WILLIS said:
Neither park I have seen in that area such as Bell Hills or South Waco Recreation is large at all or has any sort of sizable crushed granite jogging loop. I don't really know of a proper dedicated granite running loop in Waco actually except for sections of the bear trail around BU. I see a couple of extremely short concrete meandering paths made for babies in strollers that no one probably uses. I also see a ball field at bell hills on the map covered in donuts and tire marks from some punks that tore it up. On a site like FCS, you have room to make a really nice LARGE HUB of a city park that easily could have a 1.5-2 mile long loop around it that would attract runners, etc. vs some run down pocket type parks that are scattered about and have crappy facilities.
I really don't know why people (like you cowboy) would be opposed to adding a large park to the city. Are you opposed to public works? I don't see how using that site for retail or residential is far superior to park space? I haven't seen a good argument for anything there that would beat out the long term quality of life a park brings. Maybe a hospital?
Did you go to the link I provided? The park right next to the old FCS site has a practically brand new community center and playground.
The city of Waco does a good job maintaining the parks around town and people generally treat them well. Very few have graffiti for long, they are not full of trash, not full of homeless, etc.
There are plenty of places to jog around town. Sure none of them are 1.5 or 2 miles long or exclusively crushed gravel. But ALL parks have big loops on them. Go to one and you will see people running on them. Or just down the street.
If you want crushed gravel go to cameron park and run along the river for a while, until it turns to dirt in the woods or concrete by the bridges.
So AGAIN, there is ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR ANOTHER PARK 3 BLOCKS AWAY FROM AN EXISTING ONE. Especially not just to add some stupid crushed gravel trail.
I don't see why people (like you jackass willis) want to spend other people's money to build something that already exists and is new.
Since I am defending the existing parks it should be pretty clear I am not against public works. I am against wasteful spending just because one person wants a freaking crushed gravel jogging path (that won't get used) and especially won't get used by the person pushing for it. There is no need to replace any of the existing parks that are in good or great condition with another one just because it would add more fields or have a gravel path.
If you want a gravel path so bad put on in your backyard and spend YOUR money on it.
I haven't said anything about a park not being superior to retail space or residential. I have simply pointed out the realistic, real world FACTS. There is a park 3 blocks away with brand new equipment. No need to replace it just to give some guy a gravel path.