This is just a new thread to give her her propers. She's done a fantastic job, and as Lady Aretha would say, (R-E-S-P-E-C-T!).
The middle of the pack guy is persistent on all these boards. He'll come back as soon as we lose a game. He thrives on Baylor failure. He lives for it. And I don't think it is just 1 poster. Of course, posters can create new names, but go back a few years when we were dealing with a really screwed up roster both in depth and class distribution. You heard several with their comments.....junior high team, coach only looking for a paycheck, and the like completely clueless or ignoring the behind the curtain reality of what we were left with and what historically happens to teams losing their elite coach.IowaBear said:
That's 1 poster. And I'm not sure he's even posted since he was corrected? Could be wrong on that
I wish we lived close to Waco. We would try to be at every WBB game. I think it would be really interesting if we could find out from everyone who used to go that no longer does, the reason.IowaBear said:
Attendance is interesting because I really thought downsizing would help both programs. It's really only helped the men's. But I fully expected the Foster to give the girls a true HC advantage and that hasn't played out yet.
I'm not sure we can blame it on ticket prices either. I looked last night before tip on stubhub and there were hundred and hundred of seats available under $15.00 available. And the photo posted by I believe Geewego minutes after tip was pathetic. Looked like maybe 2k there.
You caught me. This is my reason.blackie said:I am dead.
- They screwed Briles. I don't support Baylor anymore.
- I don't like the parking, and miss the Ferrell.
"Misogyny" seems like an awfully strong word to use to make an otherwise great point. Misogyny, by definition, is the HATRED of women. A better word might have been sexism, but I think the best term is simple bias. Yes, men are biased toward men's sports and biased against women's sports. But that doesn't explain the dramatic drop off in female attendance in addition to male attendance for our women's team.ctxbear said:
Some of this, I think, is rooted in misogyny. Men's teams draw folks who love a good game and who tolerate losses from otherwise excellent programs. (Case in point: Our men's team has almost twice as many losses this season as the women's team, yet hasn't seen near the drop-off in attendance.) Women have to overcome so much disinterest in their game that the only way they can do so is by dominating, game-in and game-out.
That is a fair critique of my use of the word.Onward Go said:"Misogyny" seems like an awfully strong word to use to make an otherwise great point. Misogyny, by definition, is the HATRED of women. A better word might have been sexism, but I think the best term is simple bias. Yes, men are biased toward men's sports and biased against women's sports. But that doesn't explain the dramatic drop off in female attendance in addition to male attendance for our women's team.ctxbear said:
Some of this, I think, is rooted in misogyny. Men's teams draw folks who love a good game and who tolerate losses from otherwise excellent programs. (Case in point: Our men's team has almost twice as many losses this season as the women's team, yet hasn't seen near the drop-off in attendance.) Women have to overcome so much disinterest in their game that the only way they can do so is by dominating, game-in and game-out.
I think the simple explanation is that elite programs draw big crowds. The top five to six ranked women's teams in the nation year in and year out are just a level above the rest of the pack. I love our team; I still watch all the games, but we are no longer in the elite top tier. But if we keep playing like we did last night, hopefully that will change. My hope is that CNC can get us back to a consistently top 5 program.
blackie said:I wish we lived close to Waco. We would try to be at every WBB game. I think it would be really interesting if we could find out from everyone who used to go that no longer does, the reason.IowaBear said:
Attendance is interesting because I really thought downsizing would help both programs. It's really only helped the men's. But I fully expected the Foster to give the girls a true HC advantage and that hasn't played out yet.
I'm not sure we can blame it on ticket prices either. I looked last night before tip on stubhub and there were hundred and hundred of seats available under $15.00 available. And the photo posted by I believe Geewego minutes after tip was pathetic. Looked like maybe 2k there.
I can throw out some of those reasons, mostly excuses, you might hear. Please note that some in the list below are what you would be told, not necessarily standing up to fact.
- I came because I liked KM and if she isn't there, I don't care because I really don't like sports.
- My family situation has changed such that going to games is either too expensive, the time conflicts don't allow going or I went because my kids wanted to go and they have grown up.
- The team doesn't win enough.
- I am dead.
- My health has declined to the point I can't get out.
- I moved away.
- I don't like Mack Rhoades so I don't want to support Baylor athletics.
- The coach doesn't know what she is doing.
- It is easier to watch the game on streaming devices or TV from home.
- They don't deserve my support because they haven't earned it.
- We don't play any games worth paying to watch.
- They play like a junior-high team.
- We don't have highly recruited players whose names I recognize.
- KM is at LSU. I had rather follow her there.
- KM is no longer at Baylor and she is the only coach that can have success at Baylor.
- Baylor didn't bring in my choice as coach as KM's replacement.
- Baylor only wanted to go cheap.
- Baylor only wants to be mediocre and not be a big-time program in anything (this is for the middle of the pack guy)
- It is just the way of the world now. NIL and the portal has killed it for me.
That list is pretty long but I suspect covers most of it. Most of them are BS if what you care about is the WBB team and program versus all the BS around administration and politics.
I would like to hear of others someone may think of that I haven't listed.
