TWD 1974 said:
Thee University said:
Porteroso said:
Yeah, it was actually a few corners of the world, and the culture of the rest was forcibly repressed. It is worth remembering that most Confederates simply answered a call to protect their home. But theirs was a way of life sustained by slave labor. I am sad that the war happened in te first place, but glad that the South lost it.
Sustained by slave labor???? The vast majority of Southerners did not own slaves and were dirt poor just scraping by on their own accord.
Lincoln started the war and sacrificed around 750,000 Americans and new, off the boat immigrants.
Every statue, monument, road and likeness of Lincoln needs to be wiped off the face of the US of A.
Estimates of the market value of the Slave Population in 1860 ranges from $3billion to $4billion: the entire US economy at the time was slightly over $4b. That fact that many southerners held no slaves does not mean that the Southern economy was anything less than wholly dominated by slave agriculture. The maintenance, enforcement of slaves, and enormous debt the Planter class accrued in acquiring them, debilitated the South in developing a diverse, modern economy.
Certainly...the Southern upper class was heavily invested financially in Slavery.
And another reason why Lincoln and the Northern political leadership did NOT wish to interfere with slavery as a economic matter.
They just wanted the Southern States to stay in the Union and keep paying taxes.
"During the 1850s, tariffs amounted to nearly 90% of federal revenue. And Southern ports paid 75% of tariffs in 1859"
"They want to keep the slave-States in for their benefit to foot the bills, to pay the taxes."
-Sen Lane (D-OR) 3/2/1861
[Lincoln's July 4th Message to Congress: "Finding this condition of things and believing it to be an imperative duty upon the incoming Executive to prevent, if possible, the consummation of such attempt to break the Federal Union, a choice of means to that end became indispensable. This choice was made, and was declared in the inaugural address. The policy chosen looked to the exhaustion of all peaceful measures before a resort to any stronger ones.
It sought only to hold the public places and property not already wrested from the Government and to collect the revenue, relying for the rest on time, discussion, and the ballot box
." President Lincoln was referring to the federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861]
"The Northwest (Midwest) was as agricultural as the South; the
Republicans were vigorous in disclaiming abolitionist tendencies and were willing to leave slavery alone where it was...the problem of why these sections went to war lies deeper." -Prof Craven
[Before President elect Lincoln held his hand up to be sworn in, almost half of the normal Treasury Revenue 'Expected' had been diverted to the new CSA. Newspapers all over the country, in the hundreds and hundreds of stories brought this most serious issue to the readers - "Lincoln would not be able to run the Government, without some way of collecting the revenue going to Southern Ports." Politicians and newspapers advocated in February - the blockade of Southern ports, and making war on the seceded Southern government, due to "lost revenue."]