significant number of personnel had left the Federal Government and were unavailable for interview. In addition, for 16 of the 17 criteria there were no tracking sheets listing which specific cases, if any, were actually selected based on these criteria. As a result of these limitations, we did not determine the appropriateness for any of the 17 selected criteria. However, as discussed in our prior report, using names and/or policy positions instead of developing criteria based on tax-exempt laws and Treasury Regulations is inappropriate.
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quash said:

YoakDaddy said:

if you had watched the clown show hearing today.
I tried. Turned it off once, came back, tried again, couldn't take it.

I think what bothers me is that it seemed like a witness was testifying, but Clown A and Clown B didn't want testimony, they wanted air time. I kept waiting for someone to object to relevance and get us back on track. Maguire tried to testify, kudos to him for that. I'm sure my email tomorrow will have headlines from each side (I subscribe to AlterNet and Townhall, not that either provides balanced reporting but I like to know what the fringe is up to) claiming that one side owned the other.

I listened to it while driving today...several hours in the truck. The pols are ALL dipshlts looking for a sound bite. Maguire is career military that served 36 years since 1974 under several different presidents. His testimony ran circles around ALL of them. They tried to get him into the politics, but he stood fast. It wasn't his job to investigate the credulity of the complaint. His job was to determine if the complaint met criteria to be forwarded to congressional committees. All of the bluster over the contents of the complaint when the transcript has been released debunking it along with his actual duty as to how to handle the complaint have led me to believe the hearing today was nothing but a circus....there's no there, there.
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Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach
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D. C. Bear said:

GrowlTowel said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

Didn't this already happen before? I seem to remember the IRS being used in this manner by the previous administration. Certainly we can now all agree that the FBI was used to spy on his political rival.

I don't remember the outrage from you but I could have missed it. Those were BF days.
It's different when a Democrat does it.

Again. Deflecting.
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Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
D. C. Bear
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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

GrowlTowel said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

Didn't this already happen before? I seem to remember the IRS being used in this manner by the previous administration. Certainly we can now all agree that the FBI was used to spy on his political rival.

I don't remember the outrage from you but I could have missed it. Those were BF days.
It's different when a Democrat does it.

Again. Deflecting.
No. Observing.
I am not a Trump fan. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him next time.
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Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
There's actually NO recordings of the phone call. Zero.

They don't record them for security purposes. It's been this way for a long time.

There are about a dozen people listening in on the calls and if you think POTUS did something illegal or damning, you're just being fooled by media and Democrats looking to spin this in order to get your hopes up.


This whole 'whistle blower' fantasy will soon be added to the list of discarded leftist dreams.....

1. Vote recount
2. Russian collusion
3. Putin's puppy
4. Jerusalem 'mistake'
5. Stormy Daniels ( who was her lawyer again-CNN's hero ? )
6. Poor 'mistreated ' illegals
7. Tump the 'racist'
8. Trump the 'gay hater'.
9. Trump 'forcing' people to use his properties .
10. Whistle blower bull****.

All partisan politics lies.

Only real benefit is to distract the Dem rank and file so they won't notice....

A. Booming economy
B. No major wars

Regardless within 2-3 weeks the Washington Post, CNN or the NYT will fabricate still another end of the world CRISIS....and the same leftist will go nuts .
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pro ecclesia, pro javelina
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Fred Fleitz, president of the Center for Security Policy, served in 2018 as deputy assistant to the president and to the chief of staff of the National Security Council. He previously held national-security jobs with the CIA, the DIA, the Department of State, and the House Intelligence Committee staff. He remarks on the whistleblower complaint.

I am troubled by the complaint and wonder how an intelligence officer could file it over something a president said to a foreign leader. How could this be an intelligence matter?

It appears likely to me that this so-called whistleblower was pursuing a political agenda.

I am very familiar with transcripts of presidential phone calls since I edited and processed dozens of them when I worked for the NSC. I also know a lot about intelligence whistleblowers from my time with the CIA.

My suspicions grew this morning when I saw the declassified whistleblowing complaint. It appears to be written by a law professor and includes legal references and detailed footnotes. It also has an unusual legalistic reference on how this complaint should be classified.

From my experience, such an extremely polished whistleblowing complaint is unheard of. This document looks as if this leaker had outside help, possibly from congressional members or staff.

Moreover, it looks like more than a coincidence that this complaint surfaced and was directed to the House Intelligence Committee just after Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), an outspoken opponent of President Trump, expressed numerous complaints in August 2019 accusing President Trump of abusing aid to Ukraine to hurt Joe Biden. This includes an August 28 tweet that closely resembled the whistleblowing complaint.

House Republicans need to ask the whistleblower under oath whether he spoke to the press or Congress about his complaint.

