Wokeism vs. "Semi-Fascism"

7,164 Views | 139 Replies | Last: 2 yr ago by TexasScientist
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Sam Lowry said:

Doc Holliday said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
No, the Russia hoax, that was created by the Clinton campaign, was not legitimate. The riots of 2016 at the inauguration was an attack on the whole electoral process spurred on by the Clinton lies. Four years into his presidency and they were STILL calling him illegitimate and saying we should #resist. Just as much an attack on our constitution as anything. You might have forgotten or suppressed memories of that behavior, but the rest of us haven't.
The entire reason for the intelligence investigation wasn't created by the Clinton campaign. The problem is that Clinton's opposition research turned it into a pseudo-criminal investigation, without a proper basis, when there were people who knew better. My point is that it was refutable. Is there anyone still arguing that the Steele dossier was accurate?

The Big Lie has been refuted, sure, but it doesn't matter because it was never based on evidence to begin with. No matter how many times it's disproved, there's always some supposed evidence out there that would prove it if only "they" would allow it to be heard. It's the difference between being wrong and being fully paranoid. Wrong is curable, at least in theory.
Russiagate was absolutely constructed by Clinton and the feds in tandem.
It began because of the Russian email hack. The government would have been remiss not to investigate.
Ooooh, do tell us about this Russian email hack. I would like to know about this one.

I assume you mean the wikileaks emails that have been proven to have been taken from someone with access to the DNC servers. We all know that someone was a Bernie bro (Seth Rich) who was later killed in a "botched robbery" where nothing was robbed from him and no cameras in Georgetown had any video footage. Sounds very similar to Epstein killing himself.
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Wow, sifting through the first few replies was a real chore, I could only read a few.

Good article, probably sums up the thoughts of most rational independents and Republicans. Even a fair few lefties. I've come to realize that the power of group think is very real even on this internet board. The few true zealots really do intimidate other conservatives, as the article says. Many don't even post here, as they are just bombarded for not being "right" enough. The few that do, stay out of the icky subjects such as this, in favor of not getting blasted for maybe being a Democrat by our resident(s) "I won't read anything longer than a tweet or engage in actual conversation but I bet this post was about how evil Democrats are."

The Orwell quotes are often used by both sides. The first serious reply to this thread was a bozo reply about Democrats being fascists. If there had just been the lefty poster to reply, it would have turned it around and called MAGAs fascist.

The article only half nails it when it calls MAGAs "semi-fascist" because it's not just MAGAs, really that's the fringes of both parties. Both sides are in an all out political battle to secure the rights they value, and deny others the rights they don't care about. Neither cares about free speech, they care about the weaponized value of speech. If it can hurt you, down with it. If it in any way supports your side, protect it at all costs.

In the end we all lose. I loved this end quote from Orwell.


Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them...

The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them……In nationalist thought there are facts which are both true and untrue, known and unknown. A known fact may be so unbearable that it is habitually pushed aside and not allowed to enter into logical processes, or on the other hand it may enter into every calculation and yet never be admitted as a fact, even in one's own mind.

Hard to describe fringe leftists as nationalists by the traditional meaning, yet they are, they just envision a different nation than right wingers. Perfectly sums up the parties.

Ignorance is not only bliss, it can be weaponized into a political tool. That's 2022 for you.
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Meh, you're wrong. Might be fringe republicans but it's mainstream democrats being fascists. I know it FELT good to post such drivel but it's not been close to reality when we see which administration colluded with big tech to silence their opponents and hide negative stories about leftists.
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Sam Lowry said:

Mothra said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
This is where you completely miss the mark. I know you're especially sensitive to Republican bad behavior and that Democrat bad behavior gets downplayed and minimized in your mind (who knows why?), but the idea that a 3 1/2 year witch hunt regarding Russian collusion that began based on falsified evidence bought and paid for by the Democrat nominee that followed and hamstrung the Trump administration for most of his presidency isn't comparable is simply ludicrous.
There is a sizable number of Republicans who will never accept a Democratic victory as legitimate again, at least not as long as Trump has anything to say about it. Hillary hasn't had that kind of influence among Democrats. Trump may yet achieve something similar with them if his efforts to corrupt future elections succeed.

Yes, as long as Dems talk about systemic oppression, the votes in the big urban blue counties will be suspect.

