Wokeism vs. "Semi-Fascism"

7,154 Views | 139 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by TexasScientist
Doc Holliday
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TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
Sam Lowry
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fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
Sam Lowry
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fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
There was always going to be a second impeachment wasn't there? I mean right after the election Democrats were saying that they were going to impeach him....they just needed to create reasons.

Can you imagine if Jared Kushner had acted like Hunter Biden? We'd have another overweight, unattractive women's march.
No, obviously there was not always going to be a second impeachment. Otherwise they wouldn't have waited until a week before he left office.
Harrison Bergeron
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Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****

Pedophile teachers?
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GrowlTowel said:

Osodecentx said:

GrowlTowel said:

Osodecentx said:

TexasScientist said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
Well, when the mainstream media constantly promotes democrats and their agendas the republicans get to see such hate broadcast their way daily. A year of democrat riots and the media supports it. A few hours of rowdy unarmed elderly protestors at the capital and we are still having congressional hearings. We see the double standard, even if you pretend not to.
The injured police officers would challenge your assertion.
The officers aren't disputing the assertion that the media promotes Democrats and their agenda.

Obviously many of the rioters were not elderly and were armed.
Armed with what?
These are just the guns.

Some of the startling revelations of the recent blockbuster Jan. 6 House committee hearing came in snippets of police radio traffic captured during President Donald Trump's rally on the Ellipse and from Trump's purported response to being told there were armed protesters just outside a secured area.

The chatter included reports of a man with an AR-15 in a tree on Constitution Avenue who was accompanied by two men with pistols on their hips. Another officer radioed, "I've got three men walking down the street in fatigues carrying AR-15s, copy, at 14th and Independence."

The recordings aired during the June 28 hearing in which former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson testified that Trump reportedly "was angry that we weren't letting people through the [metal detectors] with weapons."
The full picture of how many among the crowd were armed before the riot occurred is unclear, but court records, trial testimony and accounts from police officers and rioters have supplied growing evidence that multiple people brought firearms to Washington for Jan. 6, 2021. Six men were arrested that day for having guns in the vicinity of the U.S. Capitol, and a seventh who arrived after the riot ended was arrested the following day. Despite some instances in which alerts about people with guns turned out to be false alarms, accounts from police officers and rioters indicate that many firearms were spotted on Jan. 6 but were not seized as law enforcement focused more on defending the Capitol than on arresting gun-law violators.

Some rioters had frozen water bottles they threw at police, some had flag poles used to assault cops, at least threw fire extinguisher, some had pepper spray they used on police.
Interesting. So none of the protesters that entered the Capital were armed? You have repeatedly said it was an armed insurrection. Yet not a single person was charged despite millions spent on capturing these "insurrectionists."

No shame in folding.
indeed. 7 arrests out of 100k people, yet Trump not only KNEW about it, he PLANNED IT!!!! He was IRATE that they were not allowed in. Why, it FOILED HIS INSURRECTION PLOT!!!!! Left the full burden of the assault to the REMFs with ballistic-tipped Antifa ice missile bottles, full metal jacket flag poles, and a single anti-personnel fire extinguisher.

One would think quoting Hutchinson would be the clue that nonsense was to follow, but the TDS is strong in this one, Obi-Wan.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****

Pedophiles teachers?
why, haven't you heard of all those right-winger college deans firing professors for refusing to wear MAGA hats to class? Knuckle dragging union heads revoking membership cards of all their members who refused to drive around with MAGA flags on the backs of their pick up trucks? And dang it, somehow we missed it, but I hear the alphabet media have been firing all the reporters who used the words "Let's Go Brandon" last year. Corporate America is definitely showing the domination of the patriarchy, refusing to acknowledge the accomplishments of real, actual sportswomen like Ms. Jenner and Thomas. Indeed, fear of cancellation from the right is so deep that all the rainbow people are now afraid to change their pronouns in public, I tell ya.

Where are all the liberals who should be standing up against this oppression?
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Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
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Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
Let's be clear: both the special counsel and the Kavanaugh accusations were a witch hunt, as we both know. And the idea that the Dems "accepted" the result is a little bit of a revisionist history, since a number of Dems continued to maintain collusion (even after the results of the special counsel investigation) and all voted against Kavanaugh, despite the frivolous nature of the accusations against him.

This in no way excuses Trump's failure to accept the election results, but I think merely calling the special counsel investigation and the Kavanaugh accusations "processes" and saying the results were "accepted" by Dems ignores what really happened, and the dirty game of politics they played.
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Those evil Republicans once again cleverly cancel a woke firm by…..uh…..

