Or the lane expansion and bridges they're going to make from the loop 340/hwy 6 crossing to bellmead?
I've been unable to ascertain a clear answer on this. In February, TxDOT officials went before the Waco MPO and said that if the MPO would double its current funding for the East Loop 340 project, that the Waco District of TxDOT would push to get the remaining funds for the East Loop 340 project (over $100 million) in the upcoming 2024 UTP. The Waco MPO agreed in principle to do just that, and there was talk at that meeting that the construction contracts would be let by the end of 2025.
Well, the 2024 UTP was finalized and all the talk now is about finishing I-35. I've heard nothing else about East Loop 340. Like the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield, the East Loop 340 project seems perpetually to get no respect, which I attribute to the relative lack of political power and financial interests in the East Waco / Bellmead areas.
Unfortunately, whether or not one has any direct interest in East Waco or Bellmead, completing a functional loop around Waco, (and a smoother transition for regional traffic going to and from Highway 6 to DFW) would offer benefits to folks outside just those two areas.
I apologize for the long answer. It's just that this particular project has been getting placed on the back burner for decades, it seems. In the meantime, East Loop 340 continues to remain predominately 2-lane.