How on earth could I ever trust someone who seriously believes in systemic oppression to uphold faithfully the parts of that system they control?
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Wangchung said:

Meh, you're wrong. Might be fringe republicans but it's mainstream democrats being fascists. I know it FELT good to post such drivel but it's not been close to reality when we see which administration colluded with big tech to silence their opponents and hide negative stories about leftists.

I didn't post because of feelings, but you do you bud.
Married A Horn
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There's a football game on ya know?
Married A Horn

Hutto Hippo
Trinity Trojan
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Married A Horn said:

There's a football game on ya know?

y u here?
Married A Horn
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Blue binoculars keep popping up...just thot u ought to know the game was on.
Married A Horn

Hutto Hippo
Trinity Trojan
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Porteroso said:

Wangchung said:

Meh, you're wrong. Might be fringe republicans but it's mainstream democrats being fascists. I know it FELT good to post such drivel but it's not been close to reality when we see which administration colluded with big tech to silence their opponents and hide negative stories about leftists.

I didn't post because of feelings, but you do you bud.
You're nothing but emotion and hyperbole.
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Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
It wasn't legitimate. and remember Dems attacking the process after Trump won? Calling for an end to the electoral college...questioning the legality of the election.

They started it, Trump just played by their rules.
I'm glad you mentioned ending the Electoral College. It's another example of something divisive that Democrats made no real effort to do.

If you don't think any investigation of Russian interference was legitimate then you're letting politics overrule common sense. We always need to look out for that kind of thing, and we always have.
Who said anything about investigation? Nothing happened…especially when it was revealed the Clintons were involved. And if you can't see that the impeachment of Trump and the parade that Pelosi made wasn't for show and wasn't divisive, then you're being willfully ignorant.

Then we had the second impeachment for show…
Salute the Marines - Joe Biden
Sam Lowry
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fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

Wangchung said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

fadskier said:

Sam Lowry said:

TexasScientis said:

George Orwell nicely outlined the hazards of choosing your side, and sticking with it no matter how misguided your side becomes. In his 1945 essay, "Notes on Nationalism," he wrote:

Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them....
That's the reaction to Biden's speech in a nutshell. The only thing Republicans hate about divisive rhetoric is the fact that it's coming from a Democrat.
There are many Republicans, like me, who did not support Trump's divisive rhetoric. Dems call it out only when they other side does it.

I fail to see how Trump "divided" the nation. When Hillary lost, the Democrats reaction was the divisive factor. Biden promised to unify and he has not,

Having said that, please tell me how Trump divided the nation....and how has Biden unified.
Biden hasn't done much of anything. He is basically a living stereotype. If you think liberals are weak, pandering, and ineffectual, he exemplifies those qualities to an almost cartoonish degree.

Trump lost the election in 2020. He demanded to be reinstated as president last week. That says all you need to know about how divisive he's been, but if you need more, just look at everything he's said and done in the last two years. You'd be hard pressed to find a quote that wasn't designed to provoke outrage. He's still selling the same lies that have led to violence in the past. He's got a majority of Republicans convinced the system only works if he and his chosen candidates win. And so on.
But he's not President...and the Dems ARE STILL focused on him and blaming him for everything. I'd say his reaction is what I'd expect after two wasteful impeachment hearings. Trump is and has always been focused on himself....but so are the Dems. THEY keep bringing him up.
If the only time he's not divisive is when we pretend he doesn't exist, that's pretty much an admission that he's divisive. And he brought the second impeachment on himself. He's also the front-runner for 2024, so it's not like he's sitting quietly on the sidelines.
Again, he hasn't done anything to "divide" the nation. Look at how Dems acted when Hillary lost...they questioned the validity of the results, called him an illegitimate president, called for violence and harassment of Republicans, harassment and slander of Kavanaugh, rush to judgment on racial things (i.e. Covenant Catholic) and again the two wasteful impeachment hearings that we all know were an attempt to prevent him running again. and you compare all of this to a few mean tweets....again, I hope he doesn't run again but to blame him for dividing America is just false, misleading and being a Democrat.

