
3,684 Views | 55 Replies | Last: 3 mo ago by LIB,MR BEARS
Doc Holliday
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This X post by Eric Weinstein about gaslighting from democrats/left is spot on. Even moderates or people aligned more left are starting to understand the dynamics at hand.

However, he thinks its just bad behavior. Its more than that. They believe believe that social power dictates reality. If everyone believes the experts then what the experts say is reality. If no one objects then the Emperor's new clothes are in fact, real. However the magic only works if everyone dances. That's why all the academics, experts and professionals, must dance or lose their legitimacy.


One question I get a lot is "What explains your asymmetric focus on Democrats and the Left?"

The short answer, after some soul searching and introspection, is simply this: "The Gaslighting of Experts."

I see the Republican party fighting the experts they oppose. I don't see them trying to gaslight them much.

Let's say you are an economist who believes that higher taxes spent on infrastructure would be good for the nation. The right may fight you. They may call you a name like "Libtard" or "Commie". And that is absolutely awful behavior to me. Truly. But they aren't nearly as likely to coordinate behind the scenes in emails to be discovered later and all agree to pretend, seemingly independently, that as a former expert you have committed some unclear moral crime that means you can never be empaneled or invited onto a commission. They aren't immediately going to treat you like a mental patient, a con-artist, or threat to society. They are just going to be asses. That's the dopey game they love: "Happy Warriors" is what they call it.

And the subjects I focus on most tend to be the places where I think dissenting experts are being gaslit:



















NON-CONSENSUAL HUMAN TESTING (infectious agents, radioactivity)






In all cases above, there is some absolutely *MASSIVE* long-term lying and obfuscation. Not small. Not excusable. I am talking about massive lies. Lies that last decades. Lies too large to choke a blue whale.

And they incinerate dissenting experts as pretend neer-do-wells for the crime of dissenting from consensus.

What is the point of becoming an expert Stanford or Harvard professor if you can be turned into a "Fringe Epidemiologist" like
was overnight by some washington insiders like Colins and Fauci?

To an academic: it makes life pointless. Everything we are becomes pointless if that is allowed to stand.

So, this is what I have to say: I appear to be focused on gaslighting of dissenting experts more than politics.

It's not that I don't have political opinions. I do. It's that I haven't been able to focus on them for years. All we seem to do these days is deal with gaslighting on our top line issues above.

And the formula is quite simple. An expert can have:

A) Reach.
B) Reputation.
C) Independence.

but no more than 2 out of 3.

This is a terrible rule. And whoever attempts to enforce that rule, is who I fight. Unfortunately, that group has been my own historic political party as transformed over 30 years.

And, in my opinion, they deserve to continue to hemorrage credibility for that crime against their own until they end this tactic. It's a crime against everything I believe with all my soul. We need *DISSENTING* experts to right our listing ship on all of the above and more.

Check the above list. That's no small thing. It's about the destruction of a country that I dearly love and which the world needs desperately to come back at this moment.

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Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
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BearN said:

Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
Are you that foolish? To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. Do you get out of your basement? Do you know Democrats? Obviously, you either, don't get out of you basement or you are just that dumb. Which is it? I have Dem friends that are salt of the earth people. This one really takes the cake. At least we know who you are.
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J.R. said:

BearN said:

Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
Are you that foolish? To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. Do you get out of your basement? Do you know Democrats? Obviously, you either, don't get out of you basement or you are just that dumb. Which is it? I have Dem friends that are salt of the earth people. This one really takes the cake. At least we know who you are.
Democrats support sexually mutilating children. I suppose you do too..
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If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.
Yet they still vote Democrat. Disgusting.
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BearN said:

J.R. said:

BearN said:

Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
Are you that foolish? To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. Do you get out of your basement? Do you know Democrats? Obviously, you either, don't get out of you basement or you are just that dumb. Which is it? I have Dem friends that are salt of the earth people. This one really takes the cake. At least we know who you are.
Democrats support sexually mutilating children. I suppose you do too..
dude, you are a freaking wack job. Go back to the basement, Maga, Religious Extremest. You are what is wrong with this country just like the Lunatic Left Fringe. Dude. grow up and get out more. Dems or Gays don't rub off on you. Neither do Muslims, Hindu's, ect.
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J.R. said:

BearN said:

J.R. said:

BearN said:

Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
Are you that foolish? To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. Do you get out of your basement? Do you know Democrats? Obviously, you either, don't get out of you basement or you are just that dumb. Which is it? I have Dem friends that are salt of the earth people. This one really takes the cake. At least we know who you are.
Democrats support sexually mutilating children. I suppose you do too..
dude, you are a freaking wack job. Go back to the basement, Maga, Religious Extremest. You are what is wrong with this country just like the Lunatic Left Fringe. Dude. grow up.
You first, unhinged child-mutilation-supporting clown.

