I don't know which was weirder - a feral hog at about 80 on the toll road near Seguin, or the biggest turkey I've seen, hauling ass across a two-lane on the "scenic route" near Trout Creek, MT.
forza orsi said:
I didn't hit it, but it hit me. A truckload of tombstones, already inscribed and ready for cemetery placement backed over the front of my rental car.
I was staying at a hotel in Italy with it's own small parking lot and when I came back from the day, a truck loaded with tombstones was parked where it blocked the lot. I stopped, got out, and went to look for the driver so I could get in. Meanwhile a woman came running out of a restaurant, ran up to the truck, hopped in, put it in gear, and backed up over the front of my car. As you can guess, the truck was large and heavy and did a number on the front end of the car. I came running over and started asking her (in the politest way possible, as I remember it) how she couldn't see my car there. She said that she saw it, but it wasn't her truck and she didn't have the feel for it and lost control when she put it in gear. I asked why she was doing that if it wasn't her truck and she just said she could see that I wanted it moved and she just wanted to help. I had to fill out a damage form for the rental car in Italian and had a lot of trouble fitting the story into the blocks they gave me on the form.