Brian Ethridge said:
FrankFallonCalling said:
Brian Ethridge said:
Boernebear said:
Yes, agreed. And the redo of Bridge St parallel to Elm is going to be incredibly nice when complete.
Great things happening and this investment in the infrastructure will lead to more businesses coming in.
I know of one project for Bridge Street I am excited to see happen.
That's the second breadcrumb staff has dropped on this thread.
Arena? SE365 HQ?
The Mary Ave Bridge concept that has been floated would be really cool if the funding came through. If you've been to the Highline in NYC or the 606 in Chicago, you know what I mean.
A guy I know bought some acres over there and it'll be great to see it developed.
Don't think there is room for the arena.
Isn't an area being dedicated to a farmer's market or something like that over there as well?
The farmer's market was on the opposite side of the river and I think is still supposed to move back once that development is finished. There was a (monthly?) little market on Elm for a while, but I think that has tapered off.
EDIT: Looks like Brotherwell is bringing it back. excited to see E Waco on the come-up. As a native to McLennan County who had several recurring obligations on that side of the river, I never would have imagined this.