Psalm 119:36
Smoaky: An ode to Old BU
I am not a writer, I'm not a columnist, I'm not someone who believes anything I say will or ever has truly made a difference, especially in something like a Commentary form.
But, something struck me on Wednesday in this my 10th year of covering Baylor football and I wasn't thinking about the journey and what I've experienced covering this program, so many high's, so many low's and they are at 7-0 and in the national spotlight on Halloween Night.
I've had this feeling only once before and by that, something that came over me and I just started typing words that eventually became a Eulogy for a young athlete who was killed in a car accident in Tyler.
Of course, that's real life, something tragic, but that feeling of someone helping me type words with ease happened again on Wednesday.
And, so here it is...