Hillary has also talked about 2024. I did not vote for a president in 2020, but if Trump wins the Republican primary, he's got my vote. The Democrats have damaged this country enough.
Dems sicced a special counsel on Trump, which I opposed, but when the process ran its course they accepted the result. Same with Kavanaugh. That's the difference between them and Trump.
They accepted the result? THEY STILL CLAIM HE COLLUDED WITH RUSSIA. Hell, they still call Kavanaugh a drunken rapist. Reality matters.
I don't see anyone trying to re-litigate the 2016 election or claiming that Hillary actually won. If they really think Kavanaugh is illegitimate, they can impeach him or pack the Court. They're not doing that, even though it would be legal, unlike Trump's scheme.

other than Hillary and her cult followers, you mean.
Democrats thought of Hillary the way many of you claim to think of Trump -- as the lesser of two evils. I don't hear anyone clamoring for her return.

Trump has created an unfalsifiable conspiracy narrative, which in the minds of his followers will taint not only the 2020 results but any election that populists fail to win. There's been bad stuff on the Democratic side, but nothing yet that is comparable.
No, you're ignoring the Russian collusion hoax that went on for years. Trump has only been out of office close to two years. Let's see what his rhetoric is like after 6 years, like with the Clinton Cult.
It doesn't matter what his rhetoric is like after six years. The damage is already done. The Russia investigation was legitimate in and of itself, but it was twisted for political purposes to attack Trump. He survived it. The Big Lie had no legitimate basis and was not just an attack on Biden. It was an attack on the whole electoral process, all three branches of government, and ultimately the Constitution itself. It remains to be seen which of those will survive.
It wasn't legitimate. and remember Dems attacking the process after Trump won? Calling for an end to the electoral college...questioning the legality of the election.

They started it, Trump just played by their rules.
I'm glad you mentioned ending the Electoral College. It's another example of something divisive that Democrats made no real effort to do.

If you don't think any investigation of Russian interference was legitimate then you're letting politics overrule common sense. We always need to look out for that kind of thing, and we always have.
Who said anything about investigation?
You did. You said the Russia investigation was illegitimate.
Harrison Bergeron
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Porteroso said:

Wow, sifting through the first few replies was a real chore, I could only read a few.

Good article, probably sums up the thoughts of most rational independents and Republicans. Even a fair few lefties. I've come to realize that the power of group think is very real even on this internet board. The few true zealots really do intimidate other conservatives, as the article says. Many don't even post here, as they are just bombarded for not being "right" enough. The few that do, stay out of the icky subjects such as this, in favor of not getting blasted for maybe being a Democrat by our resident(s) "I won't read anything longer than a tweet or engage in actual conversation but I bet this post was about how evil Democrats are."

The Orwell quotes are often used by both sides. The first serious reply to this thread was a bozo reply about Democrats being fascists. If there had just been the lefty poster to reply, it would have turned it around and called MAGAs fascist.

The article only half nails it when it calls MAGAs "semi-fascist" because it's not just MAGAs, really that's the fringes of both parties. Both sides are in an all out political battle to secure the rights they value, and deny others the rights they don't care about. Neither cares about free speech, they care about the weaponized value of speech. If it can hurt you, down with it. If it in any way supports your side, protect it at all costs.

In the end we all lose. I loved this end quote from Orwell.


Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them...

The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them……In nationalist thought there are facts which are both true and untrue, known and unknown. A known fact may be so unbearable that it is habitually pushed aside and not allowed to enter into logical processes, or on the other hand it may enter into every calculation and yet never be admitted as a fact, even in one's own mind.

Hard to describe fringe leftists as nationalists by the traditional meaning, yet they are, they just envision a different nation than right wingers. Perfectly sums up the parties.

Ignorance is not only bliss, it can be weaponized into a political tool. That's 2022 for you.
No one disputes there are fringes on both sides. The problem is the continual ignorance and misuse of vocabulary by re-defining "scary words" to fit whatever political agenda is hip at the time.

For those actually educated, fascism is a fairly clear economic system whereby there remains private ownership that is directed by a central government authority. For example, if the President directs a large, private technology company to censor content according to the will of the Regime.

Morons cannot distinguish between authoritarianism (a political state) and fascism (an economic state).

While I agree most wokies are not "nationalist" in the true sense of the word, most exhibit a religious fundamentalism akin with nationalism as expressed as a global authoritarian order. Like nationalists, they believe that any amount of diabolical behavior should be excused if not in the service of the nation but in the service of woke fundamentalism.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

Porteroso said:

Wow, sifting through the first few replies was a real chore, I could only read a few.