Harrison Bergeron
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Just checking in to what dangers ULTRAMAGATRON wrought on the world today.
Sam Lowry
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Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.
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Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
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Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

Pull your Covid mask down, Karen. It's not supposed to cover your eyes.
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Married A Horn said:

Wangchung said:

Woke people tend to be fascists so I'm having difficulty contrasting them.

Tldr - is this a long winded post about the 2 branches of the democrat party?
How things have changed. When I was young they called them 'horns', not branches.

And I can't imagine Azmodeus liked being referred to as "Corn Pop" by Sold-His-Soul Joe.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Sam Lowry
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Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam still gets triggered by any notion Trump might not be guilty of ... something.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
No, the Russia hoax, that was created by the Clinton campaign, was not legitimate. The riots of 2016 at the inauguration was an attack on the whole electoral process spurred on by the Clinton lies. Four years into his presidency and they were STILL calling him illegitimate and saying we should #resist. Just as much an attack on our constitution as anything. You might have forgotten or suppressed memories of that behavior, but the rest of us haven't.
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
No, the Russia hoax, that was created by the Clinton campaign, was not legitimate. The riots of 2016 at the inauguration was an attack on the whole electoral process spurred on by the Clinton lies. Four years into his presidency and they were STILL calling him illegitimate and saying we should #resist. Just as much an attack on our constitution as anything. You might have forgotten or suppressed memories of that behavior, but the rest of us haven't.
The entire reason for the intelligence investigation wasn't created by the Clinton campaign. The problem is that Clinton's opposition research turned it into a pseudo-criminal investigation, without a proper basis, when there were people who knew better. My point is that it was refutable. Is there anyone still arguing that the Steele dossier was accurate?

The Big Lie has been refuted, sure, but it doesn't matter because it was never based on evidence to begin with. No matter how many times it's disproved, there's always some supposed evidence out there that would prove it if only "they" would allow it to be heard. It's the difference between being wrong and being fully paranoid. Wrong is curable, at least in theory.
How long do you want to ignore this user?

You live in an alternate universe.

Go and see 2,000 Mules and get back to me on who is perpetuating the Big Lie.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

Here are ten minutes of Democrats claiming that Hillary won and that the election of 2016 was "illegitimate" and "stolen."

Oddly enough, they were never denounced or derided as "election deniers" in the mainstream media.

How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
No, the Russia hoax, that was created by the Clinton campaign, was not legitimate. The riots of 2016 at the inauguration was an attack on the whole electoral process spurred on by the Clinton lies. Four years into his presidency and they were STILL calling him illegitimate and saying we should #resist. Just as much an attack on our constitution as anything. You might have forgotten or suppressed memories of that behavior, but the rest of us haven't.
The entire reason for the intelligence investigation wasn't created by the Clinton campaign. The problem is that Clinton's opposition research turned it into a pseudo-criminal investigation, without a proper basis, when there were people who knew better. My point is that it was refutable. Is there anyone still arguing that the Steele dossier was accurate?

The Big Lie has been refuted, sure, but it doesn't matter because it was never based on evidence to begin with. No matter how many times it's disproved, there's always some supposed evidence out there that would prove it if only "they" would allow it to be heard. It's the difference between being wrong and being fully paranoid. Wrong is curable, at least in theory.
I appreciate your responses, but you just don't see it. I won't pretend you do see and are pretending otherwise, but at this point hindsight gives us a clearer picture than anything the Webb telescope can spit out. In time you'll see. What you do when you finally see will say a lot.
Doc Holliday
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
No, the Russia hoax, that was created by the Clinton campaign, was not legitimate. The riots of 2016 at the inauguration was an attack on the whole electoral process spurred on by the Clinton lies. Four years into his presidency and they were STILL calling him illegitimate and saying we should #resist. Just as much an attack on our constitution as anything. You might have forgotten or suppressed memories of that behavior, but the rest of us haven't.
The entire reason for the intelligence investigation wasn't created by the Clinton campaign. The problem is that Clinton's opposition research turned it into a pseudo-criminal investigation, without a proper basis, when there were people who knew better. My point is that it was refutable. Is there anyone still arguing that the Steele dossier was accurate?

