How many of you agree with this Christian Republican?

2,536 Views | 41 Replies | Last: 6 yr ago by Moondoggie
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Is he saying what other decent Republicans are afraid to say?

To my fellow Republicans: We cannot allow Donald Trump to redefine the Republican Party. That is what he is doing, as long as we give the impression by our silence that his words are our words and his actions are our actions. We cannot allow that impression to go unchallenged.

As has been true since our beginning, we Republicans are the party of Lincoln, the party of the Union. We believe in our founding principle. We are proud of our illustrious history. We believe that we are an essential part of present-day American politics. Our country needs a responsibly conservative party. But our party has been corrupted by this hateful man, and it is now in peril

Make Racism Wrong Again
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I do
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Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
"This is not an institution of football."
-- Dr. David Garland
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80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
Trump is also completely out of touch. His focus is mainly on himself and to the extent it's not, it's on his family. He craves adulation. Government service is not a career for people who want praise, as all of his predecessors--who faced criticism for every decision they made, good or bad, and--in Obama's case, a withering onslaught of people who claimed he wasn't an American citizen to undermine his presidential authority--illustrate.
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80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
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cinque said:

Is he saying what other decent Republicans are afraid to say?

Trump may not be a traditional 'Republican', but so far he has proven to be a pretty good American.

The Dems long ago surrendered to being the party of socialism, sharia, and sodomy,

If the Republicans want to be the party of open borders and outsourcing, the voters will cast them aside as well.

Danforth is wrong,
Doc Holliday
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People oppose both Republicans and Democrats.

Me being one of them.

The Swamp is both parties and the only way to make America great again is to essentially get rid of establishment politicians.
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People oppose both Republicans and Democrats.

Me being one of them.

The Swamp is both parties and the only way to make America great again is to essentially get rid of establishment politicians.
You're a Trump supporter.

Trump is currently the leader of the Republican Party. The Republicans are stuck with him as their standard bearer, and he's stuck with them as his party. So if you oppose Republicans, you're opposing Trump.

Whether Trumpe acknowledges it or not--and right now, he doesn't--he depends on establishment politicians to achieve his agenda.

The president needs congress to pass a budget, declare war, pass health reform (which they haven't) and send him legislation. He can't do everything by executive order; that's not the way our system of government works.

What do you envision happening to achieve the Trump agenda? A military coup?

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If by "out of touch" you mean refusal to appeal to our nation's racist cultural then yes both GOP and Dems out of touch.
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Waco1947 said:

If by "out of touch" you mean refusal to appeal to our nation's racist cultural then yes both GOP and Dems out of touch.
You embarrass me. You embarrass all of us. The American people are inherently good. As a preacherman, I feel sorry for you that you are filled with so much hate. You set a piss poor example for others to follow. I am not a religious man, but even I will pray for you.
Buddha Bear
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blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.

Well said, great post. I think more Americans feel this way than not, even if they do have different views.
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80sBEAR said:

Waco1947 said:

If by "out of touch" you mean refusal to appeal to our nation's racist cultural then yes both GOP and Dems out of touch.
You embarrass me. You embarrass all of us. The American people are inherently good. As a preacherman, I feel sorry for you that you are filled with so much hate. You set a piss poor example for others to follow. I am not a religious man, but even I will pray for you.

Do you have a reading problem?? Because he said the same thing you did. The American people are good and that most Democrats and Republicans are good and do not try to appeal to racism. You are the one who let your hate cloud your understanding of what someone actually said.
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PartyBear said:

80sBEAR said:

Waco1947 said:

If by "out of touch" you mean refusal to appeal to our nation's racist cultural then yes both GOP and Dems out of touch.
You embarrass me. You embarrass all of us. The American people are inherently good. As a preacherman, I feel sorry for you that you are filled with so much hate. You set a piss poor example for others to follow. I am not a religious man, but even I will pray for you.

Do you have a reading problem?? Because he said the same thing you did. The American people are good and that most Democrats and Republicans are good and do not try to appeal to racism. You are the one who let your hate cloud your understanding of what someone actually said.
America does not have a "racist culture." It saddens me that people like you and Waco1947 think so little of the majority of the people of our great nation. Hope you survive the next 3.2 years. Trump Derangement Syndrome has reached Stage 4 with you.
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Dude America isn't racist. The American people are good people. We are the shining light of the world. People in both parties are good folks. I'm sorry it disturbs you so to see someone say this. You are the one with a deranged perspective actually.
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blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?
Make Racism Wrong Again
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cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
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PartyBear said:

Dude America isn't racist. The American people are good people. We are the shining light of the world. People in both parties are good folks. I'm sorry it disturbs you so to see someone say this. You are the one with a deranged perspective actually.