Good article, probably sums up the thoughts of most rational independents and Republicans. Even a fair few lefties. I've come to realize that the power of group think is very real even on this internet board. The few true zealots really do intimidate other conservatives, as the article says. Many don't even post here, as they are just bombarded for not being "right" enough. The few that do, stay out of the icky subjects such as this, in favor of not getting blasted for maybe being a Democrat by our resident(s) "I won't read anything longer than a tweet or engage in actual conversation but I bet this post was about how evil Democrats are."

The Orwell quotes are often used by both sides. The first serious reply to this thread was a bozo reply about Democrats being fascists. If there had just been the lefty poster to reply, it would have turned it around and called MAGAs fascist.

The article only half nails it when it calls MAGAs "semi-fascist" because it's not just MAGAs, really that's the fringes of both parties. Both sides are in an all out political battle to secure the rights they value, and deny others the rights they don't care about. Neither cares about free speech, they care about the weaponized value of speech. If it can hurt you, down with it. If it in any way supports your side, protect it at all costs.

In the end we all lose. I loved this end quote from Orwell.


Actions are held to be good or bad, not on their own merits but according to who does them...

The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them……In nationalist thought there are facts which are both true and untrue, known and unknown. A known fact may be so unbearable that it is habitually pushed aside and not allowed to enter into logical processes, or on the other hand it may enter into every calculation and yet never be admitted as a fact, even in one's own mind.

Hard to describe fringe leftists as nationalists by the traditional meaning, yet they are, they just envision a different nation than right wingers. Perfectly sums up the parties.

Ignorance is not only bliss, it can be weaponized into a political tool. That's 2022 for you.
No one disputes there are fringes on both sides. The problem is the continual ignorance and misuse of vocabulary by re-defining "scary words" to fit whatever political agenda is hip at the time.

For those actually educated, fascism is a fairly clear economic system whereby there remains private ownership that is directed by a central government authority. For example, if the President directs a large, private technology company to censor content according to the will of the Regime.

Morons cannot distinguish between authoritarianism (a political state) and fascism (an economic state).

While I agree most wokies are not "nationalist" in the true sense of the word, most exhibit a religious fundamentalism akin with nationalism as expressed as a global authoritarian order. Like nationalists, they believe that any amount of diabolical behavior should be excused if not in the service of the nation but in the service of woke fundamentalism.
to take that further.... in the words mean things department. "Nation" technically refers peoples, not places, and you can see that in many dictionaries - the first definition is about peoples (or races). Dr. Hull in "Political Geography" class went to great pains to make that point when talking about the "Nation State," a phrase one hears often in political science, geography, and occasionally sociology:

nation-state | \ n-shn-stt
, -stt \
Definition of nation-state: a form of political organization under which a relatively homogeneous people inhabits a sovereign state especially : a state containing one as opposed to several nationalities.
(Mirriam Webster)

Canada and the US would NOT be nation states under text book definitions of things. Neither would Russia nor much of Africa. Mexico, China, much of the Middle East and nearly all of Latin America would be.
Technically it is the wokies who are the nationalists. It is the wokies who romance the nation, the race uber alles. And yes, they want to seize control of the state to push the benefit of races (for the benefit of some and the detriment of others).

Communism is a socialism by class - working classes all around the world. International movement.
Fascism is socialism by RACE, on behalf of a nation...not an international movement. Limited to benefit a race.
Post-modernism has adopted the premise of fascism, in that the races (identities) of the rainbow flag are oppressed by (white & Christian nationalis) capitalist culture. It also embraces parts of communist philosophy in the way it deconstructs (capitalist) culture as a tool of oppression (only by race/identity rather than class).

The error of post WWII philosophy is that it premised the "nation" part as the cause of the war, not the "socialism" part. In fact, it was a war over very old power geopolitical dynamics wearing two different banners of socialism. Communism won, and went on to face capitalism in the Cold War, which it lost. Only now it has reconstituted itself in wokeness.

Democrats have embraced philosophies that represent the worst of parts of socialism and fused them into wokeness. The common tie - Marxist philosophy, marxist dialectics as a way of analyzing society.

Republicans have become the last bastion of classical liberalism.