The Big Lie has been refuted, sure, but it doesn't matter because it was never based on evidence to begin with. No matter how many times it's disproved, there's always some supposed evidence out there that would prove it if only "they" would allow it to be heard. It's the difference between being wrong and being fully paranoid. Wrong is curable, at least in theory.
Russiagate was absolutely constructed by Clinton and the feds in tandem.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
This is where you completely miss the mark. I know you're especially sensitive to Republican bad behavior and that Democrat bad behavior gets downplayed and minimized in your mind (who knows why?), but the idea that a 3 1/2 year witch hunt regarding Russian collusion that began based on falsified evidence bought and paid for by the Democrat nominee that followed and hamstrung the Trump administration for most of his presidency isn't comparable is simply ludicrous.
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
This is where you completely miss the mark. I know you're especially sensitive to Republican bad behavior and that Democrat bad behavior gets downplayed and minimized in your mind (who knows why?), but the idea that a 3 1/2 year witch hunt regarding Russian collusion that began based on falsified evidence bought and paid for by the Democrat nominee that followed and hamstrung the Trump administration for most of his presidency isn't comparable is simply ludicrous.
There is a sizable number of Republicans who will never accept a Democratic victory as legitimate again, at least not as long as Trump has anything to say about it. Hillary hasn't had that kind of influence among Democrats. Trump may yet achieve something similar with them if his efforts to corrupt future elections succeed.
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Doc Holliday said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
No, the Russia hoax, that was created by the Clinton campaign, was not legitimate. The riots of 2016 at the inauguration was an attack on the whole electoral process spurred on by the Clinton lies. Four years into his presidency and they were STILL calling him illegitimate and saying we should #resist. Just as much an attack on our constitution as anything. You might have forgotten or suppressed memories of that behavior, but the rest of us haven't.
The entire reason for the intelligence investigation wasn't created by the Clinton campaign. The problem is that Clinton's opposition research turned it into a pseudo-criminal investigation, without a proper basis, when there were people who knew better. My point is that it was refutable. Is there anyone still arguing that the Steele dossier was accurate?

The Big Lie has been refuted, sure, but it doesn't matter because it was never based on evidence to begin with. No matter how many times it's disproved, there's always some supposed evidence out there that would prove it if only "they" would allow it to be heard. It's the difference between being wrong and being fully paranoid. Wrong is curable, at least in theory.
Russiagate was absolutely constructed by Clinton and the feds in tandem.
It began because of the Russian email hack. The government would have been remiss not to investigate.
Harrison Bergeron
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Just checking to see what havoc ULTRAMAGATRON SEMI-FASCISTS have wreaked on the world today ... did any kill a journalist ... go on a random shooting spree?
Married A Horn
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Just checking to see what havoc ULTRAMAGATRON SEMI-FASCISTS have wreaked on the world today ... did any kill a journalist ... go on a random shooting spree?

Dude. Your post is devastating to their case. That's mean.
Married A Horn

Hutto Hippo
Trinity Trojan
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Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
This is where you completely miss the mark. I know you're especially sensitive to Republican bad behavior and that Democrat bad behavior gets downplayed and minimized in your mind (who knows why?), but the idea that a 3 1/2 year witch hunt regarding Russian collusion that began based on falsified evidence bought and paid for by the Democrat nominee that followed and hamstrung the Trump administration for most of his presidency isn't comparable is simply ludicrous.
There is a sizable number of Republicans who will never accept a Democratic victory as legitimate again, at least not as long as Trump has anything to say about it. Hillary hasn't had that kind of influence among Democrats. Trump may yet achieve something similar with them if his efforts to corrupt future elections succeed.
I can't tell you how many liberal members of my family STILL believe Trump colluded with Russia.

I am not sure your assessment is close to accurate.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
There was always going to be a second impeachment wasn't there? I mean right after the election Democrats were saying that they were going to impeach him....they just needed to create reasons.

Can you imagine if Jared Kushner had acted like Hunter Biden? We'd have another overweight, unattractive women's march.
No, obviously there was not always going to be a second impeachment. Otherwise they wouldn't have waited until a week before he left office.
Sure there was....and they're still after him...
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
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Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
What? What are you saying? and what's the difference?
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
It wasn't legitimate. and remember Dems attacking the process after Trump won? Calling for an end to the electoral college...questioning the legality of the election.

They started it, Trump just played by their rules.
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
Sam Lowry
How long do you want to ignore this user?
fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
It wasn't legitimate. and remember Dems attacking the process after Trump won? Calling for an end to the electoral college...questioning the legality of the election.

They started it, Trump just played by their rules.
I'm glad you mentioned ending the Electoral College. It's another example of something divisive that Democrats made no real effort to do.

If you don't think any investigation of Russian interference was legitimate then you're letting politics overrule common sense. We always need to look out for that kind of thing, and we always have.
Harrison Bergeron
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