jbbear said:
Fre3dombear said:
Johnny Bear said:
Again this should serve as an in your face reminder of what will happen if voters are stupid enough to return majority control of either Congressional chamber to the dims in '26. It will be nothing but impeaching Trump and his associates along with resisting Trump, obstructing Trump, doing the opposite of Trump (regardless of the impact on the country of doing so), stopping Trump, etc.,etc. It doesn't matter whether or not you think Trump's actions are perfect - you're a moron if you think the dims are somehow a better alternative.
Don't let the guy that got triggered again over trump on the other thread. He thinks trump had all 3 branches 2017-2018 so why didn't he implement his agenda? What is trump stupid? Yes he is. Probably the stooooopodest ever.
Seems that guys US AID check is on hold
Those stupid billionaires. Your mentor AOC thinks Elon is the dumbest billionaire ever. Coming from her or you, I would take it as a huge compliment.
That chick always comes off like a teenage girl running for junior class president. Shrill, confrontational, and not even remotely serious.
And wasn't she supposed to be some anti capitalist yet was selling her custom made sweatshirts for like $80 a pop.
Typical liberal….it's always fine for me but not for thee.
Strictly knucklehead material.