I'm a wack job extremist because I refuse to condone sexually mutilating children. Okay, sure.
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BearN said:

J.R. said:

BearN said:

J.R. said:

BearN said:

Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
Are you that foolish? To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. Do you get out of your basement? Do you know Democrats? Obviously, you either, don't get out of you basement or you are just that dumb. Which is it? I have Dem friends that are salt of the earth people. This one really takes the cake. At least we know who you are.
Democrats support sexually mutilating children. I suppose you do too..
dude, you are a freaking wack job. Go back to the basement, Maga, Religious Extremest. You are what is wrong with this country just like the Lunatic Left Fringe. Dude. grow up.
You first, unhinged child-mutilation-supporting clown.

I'm a wack job extremist because I refuse to condone sexually mutilating children. Okay, sure.
yes, you have demonstrated that you are a whack job. Since you don't know, me would you please explain how I'm a child mutilation supporter ? Just *** are you talking about child mutilation? Get out more . All MAGA nuts are evil. get it? Please get back to library to study. You need it. Better yet, go grab a beer and chat with folks for some perspective . Do you live in MTG's district? Certainly seems it.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.

I wager that a large percentage of Germans weren't in favor of extermination either - yet they allowed it to happen and continued to toe the party line.

A given person doesn't have to support everything his or her party does but at this point, if a person is voting for Biden then that person is either stupid, has a financial interest in the outcome, or supports one of the many evil planks in the left's platform. There simply is no other explanation.
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J.R. "To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. "

Also J.R. "All MAGA nuts are evil".

That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R. "To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. "

Also J.R. "All MAGA nuts are evil".

you obviously did not get that was tongue in cheek. The hate on both sides is nauseating. I was merely trying to point out to the misguided little fella to make a way over reaching hyperbolic statement like that was just showing his narrowness. R's and D's are not inherently "Evil", as that is a really harsh words. Are there nuts on both side?yup! Are they "evil" I think not. Just because you do not buy peoples politics, it does not make them evil. Get out, son! Way too sheltered.
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J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.
Perhaps in the specific case where children are involved they would, but I would bet that if you polled 100 Democrats about whether trans ideology in general should be validated/supported, a significant portion would be for it. Same craziness, same evil, different degree. It's just that children are a bridge too far for democrats.... at least for now.

What democrats in general consistently fail to do is extrapolate their (terrible) beliefs and ideas out logically and perceive how damaging it will be. Just like with defunding the police, no bail for criminals, de-criminalizing certain crimes, enabling homelessness, and of course allowing a flood of millions of unvetted illegal migrants into the country at their whim. Just to name a few. It's only AFTER the damage is done when they begin to wake up and see their mistake. Even the supposedly "smart" ones like Bill Maher and Nicholas Kristof in his piece here: for example.

It's either that they're incredibly stupid, or they don't care because they are too far up the social and economic ladder for it to really affect them while at the same time it's a great way to virtue signal and earn their "woke" bona fides, or they really do hate this country and want to upend it.... or yes, because they are truly evil. Sure, there are probably many democrats who can extrapolate out and understand the danger, but they're probably too invested in getting free stuff or wanting to kill babies, smoke weed, or make relationships based on gay sex socially and morally acceptable to want to rock the democrat boat.
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Aliceinbubbleland said:

If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.

It's called scene control

They don't got it

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J.R. said:

BearN said:

Classic Marxist tactics. One of the many reasons they've been so successful at brainwashing the masses. Democrats are evil.
Are you that foolish? To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. Do you get out of your basement? Do you know Democrats? Obviously, you either, don't get out of you basement or you are just that dumb. Which is it? I have Dem friends that are salt of the earth people. This one really takes the cake. At least we know who you are.
nice redirect. He didn't say "all".
Your game is getting old and stale. Your losing a step.
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R. "To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. "

Also J.R. "All MAGA nuts are evil".

caught that, too huh?
Johnny Bear
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GrowlTowel said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.

I wager that a large percentage of Germans weren't in favor of extermination either - yet they allowed it to happen and continued to toe the party line.

Good analogy.

No, not all dims are personally evil, but let's face it, given the obvious fact that the unhinged, radical, and yes, evil far left currently has all the power and calls all of the shots on that side of the isle, if you're still voting for them you are at least complicit in supporting their evil madness. And no, the MAGA movement, which is all about loving the country and returning it to the values that made it great is not in any shape, form, or fashion some "moral equivalent" on the right.
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
c'mon man. He didn't say "all". You falsely accused him of saying it.

