Photos posted with permission of The Texas Collection.
1880's - Suspension Bridge (completed in 1870) and Downtown

1910 - Building the foundations of the ALICO building with horse drawn wagons

1911 - 'Prosperity Banquet' on South 5th between Austin and Franklin Avenue. At the time, this photo was the largest flash photo event in the world.

1911 - Theodore Roosevelt (after his Presidency) on Clay Avenue

1913 - Waco Aviation School - 10 years after the Orville's first flight

1915 - Waco Police in the Elks Parade

1916 - Saloon in downtown Waco

1916 - Western Union Delivery Boys in Downtown Waco

1880's - Suspension Bridge (completed in 1870) and Downtown

1910 - Building the foundations of the ALICO building with horse drawn wagons

1911 - 'Prosperity Banquet' on South 5th between Austin and Franklin Avenue. At the time, this photo was the largest flash photo event in the world.

1911 - Theodore Roosevelt (after his Presidency) on Clay Avenue

1913 - Waco Aviation School - 10 years after the Orville's first flight

1915 - Waco Police in the Elks Parade

1916 - Saloon in downtown Waco

1916 - Western Union Delivery Boys in Downtown Waco