At one time, Waco was only the second city in the US to allow legalized prostitution. In 1889, Waco was known for higher education and religious institutions. However, efforts to suppress prostitution did not seem to work.
So, the city defined an area between Washington and Jefferson Avenues and Third Street and the Brazos River (an area referred to as The Reservation or Two-Street), as an area where legalized prostitution could take place.
Prostitutes were required to sign The Bawdy House Register and pay a licensing fee every three months. Madams were charged for each room they "rented."
Even though prostitutes were legal, they were not treated well by the local population. When groceries were needed, they traveled in enclosed carriages and were met by shop owners on the street with their products. I guess this was the original curbside service. Children of women in the Bawdy House Register were not allowed to attend public schools. When a local do-gooder established a rescue society to aid prostitutes, he was kicked out of his church.
The city eliminated legalized prostitution around 1917 when the opportunity to gain a nearby military base in support of The Great War was offered.