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Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

Bull**** lists. Hopefully you simply read the titles because if not you've lost what little credibility you had left.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.
Harrison Bergeron
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Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

I have tried to explain this simple concept to a few of my authoritarian friends. Again, to many on the left words to not have specific definitions but can be re-defined in any moment to fit their ends (i.e. "fascism).

Boycotting is when a person or group decides to not patronize a person or product. "I do not want to buy X."

Cancel Culture is when a person or group decides no one can patronize a person or product. "I will tell you that you cannot buy X."

Anyone with a moderate intelligence can tell the difference and understand the implications ... hence why most authoritarian wokeys cannot.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Harrison Bergeron said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

I have tried to explain this simple concept to a few of my authoritarian friends. Again, to many on the left words to not have specific definitions but can be re-defined in any moment to fit their ends (i.e. "fascism).

Boycotting is when a person or group decides to not patronize a person or product. "I do not want to buy X."

Cancel Culture is when a person or group decides no one can patronize a person or product. "I will tell you that you cannot buy X."

Anyone with a moderate intelligence can tell the difference and understand the implications ... hence why most authoritarian wokeys cannot.
Very good and succinct way to describe it.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Wangchung said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

Bull**** lists. Hopefully you simply read the titles because if not you've lost what little credibility you had left.
That would be a lot more credibility than your trumpery.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Wangchung said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

Bull**** lists. Hopefully you simply read the titles because if not you've lost what little credibility you had left.
That would be a lot more credibility than your trumpery.
Only in your imagination, but we already knew that.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
Nope. No matter how desperately you'd like to conflate cancel culture with a mere boycott they will never be the same thing.
Harrison Bergeron
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
No it is not. Words matter. Intellectual honesty matters. I assume positive intent and that you want to engage in a reasonable, healthy discussion, but that is impossible if words continually get redefined to suit an argument.

Cancel Culture has a very specific meaning. I would argue if one really wanted to get technical, Cancel Culture more precisely involves finding an old clip or writing and using that the "cancel" a current person, but I grant it has evolved to things like Dave Chapelle or keeping books off of sites like Amazon.

In order to "cancel" someone, the cancellers must have some ability to do so, i.e. institutional power. Conservatives exercise power over not a single institution. Therefore, by definition conservatives cannot cancel anything but it has no actual power to do so.

I disagree with your claim about Kaepernick. I do not recall any calls from conservatives for him to be banned from the NFL. Although not really political per se, contrast with how Art Briles has effectively been cancelled from coaching.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Harrison Bergeron said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
No it is not. Words matter. Intellectual honesty matters. I assume positive intent and that you want to engage in a reasonable, healthy discussion, but that is impossible if words continually get redefined to suit an argument.

Cancel Culture has a very specific meaning. I would argue if one really wanted to get technical, Cancel Culture more precisely involves finding an old clip or writing and using that the "cancel" a current person, but I grant it has evolved to things like Dave Chapelle or keeping books off of sites like Amazon.

In order to "cancel" someone, the cancellers must have some ability to do so, i.e. institutional power. Conservatives exercise power over not a single institution. Therefore, by definition conservatives cannot cancel anything but it has no actual power to do so.

I disagree with your claim about Kaepernick. I do not recall any calls from conservatives for him to be banned from the NFL. Although not really political per se, contrast with how Art Briles has effectively been cancelled from coaching.
Even if Kaepernick had been the focus of being removed from the team, his ONLY job is to entertain the viewers by playing a child's game on camera. He was not entertaining the viewers so they demanded a better product be put in front of the camera. That is vastly different than trying to sue a Christian bakery into bankruptcy because they won't cater a sodomite wedding.
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TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

Spend a lot of time on Hornet, the Queer Social Network, do you?
Harrison Bergeron
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Wangchung said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
No it is not. Words matter. Intellectual honesty matters. I assume positive intent and that you want to engage in a reasonable, healthy discussion, but that is impossible if words continually get redefined to suit an argument.

Cancel Culture has a very specific meaning. I would argue if one really wanted to get technical, Cancel Culture more precisely involves finding an old clip or writing and using that the "cancel" a current person, but I grant it has evolved to things like Dave Chapelle or keeping books off of sites like Amazon.

In order to "cancel" someone, the cancellers must have some ability to do so, i.e. institutional power. Conservatives exercise power over not a single institution. Therefore, by definition conservatives cannot cancel anything but it has no actual power to do so.

