NoBSU said:
You can pick your friends.
You can pick your nose.
You can't pick your family.
Add to the list, you can't pick your family's bison's nose.
And I'm with Limited in asking why.
On another note, three weeks after a brown recluse bite my wife has only a slight bruise the size of a dime. Two antibiotics and an activated charcoal poultice. Yes, I think it pulled out the toxins, infection, and venom.
pretty wild!
Been bit several times by those llittle guys. Still have reminders in three of the places, Your gal is very lucky!
The bison reminded me of one of our cows at Uncle Hermans ranch, Her nickname (the only one he would allow as he had long term plans) was Hamburger. She woukd come to the fence, and nuzzle you. Give you a good lick. Sometimes it was slimy but could also be like being rubbed with sandpaper. You would give her a good rub on top of her nose and she loved it.
This bison meandered up to me. Not aggressive at all. Actually stuck his nose into my hand so rubbing seemed natural. Reflecting, maybe not..
anyhow, watched him afterwords and got some more shots. He never got aggressive, Didnt bolt. Didnt lower his head, bob it or anything - although my only reference though would be cattle.
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