Do better

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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R. "To say all democrats are "evil", may be the dumbest thing I have read on this board and that is saying something. "

Also J.R. "All MAGA nuts are evil".

you obviously did not get that was tongue in cheek. The hate on both sides is nauseating. I was merely trying to point out to the misguided little fella to make a way over reaching hyperbolic statement like that was just showing his narrowness. R's and D's are not inherently "Evil", as that is a really harsh words. Are there nuts on both side?yup! Are they "evil" I think not. Just because you do not buy peoples politics, it does not make them evil. Get out, son! Way too sheltered.
lol. Typical J.R. He is allowed to be "tongue in cheek" but nobody else can use hyperbole or he unleashes his rapier wit with the " duuh.. me think you reel dum. duuhh...."
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
I have many friends, family members, and former co-workers who are Evil flaming libtards.
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
c'mon man. He didn't say "all". You falsely accused him of saying it.

Do better

He said "Democrats are Evil". Splitting hairs with a small minded loon, maga turd.
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BearN said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
I have many friends, family members, and former co-workers who are Evil flaming libtards.
alway great when you call your family and friends evil. You are the problem. Have some empathy and grace, while staying with your small minded ethos. Kinda feel that is beyond your capacity.
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BearN said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
I have many friends, family members, and former co-workers who are Evil flaming libtards.
I have a doctor who's evil.
Forest Bueller_bf
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GrowlTowel said:

Aliceinbubbleland said:

If you polled 100 Democrats I'd bet 99% would be against what you say would be 100% approval.

I wager that a large percentage of Germans weren't in favor of extermination either - yet they allowed it to happen and continued to toe the party line.

A given person doesn't have to support everything his or her party does but at this point, if a person is voting for Biden then that person is either stupid, has a financial interest in the outcome, or supports one of the many evil planks in the left's platform. There simply is no other explanation.
There are stats on some aspects....


Democrats are twice as likely to support allowing transgender teens access to puberty-blockers than to oppose it, and a majority 69% are in favor of allowing schools to provide instruction on gender identity, including access to books that tell stories about transgender youth.
Puberty blockers of course are just the first step in the process of becoming transgender, but be real, puberty for most guys start around 12-13 and girls 11-12. That is WAY too young to start making these permanent decisions.

94% of gender disphoria cases are cleared up by going through puberty. When you agree to not allow the natural cure for this mess, puberty, to occur, you are seriously messed up in the head.
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J.R. said:

BearN said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
I have many friends, family members, and former co-workers who are Evil flaming libtards.
alway great when you call your family and friends evil. You are the problem. Have some empathy and grace, while staying with your small minded ethos. Kinda feel that is beyond your capacity.
You have about the same critical thinking skills as a cow looking at a barn door. I've been trolling you for two pages.
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
hey, fella. I never , ever have said that I'm a "brilliant businessman". That would be crass. The only thing I have ever said, when some of you Maga folks like to use the work "dumb, stupid ect), which is bs. I have only noted that I'm a whole lot better educated that most all of your little buddies. I have only mentioned what I do for a living and wanted to bring some reality to the discussion, particularly with oil and gas and a few other things. Anger management? Again, you don't know me, my compassion, charity ect. May be the less angry dude you know as I have no reason to be angry. However, what seeps out with the likes of you, little Johnny, little Petey. I would content yall are the ones that are angry. It shines through. Read between the lines if you are capable.
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
hey, fella. I never , ever have said that I'm a "brilliant businessman". That would be crass. I have only mentioned what I do for a living and wanted to bring some reality to the discussion, particularly with oil and gas and a few other things. Anger management? Again, you don't know me, my compassion, charity ect. May be the less angry dude you know as I have no reason to be angry. However, what seeps out with the likes of you, little Johnny, little Petey. I would content yall are the ones that are angry. It shines through. Read between the lines if you are capable.
There's that Narcissist again. You just can't help yourself. "You don't know how compassionate and charitable I am. But I am J.R. the omniscient. I know everything about all these anonymous posters, because it seeps out of their one-liner anonymous posts - none of which could possibly be "tongue in cheek" because I am the only one clever enough to have ever tried that online. I am J.R. the Hilarious. My anonymous posts seep charity and compassion. My lunatic ravings are actually a quite reasonable response to all the morons, and it is obvious that none of these other anonymous posters are charitable like me, the all-knowing J.R. , because you know, of all the online seeping."
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BearN said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
hey, fella. I never , ever have said that I'm a "brilliant businessman". That would be crass. I have only mentioned what I do for a living and wanted to bring some reality to the discussion, particularly with oil and gas and a few other things. Anger management? Again, you don't know me, my compassion, charity ect. May be the less angry dude you know as I have no reason to be angry. However, what seeps out with the likes of you, little Johnny, little Petey. I would content yall are the ones that are angry. It shines through. Read between the lines if you are capable.
There's that Narcissist again. You just can't help yourself. "You don't know how compassionate and charitable I am. But I know everything about you, because it seeps out of your anonymous posts - none of which could possibly be "tongue in cheek" because I am the only one clever enough to have ever tried that online. My anonymous posts seep charity and compassion. My lunatic ravings are actually a quite reasonable response to all the morons, and it is obvious that none of these other anonymous posters are charitable like me, the all-knowing J.R. , because you know, of all the online seeping."
again, you know nothing about me. Your lunatic post are just that, pal. Cray gonna cray. I'm sure you are soooo charitable , just like your boy Trumps who gave ZERO to charity!. You good with that?
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
still waiting on your answer mister oldie.
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J.R. said:


J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
c'mon man. He didn't say "all". You falsely accused him of saying it.

Do better

He said "Democrats are Evil". Splitting hairs with a small minded loon, maga turd.
Well J.R., since you quoted me then said 'he said Democrats are Evil', which is not my post, I'd suggest you are being sloppy in your arguments again ...

As for 'no tantrum', you have certainly thrown more than a few expletives here, so I don't think you're going to sell the notion that you represent sober, reasonable takes on these issues.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier
Johnny Bear
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J.R. said:

BearN said:

J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
hey, fella. I never , ever have said that I'm a "brilliant businessman". That would be crass. I have only mentioned what I do for a living and wanted to bring some reality to the discussion, particularly with oil and gas and a few other things. Anger management? Again, you don't know me, my compassion, charity ect. May be the less angry dude you know as I have no reason to be angry. However, what seeps out with the likes of you, little Johnny, little Petey. I would content yall are the ones that are angry. It shines through. Read between the lines if you are capable.
There's that Narcissist again. You just can't help yourself. "You don't know how compassionate and charitable I am. But I know everything about you, because it seeps out of your anonymous posts - none of which could possibly be "tongue in cheek" because I am the only one clever enough to have ever tried that online. My anonymous posts seep charity and compassion. My lunatic ravings are actually a quite reasonable response to all the morons, and it is obvious that none of these other anonymous posters are charitable like me, the all-knowing J.R. , because you know, of all the online seeping."
I'm sure you are soooo charitable , just like your boy Trumps who gave ZERO to charity!. You good with that?

LOL!! Nice attempted deflection (NOT). I knew your terminal TDS would once again rear its ugly head sooner or later. Does your Obamacare policy cover treatment for it?
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J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
hey, fella. I never , ever have said that I'm a "brilliant businessman". That would be crass. The only thing I have ever said, when some of you Maga folks like to use the work "dumb, stupid ect), which is bs. I have only noted that I'm a whole lot better educated that most all of your little buddies. I have only mentioned what I do for a living and wanted to bring some reality to the discussion, particularly with oil and gas and a few other things. Anger management? Again, you don't know me, my compassion, charity ect. May be the less angry dude you know as I have no reason to be angry. However, what seeps out with the likes of you, little Johnny, little Petey. I would content yall are the ones that are angry. It shines through. Read between the lines if you are capable.
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Oldbear83 said:

J.R. said:


J.R. said:

Oldbear83 said:

J.R., you throw way too many tantrums to be lecturing anyone on tone.

Grow up son, you keep telling us what a brilliant business man you are, but your posts keep telling me you have anger management issues.
Well, old man. No tantrum or anger. I simply stated that him say "All Democrats are Evil". Just pointing out how infantile that is. He obviously has no friends that a Dems or he'd be friends with Satan. Just so absurd. So, oldie , do you believe that all Dems are Evil?
c'mon man. He didn't say "all". You falsely accused him of saying it.

Do better

He said "Democrats are Evil". Splitting hairs with a small minded loon, maga turd.
Well J.R., since you quoted me then said 'he said Democrats are Evil', which is not my post, I'd suggest you are being sloppy in your arguments again ...

As for 'no tantrum', you have certainly thrown more than a few expletives here, so I don't think you're going to sell the notion that you represent sober, reasonable takes on these issues
good deflection as some of you MAGA nuts are prone. Now, please answer the question. Certainly glad you are above board and have never slung an expletive or a demeaning comment.
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