Did you not repeat what I said? Please tell me exactly why my perspective is deranged if you would be so kind.
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80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.

You probably should advise Trump to that the election was over 10 months ago and to step up and govern. As rather than govern, he has acted like the election is in couple days and that he even has specific opponent on the ballot-- either Clinton or Obama. Neither will be running in 20 even assuming Trump is still able to and oddly both are more popular than he is.

What I have said here is that the Americans are good people both Republicans and Democrats. I'll add that Americans are good hard working people who deserve to be citizens of a Unitied States that is the leader of the world. Who deserve the free and open society in which we live and the Pax Americana around the globe that has existed since WWII. We are the shining light of hope and the example to all around the globe who want to be free in a Western Democracy. We have an obligation to pass this on to our children and descendants.
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PartyBear said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.

You probably should advise Trump to that the election was over 10 months ago and to step up and govern. As rather than govern, he has acted like the election is in couple days and that he even has specific opponent on the ballot-- either Clinton or Obama. Neither will be running in 20 even assuming Trump is still able to and oddly both are more popular than he is.

What I have said here is that the Americans are good people both Republicans and Democrats. I'll add that Americans are good hard working people who deserve to be citizens of a Unitied States that is the leader of the world. Who deserve the free and open society in which we live and the Pax Americana around the globe that has existed since WWII. We are the shining light of hope and the example to all around the globe who want to be free in a Western Democracy. We have an obligation to pass this on to our children and descendants.

Kinda sounds like you and I agree on a whole lot more than we disagree.
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cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?
Not really either way. The writer was speaking to Christian Republicans. I'm a Christian, but neither a Dem nor a Rep. Have never been a member of either nor contributed a penny to either. Doesn't do anything to my day regardless about what anybody says about either of them, and how they talk to themselves isn't my business.
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80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Make Racism Wrong Again
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cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
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boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
Make Racism Wrong Again
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cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
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boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.
Make Racism Wrong Again
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cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.
With you? Nah.
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cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
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Florda_mike said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
Is this a serious post?
This place is toxic. Unsubscribing

-Bono/Chitwood/Norman Dale/Sunny Ortiz/John Galt/and soon to be The Toxic Avenger
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DioNoZeus said:

Florda_mike said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
Is this a serious post?

Nobody here knows he's competent or incompetent

He's most likely getting as much done to help working Americans as possible but you'll NEVER EVER read about any of it in our lib media and that's the plan

Slander him and get as many gullible people, like yourself, to believe what they read

Point is you nor I have a clue what he does each day and how it's obstructed by democrats, establishment republicans and media whom all wish him to fail even more than yourself!
Ludwig von Missi
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It is humorous to me that a billionaire, who was born into a wealthy family, has convinced people he has a clue about fighting for regular joes. Trump has spent his entire life as a crony capitalist...why should I expect that to change?
The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design. To the naive mind that can conceive of order only as the product of deliberate arrangement, it may seem absurd that in complex conditions order, and adaptation to the unknown, can be achieved more effectively by decentralizing decisions and that a division of authority will actually extend the possibility of overall order.

-F.A. Hayek
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Florda_mike said:

DioNoZeus said:

Florda_mike said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
Is this a serious post?

Nobody here knows he's competent or incompetent

He's most likely getting as much done to help working Americans as possible but you'll NEVER EVER read about any of it in our lib media and that's the plan

Slander him and get as many gullible people, like yourself, to believe what they read

Point is you nor I have a clue what he does each day and how it's obstructed by democrats, establishment republicans and media whom all wish him to fail even more than yourself!
This post is some of the worst fan fiction I've ever read and is completely divorced from reality. Let's do a case study of just one hot-topic issue.

Despite being a colossally poor piece of legislation that faced obstruction by Republicans, opposition from voters, and wavering support by members of his own party, Obama, with help from Reid and Pelosi was able to push through Obamacare. Despite it becoming even less popular over time and being a galvanizing issue for Trump during the election, he didn't bother to learn even a little about the issue to address it competently with the voters he represents and to whom he promised to repeal the law. Your "deal maker" certainly couldn't be bothered to meet with rogue members of his own majority party to get them to fall in line with what he wanted like Obama did. All he could do was issue a couple of ill-advised tweets condemning the leadership of his own party for failure, which seems to be the modus opperandi of his presidency thus far.

And before you characterize me as an MSNBC worshipping libtard, I'm a libertarian who generally votes Republican.
This place is toxic. Unsubscribing

-Bono/Chitwood/Norman Dale/Sunny Ortiz/John Galt/and soon to be The Toxic Avenger
How long do you want to ignore this user?
DioNoZeus said:

Florda_mike said:

DioNoZeus said:

Florda_mike said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
Is this a serious post?

