Porteroso said:
whiterock said:
Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:
It's a conspiracy that illegals vote in federal elections. The burden of proof lies with those putting it out. Show proof.
Funny that Barr, loaded supreme court, Julio g. The movie about mules all failed but some Americans still cling to it in disbelief that their hero is seen as a pathological liar by most of the world. Mexico will pay for wall. Lol
I've posted a recent Rasmussen poll where 10% of respondents indicated they were illegal aliens.....ON A POLL BUILT ON LIKELY VOTER ROLLS (meaning they'd voted before).
just look at how silly is your premise that this could not be a problem: They broke the law to come here, but they wouldn't break the law to vote here? Remember, the vast majority of them PAID THE DRUG CARTELS to get here, or are indentured to them (or both). Keep in mind, there are few state level requirements to prove citizenship. How could someone reject out of hand that there might not be illegal alien voting going on?
Some states actually allow illegal aliens to vote in municipal elections. Is it crazy to suggest that they might not also be voting in state/federal elections too?
Yes, it is against the law for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. However, there are no verification measures in place in most places to stop it. Here's a recent ruling from the 9th Circus on the matter. Note context: GOP is demanding protections in place to stop illegals from registering; Dems are litigating to stop it.
The true menace to democracy, though, are the people who reject out of hand that this issue is worth worrying about and try to stop any verification methods. If we are going to tolerate tens of millions of illegal aliens in our presence, why SHOULDN'T we work overtime to ensure they neither vote nor get entitlement monies?
That is pure bs. There is no place in America where 10% of voters or pollsters are voting illegals.
Agree , 10% seems high……..initially.
But as someone who has traveled extensively along the border from Mission , Texas to the south side of El Paso ( near Bowie High School ) on to Columbus , New Mexico ; then to Douglas , Arizona and finally to Chula Vista , Ca ( south of San Diego ) ………
You realize 10% is not impossible.
The number of illegals in our country is now approaching 10 million. As a point of comparison the entire population of the state of Wyoming is less than 600,000.
Phony social security cards have been easily available for over 30 years . In some areas driver's licenses are available to illegals one way or another.
Have no doubt illegals will be voting by the tens of thousands this November.
Will they represent 10% of the total vote cast…..of course not.
But in specific, critical precincts the illegal vote could easily be 10% or higher.
Enough to turn a state.
Which is why Democrats are actively prohibiting any laws to prevent illegal voting.