Charlie Brewer is flying below the radar and Baylor fans should love it
Sometimes it surprises me that there is very little buzz around Charlie Brewer outside of Waco. He’s a four-year starter that has some pretty impressive wins under his belt, including several late-game comebacks and most is the only starting quarterback returning who played in the Big 12 Championship game last December.
Most of the time there is chatter that surrounds a guy like that, but “Chuck” doesn’t get the publicity that a lot of QBs that are in similar spots do. I could venture several guesses as to why including the fact that he’s not a high-level NFL prospect and those are usually the QBs that make people excited.
In fact, given his size and arm strength, most NFL people won’t and don’t buzz about him right now. That’s part of it. We are an NFL obsessed nation and many times as fans we let that determine which college players to get excited about.

Said bluntly, he is kind of boring. He’s definitely not flashy. His interviews are very straight forward and he doesn’t have a big personality that is polarizing.
It’s easy to forget, however, that boring is good. Boring is valuable. Boring is a weapon. The San Antonio Spurs raised boring to an art form. He works in that same milieu.
But he’s a damn good QB and has been since high school. At Lake Travis he was the kind of player that gave teams false confidence. He’s not super big. He’s not super fast. His arm is not super strong.
He was annoying all the way to setting national records and winning a state championship.
The third-and-13 drop back in coverage and run for 15 yards kind of annoying. He just went and got first downs all the time and he was suddenly crushing your team. It wasn’t the 50-yard scrambles or the 75-yard bombs. It was 15 and 25 all the time, converting third downs, and flying under the radar then too.
Baylor fans should love this about him. People know he’s good and people know he can win games. But he's not Sam Ehlinger. He’s not Justin Fields. So he just fades into the background.
A lack of buzz is often annoying to fans. In this case, it’s good. Let people forget about Chuck. Most of the time, that scrapper will make the other team remember. Oklahoma State will never forget that last-second comeback in 2018 and TCU will kick themselves for a long time for not pulling off the upset in 2019.
Other fan bases forget about your No. 1. The national media mostly only mentions him at the end of their thoughts. So Embrace the boring. It can be very liberating. Your QB is good. And for some reason, people will doubt him.
It won’t matter.