I disagree with your claim about Kaepernick. I do not recall any calls from conservatives for him to be banned from the NFL. Although not really political per se, contrast with how Art Briles has effectively been cancelled from coaching.
Even if Kaepernick had been the focus of being removed from the team, his ONLY job is to entertain the viewers by playing a child's game on camera. He was not entertaining the viewers so they demanded a better product be put in front of the camera. That is vastly different than trying to sue a Christian bakery into bankruptcy because they won't cater a sodomite wedding.
If Kaepernick was a good NFL QB, he'd still be playing. He does not actually want to play as evidenced by his torpedoing his own tryouts. He is probably making millions more as the perpetual victim. He had a chance to put up or shut up and chose to shut up.

Not to mention the mental inconsistency between the way the authoritarian wokeys treat Christians vs. Muslims. You do not see the Gaystapo targeting Muslim business, who in all cases do not support gay marriage but in the edge cases support stoning homosexuals. But they'll never target a Muslim baker and demand it make a gay wedding cake.
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Exactly. His performance on field was not worthy of screen time for the viewers. No one wants to watch their team lose. His antics on the bench were also not entertaining except to the perpetual victim class and leftist media, but as Mickey Knox once said, the media is like the weather, only it's man-made. So eventually the viewers desired the product they were promised; millionaires playing a child's game at top skill level. That is nothing close to cancel culture.
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Harrison Bergeron said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
No it is not. Words matter. Intellectual honesty matters. I assume positive intent and that you want to engage in a reasonable, healthy discussion, but that is impossible if words continually get redefined to suit an argument.

Cancel Culture has a very specific meaning. I would argue if one really wanted to get technical, Cancel Culture more precisely involves finding an old clip or writing and using that the "cancel" a current person, but I grant it has evolved to things like Dave Chapelle or keeping books off of sites like Amazon.

In order to "cancel" someone, the cancellers must have some ability to do so, i.e. institutional power. Conservatives exercise power over not a single institution. Therefore, by definition conservatives cannot cancel anything but it has no actual power to do so.

I disagree with your claim about Kaepernick. I do not recall any calls from conservatives for him to be banned from the NFL. Although not really political per se, contrast with how Art Briles has effectively been cancelled from coaching.
Cancel culture is not limited to institutional power. Cancel culture relates to silencing or punishing someone with whom you disagree, regardless of the method employed. And yes, I agree Art Briles was canceled.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
Golem said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

Spend a lot of time on Hornet, the Queer Social Network, do you?
Google doesn't cancel topic sources.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
Boycotts have been around forever. The firings, social media attacks, and more importantly, shutting down speech in the public square, are relatively recent phenomena, at least in a free country such as this. And they are almost exclusively the purview of the left.

By way of example, the social media and big tech conglomerates are not shutting down, de-platforming and de-monetizing left-wing speakers. To the contrary, they are shutting down right wing speakers, either removing or suspending their online presence, or demonetizing their speech. You run a story about Hunter Biden's laptop before the election? You get de-platformed and shut down, and the story buried, like the New York Post. You are a conservative who talks about conservative issues? You get demonetized, ala Steven Crowder.

And then of course there is the protests and cancellation of events across American college campuses anytime a conservative speaker comes to town. Ever notice that there are no riots or protests designed to shut down speech for left-wing speakers at college campuses? Ever notice how it's only the Ben Shapiro's, Ann Coulters, and Matt Walsh's whose events turn into violent riots?

And of course, we have the many examples of conservative politicians and judges who can't have a meal with the family because of hecklers either threatening violence, or bombarding them with insults as they try to eat or simply live. Ever notice that we don't hear those stories when it comes to Democrats?

If you have any intellectual honesty whatsoever (given your showing on this thread, I am not sure that you do), you would acknowledge that while there may be a conservative outlier here or there, cancel culture, as described above, is almost exclusively the purview of the left. I think you're smart enough to realize this fact, whether you are intellectually honest enough to admit it or not.
Harrison Bergeron
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Harrison Bergeron said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

I had to laugh at some of these examples. But I will give their liberal authors an "A" for effort. Sadly, here is what they, and you, miss.

