Well sort of... I had never heard of it until today.
But apparently a famous train crash that was deliberate took place near Waco 123 years ago yesterday (Sept 15th) that was the first of it's kind, drew the largest crowd (at the time) in state history, became the deadliest publicity stunt in the nation's history, and made the town have the highest population in TX (for that day).
The stunt was to crash two locomotives with 6 boxcars each into each other at a "town" created just for the event, just outside of West but the boilers blew up after impact and sent debris into the crowd killing two.
But apparently a famous train crash that was deliberate took place near Waco 123 years ago yesterday (Sept 15th) that was the first of it's kind, drew the largest crowd (at the time) in state history, became the deadliest publicity stunt in the nation's history, and made the town have the highest population in TX (for that day).
The stunt was to crash two locomotives with 6 boxcars each into each other at a "town" created just for the event, just outside of West but the boilers blew up after impact and sent debris into the crowd killing two.