I think for a lot of us it is not a case of not wanting to go or trying to find an excuse to not go, but being physically able to go. And yes, we know the fanbase during the late Mulkey years was heavily the older folks. I miss going to the games (just like I miss a lot of other trips that we took when we were younger).IowaBear said:
I wonder if age is a factor. Always felt like a good chunk of those who attended when Mulkey was here were older. Perhaps that portion of the fanbase has gotten to the age where attending just isn't as feasible anymore? Distance I'm sure also plays a role. Reading these boards over the years it seems apparent a good chunk of the fanbase lives outside of Waco. Regardless it would be nice to have a larger portion of the fanbase in attendance. That said it would be hypocritical of me to complain. I've yet to make it to a home game. I do get to the game at ISU and the KSU and KU games on a regular basis
I appreciate your observations.bawitdaball said:
I think CNC is having a solid year. I also think we should have won last night by about 16-18. My main frustration is with the discipline of the players. We have way more talent that many teams, but I think we have a tendency to often to play to their level and have, at times, struggled to put away inferior teams. I think we are much better than WV. I think that was proven last night, but could have been a statement win had we pushed the needle a bit.
As far as future potential, I do think that CNC looks more towards the development of her players for the next level than Mulkey ever did. I've mentioned it time and time again. Mulkey's WNBA successes have been few and far between. The college and pro game are different. Our current and former coach more than showcase that difference. Even Mulkey at LSU. Sure Reese has so far had a successful single season at the next level. But she is more popular than good, with the majority of her rebounds coming on her own misses from point blank distance. She never developed an outside shot, and her free throw percentage is not great. If she doesn't improve, she'll quickly learn that others are developing and extending their game outside of the social media posts that garner so much attention.
But yes. I think we should be 10-1 and in sole possession of first place. The OKState game we weren't going to win. I don't think we were prepared and they caught us on an off night. I think we could and should have won the TCU game. Got behind too much too early and ran out of time with the comeback. I am still concerned with in game decisions and halftime changes to thwart the opponent. But I also think that Baylor has done better year over year, and hopefully she is still finding her way. Still waiting on a power player to sign out of high school. And I wish she would develop some plays to get the post involved when we start missing from long range. But all in all, the team has adapted and is peaking at the right time. Hopefully Bella can stay hot and we can avoid the injury bug. Time will tell, but maybe we can extend our win streak by another 5 games.
You and I live too far away to know if the things I bolded above are being done. Can someone who lives in the area tell us if these things are being done. I know when I use to be able to drive down and around Waco there were billboards on I35 and giveaways.BearlyBeloved said:
What about the marketing? Putting rear ends in seats is a marketing issue.
Free ticket giveaways (including having season ticket holders make donations of quality seats)?
On-campus banners/displays?
Pre-game freebies (including meals, whether it's pizza, tacos, Gut-Packs or whatever)?
Get buy-in from local broadcasters to make frequent references to getting out and cheering our fine WBB team?
How do our MBB and WBB marketing efforts compare? How do we address that?
Finally, can we build a cult following around CNC??
Mulkey was (and remains) a legendary WBB figure, going back to her playing days. That led to a cult that surrounds her and which travels with her. That cannot be replicated, but the more that is done to personify CNC and promote her in the community (and the state), then the better it will be for our WBB.
That includes the visual image: Do not try to mimic Mulkey's stylish and varied wardrobe (or histrionics), but CNC might adopt a singular style that is personal to her--maybe always wearing a gold top with green slacks, or whatever works for her and can become iconic.
Billboards?blackie said:You and I live too far away to know if the things I bolded above are being done. Can someone who lives in the area tell us if these things are being done. I know when I use to be able to drive down and around Waco there were billboards on I35 and giveaways.BearlyBeloved said:
What about the marketing? Putting rear ends in seats is a marketing issue.
Free ticket giveaways (including having season ticket holders make donations of quality seats)?
On-campus banners/displays?
Pre-game freebies (including meals, whether it's pizza, tacos, Gut-Packs or whatever)?
Get buy-in from local broadcasters to make frequent references to getting out and cheering our fine WBB team?
I think this is an absolutely wonderful idea. Does anyone have an "in" with Baylor that could push this or how us fans could cause it to happen. Once again, absolutely wonderful idea.ctxbear said:blackie said:You and I live too far away to know if the things I bolded above are being done. Can someone who lives in the area tell us if these things are being done. I know when I use to be able to drive down and around Waco there were billboards on I35 and giveaways.BearlyBeloved said:
What about the marketing? Putting rear ends in seats is a marketing issue.
Free ticket giveaways (including having season ticket holders make donations of quality seats)?
On-campus banners/displays?
Pre-game freebies (including meals, whether it's pizza, tacos, Gut-Packs or whatever)?
Get buy-in from local broadcasters to make frequent references to getting out and cheering our fine WBB team?
Honestly, there's one thing I think would work that has been done before in previous seasons, but I'm not sure how much it's been done this season: Get Scott Drew to help promote the women's game. I think he's one of the only local personalities that could effectively use his influence.
Ask Davion to give you a break?85bear said:
what do you do to manufacture points on an off night.