What we know and don't know about the Trump whistleblower
Also very concerning to me is how the complaint indicates intelligence officers and possibly other federal employees are violating the rules governing presidential phone calls with foreign leaders.

The content and transcripts of these calls are highly restricted. The whistleblower makes clear in his complaint that he did not listen to a call in question, nor did he read the transcript he was told about the call by others. If true, intelligence officers have grossly violated the rules as well as the trust placed on them to protect this sensitive information.

I refuse to believe that the leaking, timing and presentation of this complaint is coincidence. I don't think the American people will buy this either.

I'm more worried, however, that this latest instance of blatant politicization of intelligence by Trump haters will do long term damage to the relationship between the intelligence community and US presidents for many years to come.
pro ecclesia, pro javelina
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Just another Cinque TDS thread

Trump was cornering a criminal Biden and his son and all the other criminals, left and right, shoot the messenger, again, to save their own asses

DC runs on drug war rules!

Snitches get stitches, or death!

^^^ Facts
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D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

GrowlTowel said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

Didn't this already happen before? I seem to remember the IRS being used in this manner by the previous administration. Certainly we can now all agree that the FBI was used to spy on his political rival.

I don't remember the outrage from you but I could have missed it. Those were BF days.
It's different when a Democrat does it.

Again. Deflecting.
No. Observing.
I am not a Trump fan. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him next time.

You don't have to be a fan to deflect.

You're talking about Clinton when it's our President who has been caught red-handed asking another country to help him with an election.

He's just bad at being President.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
What are you talking about?
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BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.

I'm sure you think he was serious


Do you feel the same about Clintons?
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Canada2017 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
There's actually NO recordings of the phone call. Zero.

They don't record them for security purposes. It's been this way for a long time.

There are about a dozen people listening in on the calls and if you think POTUS did something illegal or damning, you're just being fooled by media and Democrats looking to spin this in order to get your hopes up.


This whole 'whistle blower' fantasy will soon be added to the list of discarded leftist dreams.....

1. Vote recount
2. Russian collusion
3. Putin's puppy
4. Jerusalem 'mistake'
5. Stormy Daniels ( who was her lawyer again-CNN's hero ? )
6. Poor 'mistreated ' illegals
7. Tump the 'racist'
8. Trump the 'gay hater'.
9. Trump 'forcing' people to use his properties .
10. Whistle blower bull****.

All partisan politics lies.

Only real benefit is to distract the Dem rank and file so they won't notice....

A. Booming economy
B. No major wars

Regardless within 2-3 weeks the Washington Post, CNN or the NYT will fabricate still another end of the world CRISIS....and the same leftist will go nuts .

Nukes of hurricanes.

No wall.

Disaster with North Korea.

Disaster with Iran.

Economy? He's bee attacking his own fed chair because he knows growth is slowing.

The yield curve is inverted.

Oh, and he's spent twice the auto bailout on a FAILED trade war with China.

And now this.

He sucks. He's incompetent. He keeps hiring only the worst people and everyone is turning on him.

Because he sucks.
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Just another crime he committed today.
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Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
What are you talking about?

He just called the whistleblower a spy and said "you know what we should do to spies, right?"
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BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
There's actually NO recordings of the phone call. Zero.

They don't record them for security purposes. It's been this way for a long time.

There are about a dozen people listening in on the calls and if you think POTUS did something illegal or damning, you're just being fooled by media and Democrats looking to spin this in order to get your hopes up.


This whole 'whistle blower' fantasy will soon be added to the list of discarded leftist dreams.....

1. Vote recount
2. Russian collusion
3. Putin's puppy
4. Jerusalem 'mistake'
5. Stormy Daniels ( who was her lawyer again-CNN's hero ? )
6. Poor 'mistreated ' illegals
7. Tump the 'racist'
8. Trump the 'gay hater'.
9. Trump 'forcing' people to use his properties .
10. Whistle blower bull****.

All partisan politics lies.

Only real benefit is to distract the Dem rank and file so they won't notice....

A. Booming economy
B. No major wars

Regardless within 2-3 weeks the Washington Post, CNN or the NYT will fabricate still another end of the world CRISIS....and the same leftist will go nuts .

Nukes of hurricanes.

No wall.

Disaster with North Korea.

Disaster with Iran.

Economy? He's bee attacking his own fed chair because he knows growth is slowing.

The yield curve is inverted.

Oh, and he's spent twice the auto bailout on a FAILED trade war with China.

And now this.

He sucks. He's incompetent. He keeps hiring only the worst people and everyone is turning on him.

Because he sucks.

Tell your wife to put a muzzle on her biotche please
D. C. Bear
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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

GrowlTowel said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

Didn't this already happen before? I seem to remember the IRS being used in this manner by the previous administration. Certainly we can now all agree that the FBI was used to spy on his political rival.

I don't remember the outrage from you but I could have missed it. Those were BF days.
It's different when a Democrat does it.

