You're defending the botched raid. You believe that collateral damage isn't a consideration. Law enforcement should absolutely not consider kids dying when executing a warrant.cowboycwr said:TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:1) You're defending the sloppiness of the raid, and the blatant disregard for collateral damage. You think kids dying shouldn't have been a consideration that the ATF/FBI considered.cowboycwr said:ShooterTX said:cowboycwr said:ShooterTX said:cowboycwr said:TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:Yep, ATF could storm an orphanage with guns blazing to arrest one guy that they could have picked up when he drove to town every day. No reason we need our LEO's to actually think about collateral damage. /scowboycwr said:
I will say it again but change one word since so many of you want to hang on that.
I don't get this DEFENDING of a pedophile, cult, armed terrorist organization.
The operation was a horrible over reach by the government.
But the davidians did NOT defend themselves. You cannot defend yourself from law enforcement conducting a warrant.
The davidians killed those kids.
Lol. Not what happened.
1. It was not an orphanage.
2. It wasn't guns blazing.
3. Getting him in town does not get the evidence.
More defense of the evil man simply because the ATF screwed this up.
For the last time...
How the **** can you be so dense!
David Koresh was a cult leader. He violated the law. He souks have been arrested and imprisoned. Maybe a few of the others in the cult also needed to be arrested.
The reality is that almost ALL of the men and most of the women worked in Waco. With that many agents, they cloud have easily worked with the sheriff and Waco PD to coordinate teams to arrest them all in a matter of hours.
The women & children who would be left at the compound would not have put up a fight, nor would they have been able to destroy the illegal weapons.
The ATF wanted a shootout. That's why they took steps to insure that the TV reporter & cameraman would be there.
If the ATF had truly wanted to protect lives, they would NEVER have assaulted the compound in this manner.
They thought they were going to kick ass, but they got their assess handed to them instead.
Go back to the third post in this thread.
It is a post from X/Twitter.
It claims the davidians "defended" themselves.
But yeah tell me again "no one is defending him"
The davidians killed themselves. They killed the kids.
No one has tried to focus on that.
They just want to place the blame on the ATF. Which wasn't even in charge of the siege.
You obviously don't know anything about the raid.
It was an ATF raid. The FBI was brought in a few days later, because of the new charges of killing federal agents.
You obviously know nothing about the case. I was living in Waco at the time and worked at the TV station. I have talked to the reporters and cameramen who were there from day one until the fire. I have talked with the sheriff and a few deputies. I have talked with the former Waco police chief. I have talked with FBI agents who were there during and after the siege. I have talked with soldiers from Ft Hood who were on helicopters during the siege.
You really have no idea what you are talking about. Much of your information is Clinton era cover up BS.
You are just acting like a fool. You should quit while you are behind. The more you post the worse you look.
The ATF actions were totally irresponsible and indefensible.
The case is a perfect example of how NOT to execute a search warrant. Only a fool would think that the ATF had an oopsie, and they were acting in a manner protect the innocent.
The ATF instigated a violent confrontation because that is what they wanted. That makes them responsible for everything that flowed after, including the deaths of the children. You are an idiot if you can't see that.
A perfect example of how totally uninformed you are... the Davidians NEVER said they were going to attack the government. They had the weapons because Koresh told his followers that the feds would come attack them. That's why they built a compound and stock up weapons... not to attack but to fight off an attack.
You don't even have the most basic info correct.... no wonder you are defending the out of control ATF... you have swallowed the Kool Aid.
I have all of my information right.
I have NOT defended the government.
You just assume that and feel the need to keep repeating yourself.
I NEVER said the FBI was in charge of the raid. I said they were in charge of the siege. Two different events.
None of my information is Clinton era BS but is the facts.
Again not defending the government. I have even called out the sloppiness of the raid but you ignore that.
The ATF was wrong in how they handled the raid. The davidians knew they were coming. The ATF never should have told anyone they were going.
However, once they got there the davidians fired first. As I have said multiple times, and you and everyone else has ignored, people do not get to shoot at police, atf, fbi, etc. that are conducting a search warrant.
Again they should not have gone that day or called anyone. But that does NOT make them responsible for the davidians killing their children.
A PERFECT example of how well informed I am and how obtuse you are being is that the Davidians fathered weapons to shoot at feds when they showed up. That is called attacking. They then fired first when the feds show up. That is attacking.
They never planned to go to a federal building and attack it. But I never said that is what they were going to do. That just seems to be what you read when you saw the word attack because you want to claim I am wrong.
I have all the info correct. But again you are reading what you want just because you want to claim I am wrong.
2) You're defending the sloppiness of the raid, and the blatant disregard for collateral damage. You think kids dying shouldn't have been a consideration that the ATF/FBI considered.
3) You're defending the sloppiness of the raid, and the blatant disregard for collateral damage. You think kids dying shouldn't have been a consideration that the ATF/FBI considered.
This is what you sound like in every one of your posts. Clearly misrepresenting what others are saying.
I have not said any of what you posted at all.
Post one quote of mine that does any of that.
You keep repeating that, over and over.