There is a significant difference between conservatives refusing to buy a product or watching or listening to entertainment because of the message it conveys, and literally rioting, shutting down speech in the public square, or trying to get someone fired for merely holding a conservative viewpoint. Cancel culture is not refusing to watch Sandra Bee when she called Ivanka a "c*nt," or refusing to listen to the Dixie Chicks because they disparaged Bush overseas. It is rioting and preventing conservative speakers from even having a forum to speak at college campuses. It's harassing someone at their home or when they're out to dinner because you disagree with their politics. It's labeling someone a racist or worse on twitter and trying to get them fired merely because they have a different political perspective. It's trying to get someone fired for their personal medical decisions. That is "cancel culture," not refusing to watch liberal shows on CNN or TBS, or refusing to buy a Nike product.

One would think an actual scientist would know the difference.

Wanting Kaepernick fired (even though I don't agree with his approach) over something that others now get away with is an example. It's all part of cancel culture. Both sides practice it.
I don't recall many right wingers calling for Kaepernick to be fired. I recall them saying the NFL and his team should make him stand. But let's say they did. So you have one example which you believe is similar to the circumstances I described above, but fail to acknowledge the significant distinction between cancel culture and the majority of the "examples" included in your post?

You're not being intellectually honest. Saying both sides practice it, without acknowledging that one side practices it almost exclusively despite a few outliers in right wing ranks, is not intellectually honest. I think you're smart enough to realize that.

There's a difference between cancel culture and a boycott of a product. You apparently need to learn the difference.
Boycott, firings, social media attacks are all a part of a relatively new term in 'cancel culture.' It's all part of a method of silencing people for expressing opinions you don't like.
No it is not. Words matter. Intellectual honesty matters. I assume positive intent and that you want to engage in a reasonable, healthy discussion, but that is impossible if words continually get redefined to suit an argument.

Cancel Culture has a very specific meaning. I would argue if one really wanted to get technical, Cancel Culture more precisely involves finding an old clip or writing and using that the "cancel" a current person, but I grant it has evolved to things like Dave Chapelle or keeping books off of sites like Amazon.

In order to "cancel" someone, the cancellers must have some ability to do so, i.e. institutional power. Conservatives exercise power over not a single institution. Therefore, by definition conservatives cannot cancel anything but it has no actual power to do so.

I disagree with your claim about Kaepernick. I do not recall any calls from conservatives for him to be banned from the NFL. Although not really political per se, contrast with how Art Briles has effectively been cancelled from coaching.
Cancel culture is not limited to institutional power. Cancel culture relates to silencing or punishing someone with whom you disagree, regardless of the method employed. And yes, I agree Art Briles was canceled.
That's ridiculous. One has to have power to cancel someone. If I put a poster on ignore, they're not cancelled. If the site bans a poster, they are cancelled.

Only institutional power can cancel someone. An individual cannot.
How long do you want to ignore this user?
TexasScientist said:

Golem said:

TexasScientist said:

Doc Holliday said:

TexasScientist said:

Mothra said:

A lot of what he said is accurate IMO. Where I think he gets it significantly wrong is in his belief that MAGA is a bigger threat than wokeism. Those stifling speech, canceling people for thought, rioting and pillaging under the guise of "peaceful protest," mandating and forcing medical decisions on Americans and shutting down private business - those are truly fascists, and the reason that many conservatives who loathe Trump understand that as bad as he is, he is the lesser of the evils.
The right is guilty of canceling people for thought or expression just as much as the left.
Any examples? Cause that's total bull*****
16 Times Conservatives Tried To Cancel Things, Even Though They Pretend To Hate "Cancel Culture"

Conservatives claim to hate "cancel culture" but it's the heart of the right-wing agenda | Salon.com

A List of 25 People, Products and Companies American Conservatives Have Tried to 'Cancel' | Hornet, the Queer Social Network

The Great Hypocrisy of Right-Wingers Claiming 'Cancel Culture' | The Nation

Both sides are abundantly guilty!!

Spend a lot of time on Hornet, the Queer Social Network, do you?
Google doesn't cancel topic sources.
Google down ranks topics and removes them from the algorithm. For instance if you want to google covid vax injuries and side effects etc those topics will not be easily found. Anything the regime tells google they dont want people to know then google makes them disappear. They are also deleting thousands of old articles that do not fit the current narrative on a variety of topics.
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Here's an interesting article on cancel culture on the Pew Research Center site:

Americans and 'Cancel Culture': Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment
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