Again. Deflecting.
No. Observing.
I am not a Trump fan. Didn't vote for him before, won't vote for him next time.

You don't have to be a fan to deflect.

You're talking about Clinton when it's our President who has been caught red-handed asking another country to help him with an election.

He's just bad at being President.
A significant number of people don't like the status quo one bit and are glad to see him bust things up a little. To them, he's quite good at "being president."

Mine is simply an observation that extreme partisans will howl like wolves against the outrageous! illegal!! immoral!!! IMPEACHABLE!!!! conduct of their opponents but will defend their guy (or gal) until the last dog dies when the same kind of crap comes up. The left is as deranged about Trump as the right was about Bill Clinton, right down to the idiocy of saying he was going to refuse to leave office after his second term.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Canada2017 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

Jinx 2 said:

Doc Holliday said:

You mean the same guy who has beaten all records on campaign fundraising the moment Democrats started talking about impeachment...?

Rebpulicans and the right wing media will be talking a whole lot about Democrats after they haven't uttered a peep about Trump's funnelling governing business to his hotels and all other manners of corruption that characterized his campaign AND his presidency.

They're trying to distract from a POTUS so stupid he's self-destructing before your eyes.

We'll see how soon the rats start leaving the burning ship. Ted Cruz is one to watch. He's very calculating. He'll stick with Trump as long as he thinks Trump may survive and then totally turn on him as soon as he realizes Trump's a goner.

Fake News Jinx.
The whistlebrlower complaint is not fake news. There are recordings of those phone calls. This may finally be an incident where Trump and his supporters--the guys walking along behind the circus elephant with the buckets and shovels--can't erase the evidence of their boss's corruption fast enough to create plausible deniability.

But, whatever happens, you won't believe it, becasue you buy into the Trump inerrancy doctrine. I'm putting you on ignore, because you won't have anything enlightening to say on this topic--just regurgitated Republican talking points (like the ones Trump's White House staff mistakenly sent to Democrats yesterday--bwa-ha-ha)).

So long, Doc.
There's actually NO recordings of the phone call. Zero.

They don't record them for security purposes. It's been this way for a long time.

There are about a dozen people listening in on the calls and if you think POTUS did something illegal or damning, you're just being fooled by media and Democrats looking to spin this in order to get your hopes up.


This whole 'whistle blower' fantasy will soon be added to the list of discarded leftist dreams.....

1. Vote recount
2. Russian collusion
3. Putin's puppy
4. Jerusalem 'mistake'
5. Stormy Daniels ( who was her lawyer again-CNN's hero ? )
6. Poor 'mistreated ' illegals
7. Tump the 'racist'
8. Trump the 'gay hater'.
9. Trump 'forcing' people to use his properties .
10. Whistle blower bull****.

All partisan politics lies.

Only real benefit is to distract the Dem rank and file so they won't notice....

A. Booming economy
B. No major wars

Regardless within 2-3 weeks the Washington Post, CNN or the NYT will fabricate still another end of the world CRISIS....and the same leftist will go nuts .

Nukes of hurricanes.

No wall.

Disaster with North Korea.

Disaster with Iran.

Economy? He's bee attacking his own fed chair because he knows growth is slowing.

The yield curve is inverted.

Oh, and he's spent twice the auto bailout on a FAILED trade war with China.

And now this.

He sucks. He's incompetent. He keeps hiring only the worst people and everyone is turning on him.

Because he sucks.


Booming economy
Record employment for minorities
Flattened ISIS
Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem ( as had been promised for decades )
Forced NATO allies to increase their $$$ contributions
Aided Christian Churches throughout the country
Enforced EXISTING immigration laws despite Dem opposition.
Increased military spending
Nominated conservative federal judges
Prison reform
Terminated the Paris Accord
Border Wall construction ongoing despite Dem opposition

But you say he 'sucks' bring on Bernie !

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BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
What are you talking about?

He just called the whistleblower a spy and said "you know what we should do to spies, right?"
repost when whistleblower is executed
How long do you want to ignore this user?
BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
oh boy!


Prepare your corn, citoyens!!


pro ecclesia, pro javelina
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BrooksBearLives said:

D. C. Bear said:

GrowlTowel said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

Didn't this already happen before? I seem to remember the IRS being used in this manner by the previous administration. Certainly we can now all agree that the FBI was used to spy on his political rival.

I don't remember the outrage from you but I could have missed it. Those were BF days.
It's different when a Democrat does it.

Again. Deflecting.

I don't think this is deflecting...a ton of Ukraine docs. I've read John Solomon's reporting, but I haven't compared to the docs.
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william said:

oh boy!


Prepare your corn, citoyens!!



No matter what happens to anyone else.....Hillary is immune.
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Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
What are you talking about?