Nobody here knows he's competent or incompetent

He's most likely getting as much done to help working Americans as possible but you'll NEVER EVER read about any of it in our lib media and that's the plan

Slander him and get as many gullible people, like yourself, to believe what they read

Point is you nor I have a clue what he does each day and how it's obstructed by democrats, establishment republicans and media whom all wish him to fail even more than yourself!
This post is some of the worst fan fiction I've ever read and is completely divorced from reality. Let's do a case study of just one hot-topic issue.

Despite being a colossally poor piece of legislation that faced obstruction by Republicans, opposition from voters, and wavering support by members of his own party, Obama, with help from Reid and Pelosi was able to push through Obamacare. Despite it becoming even less popular over time and being a galvanizing issue for Trump during the election, he didn't bother to learn even a little about the issue to address it competently with the voters he represents and to whom he promised to repeal the law. Your "deal maker" certainly couldn't be bothered to meet with rogue members of his own majority party to get them to fall in line with what he wanted like Obama did. All he could do was issue a couple of ill-advised tweets condemning the leadership of his own party for failure, which seems to be the modus opperandi of his presidency thus far.

And before you characterize me as an MSNBC worshipping libtard, I'm a libertarian who generally votes Republican.

Blah blah blah

Criticize a republican president that saved us from a socialist Hillary, then as usual they always say they vote republican. Gotta mention that lie to give themselves legitimacy

Gimme a break

Try this, is there a chance his own party is against him because they're establishment republicans and govern as democrats? Or .... perhaps they don't want an outsider, a businessman that's not a politician to be successful?

Just a thought I'm sure your brilliance his analysed thoroughly?
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Florda_mike said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
Make Racism Wrong Again
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Florda_mike said:

DioNoZeus said:

Florda_mike said:

DioNoZeus said:

Florda_mike said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

boxster said:

cinque said:

80sBEAR said:

cinque said:

blackie said:

80sBEAR said:

Donald Trump is the Republican and Democratic Parties' worst nightmare. Both parties are completely out of touch with mainstream America. Both had better figure this out before 2020.
I don't care for Trump one bit, but I think the above is true. The tactics of both parties are doing nothing but grouping people into identities and further dividing the country. Perhaps there is hope for a really viable third party (or fourth, for that matter). Almost anything would be better than what we have now. One party is dysfunctional and the other calls themselves by a name to which their internal structure and nominating tactics don't reflect.
So, is that a yes?

The answer is NO. Donald Trump is not a nice man. I do not like him. That being said, he is our President and we should support him. If he fails, we all fail. We all stomached 8 years of Barack Obama so I know you can do this. You, PartyBear, and others need to realize the election was over 10 months ago and get over it.
Tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice and not well liked?
Perhaps he's good at his job (or at least better than any viable alternative)? Have you ever known a person who has received a bunch of promotions because he was competent at his job in spite of being something of a jerk? Put another way, have you ever promoted someone who was good at his job over someone who was nice and well liked but not as competent?
So, tell me again why anybody should support a man who is not nice, not well liked, and is by all objective standards, incompetent?
I think he's been quite competent in many areas. Feel free to disagree. I'm well aware that people have differing opinions on the matter.
Will you share some of the areas in which he has been quite competent.

Will you share where YOU KNOW FOR SURE he's been incompetent?
Is this a serious post?

Nobody here knows he's competent or incompetent

He's most likely getting as much done to help working Americans as possible but you'll NEVER EVER read about any of it in our lib media and that's the plan

Slander him and get as many gullible people, like yourself, to believe what they read

Point is you nor I have a clue what he does each day and how it's obstructed by democrats, establishment republicans and media whom all wish him to fail even more than yourself!
This post is some of the worst fan fiction I've ever read and is completely divorced from reality. Let's do a case study of just one hot-topic issue.

Despite being a colossally poor piece of legislation that faced obstruction by Republicans, opposition from voters, and wavering support by members of his own party, Obama, with help from Reid and Pelosi was able to push through Obamacare. Despite it becoming even less popular over time and being a galvanizing issue for Trump during the election, he didn't bother to learn even a little about the issue to address it competently with the voters he represents and to whom he promised to repeal the law. Your "deal maker" certainly couldn't be bothered to meet with rogue members of his own majority party to get them to fall in line with what he wanted like Obama did. All he could do was issue a couple of ill-advised tweets condemning the leadership of his own party for failure, which seems to be the modus opperandi of his presidency thus far.

And before you characterize me as an MSNBC worshipping libtard, I'm a libertarian who generally votes Republican.

Blah blah blah
Snappy retort
This place is toxic. Unsubscribing

-Bono/Chitwood/Norman Dale/Sunny Ortiz/John Galt/and soon to be The Toxic Avenger
How long do you want to ignore this user?

Did somebody say incompetent? Where is ISIL? Where is Pockyston?
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