I started off most of my mornings as far back as I can remember with a morning newspaper and a cup of coffee -probably back to some point in the late '70s. Been a subscriber to the Dallas Morning News that whole time except for a brief period with the Dallas Times Herald when Skip Bayless switched. Regardless of what he has become later in life, I usually enjoyed his writing back in the day. Anyway, I've watched the quality of the writing and the writers decline for a number of years. In addition, I was always a keen editorial reader. The total leftward shift of their board is now complete and I gave up on the editorials a couple of years ago - too much anger inducing content for me. I wanted to cancel a couple of years ago, but my wife was reluctant. To my surprise, she threw in the towel last week and we did not renew. Makes me happy. Weird how little things like that can be so satisfying some times. Still, makes me a little sad thinking of what was...