He just called the whistleblower a spy and said "you know what we should do to spies, right?"
repost when whistleblower is executed

That's your standard?

Let me know how Obama converted us all to sharia law.

Or Trump's caravan takes over.

Or North Korea drops its nuclear program.

You're detached from reality.

Trump threatens the life of a cia officer, trashes his own intelligence officers, trashes the FBI, ****s on troops and their parents.

And you're so happy to look the other way.

You're broken.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
ABC BEAR said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?

BBL is just angry w Trump because Trump eliminated BBL's worthless Title 9 stint

He forced BBL to go find a real job, but BBL is unemployable like most lefties and went back to school to hide from the real world

His wife is peeist so BBL just blames Trump for his inadequacies

Kid is wasted space
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ABC BEAR said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?
Perhaps some of the Trumpkins can do this as part of their court-ordered community service.
Gunter gleiben glauchen globen
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fubar said:

ABC BEAR said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?
Perhaps some of the Trumpkins can do this as part of their court-ordered community service.

I will never apologize for voting against Killary or the nuts likely to be the 2020 nominee of the KKK party.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
GrowlTowel said:

fubar said:

ABC BEAR said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?
Perhaps some of the Trumpkins can do this as part of their court-ordered community service.

I will never apologize for voting against Killary or the nuts likely to be the 2020 nominee of the KKK party.
Keep sending your money!
Gunter gleiben glauchen globen
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fubar said:

GrowlTowel said:

fubar said:

ABC BEAR said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?
Perhaps some of the Trumpkins can do this as part of their court-ordered community service.

I will never apologize for voting against Killary or the nuts likely to be the 2020 nominee of the KKK party.
Keep sending your money!

Absolutely. Western Culture is under assault.
Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
GrowlTowel said:

fubar said:

GrowlTowel said:

fubar said:

ABC BEAR said:

BrooksBearLives said:

He's not playing 3-dimensional chess.

He's a simple rich kid who has failed up his entire life.

He's going to ruin the party on his way out.
When you losers are done with your convention will you please sweep the floor and turn out the lights?
Perhaps some of the Trumpkins can do this as part of their court-ordered community service.

I will never apologize for voting against Killary or the nuts likely to be the 2020 nominee of the KKK party.
Keep sending your money!

Absolutely. Western Culture is under assault.

"Western culture..."

Cowboy boots will always be in style, big guy.
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BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

BrooksBearLives said:

Osodecentx said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Jinx 2 said:

D. C. Bear said:

Some of y'all remind me of Republicans prematurely celebrating Clinton's demise back in the 90s. I didn't like what Clinton did and thought he should have resigned when it was clearly shown that he lied under oath, but I never really understood the visceral hate of the man some seemed to have. Nevertheless, impeachment is a political process, as Democrats at the time taught us, and it remains so today. If the Senate doesn't have the needed votes, House Democrats can make all the noise they want, and could very easily overplay their hand as Republicans did before them.
Clinton was impeached for lying about a stupid affair. He was impeached by the House and acquitted by the Senate. He should have apologized, not resigned.

Trump has committeed as much, if not more, sexual misconduct as Clinton. I haven't heard a single Republican in a position of power other than Mitt Romney saying that disqualified HIM for office.

If Trump is impeached, it will be for trying to use the power of the federal government's purse to punish his political enemies.

But, given the same outcome but much more serious charges that reflect an egregious disregard by Trump for the separationo of his role and responsibilities as president, for the rule of law, and for democracy and due process, how many Republicans do you think will call for HIS resignation. The only hope then will be that people will be disgusted enough by the blatant power grab and the corrupt behavior they won't vote for Trump.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.

Democrats taught us that sexual misconduct, lying about it under oath to a federal judge, and, evidence would suggest, trying to get others to lie under oath, is not sufficient to remove a president from office if he will appoint the "right kind" of Supreme Court justices. Trump can apologize if he wants, or he can wag his finger and say none of his sexual misconduct ever happened, and we should not expect Republicans to stop supporting him. Democrats already taught us that.

If Trump is impeached, it will be because his political enemies think they can gain political advantage by doing so.
If Trump is impeached, make no mistake about it, it will be because of his own misonduct.
He just should not have won in 2016

That's enough to impeach

If threatening the life of a whistleblower isn't impeachable, then literally nothing is.
What are you talking about?

He just called the whistleblower a spy and said "you know what we should do to spies, right?"
repost when whistleblower is executed

That's your standard?

Let me know how Obama converted us all to sharia law.

Or Trump's caravan takes over.

Or North Korea drops its nuclear program.

You're detached from reality.

Trump threatens the life of a cia officer, trashes his own intelligence officers, trashes the FBI, ****s on troops and their parents.

And you're so happy to look the other way.

You're broken.
How are things in Hysteristan? You left out the Iranian ground war and Trump's concentration camps
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