1 month since balls-iest display by a political figure in modern history

5,964 Views | 76 Replies | Last: 9 days ago by historian
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It's been one month since the assassination attempt.

Its been one month since the ballsiest display by a West block political figure in modern history.

Its been one month since the dude was shot and he stands up in defiance yelling "fight, fight, fight"

Its been one month with no answers and the FBI and secret service are still the answerless disgrace.

Its been one month since an assassination attempt and the American Pravda merely pays it lip service, instead they spend more time manufacturing a new Kamala.

Don't let the significance of that event be forgotten. Him standing up, shot, bloodied, and willing to fight for our country. It truly was a significant moment, one that resonates with those who understand the how and what America is supposed to be.

Agree with his politics or not, if you don't admire the man in that dire moment, you are truly a disgrace of an American and individual.
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I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.
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I was -2 when I figured it out............


Go Bears!
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I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
They know but they run a pretty tight protection racket.

The Sicilians have nothing on them
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I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
I don't doubt you believe that.
Limited IQ Redneck in PU
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Dont underestimate RD2WIN. He based his retirement on a presidential election result.
I have found theres only two ways to go:
Living fast or dying slow.
I dont want to live forever.
But I will live while I'm here.
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The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.
Limited IQ Redneck in PU
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Doing all this then selling the Bible prove how ballsy he really is. It is his favorite book.

I have found theres only two ways to go:
Living fast or dying slow.
I dont want to live forever.
But I will live while I'm here.
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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.
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Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

Dont underestimate RD2WIN. He based his retirement on a presidential election result.
And it was a good call. Just look at damage that ensued.

I have lost tens of thousands due to Biden but am youngish enough to make it back before I hit retirement.
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Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:


Doing all this then selling the Bible prove how ballsy he really is. It is his favorite book.

at least you got (an autographed) Bible...

what did any of us get for La Familia Biden's $30MM (very conservative) sell out???

Go Bears!
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One definition for "zealot" is a "fanatically committed person."

Using that definition, "zealotry" has reared its head in different fashions here in the United States in recent elections. And quite honestly, IMO opinion, it is just another overused word that has been used as a hyperbolic attempt to discredit those you don't agree with.

On one side you have this passion, love and so-called "zealotry" for a certain man who stands for policies those "zealots" just so happen to believe in.

On the other side, in response, you have an intense anti-candidate "zealotry" going on. No, there is no particular candidate for which that side has any form of "zealotry," because their candidates are so weak that there is nothing to be a "zealot" for. So they possess their own level of "zealotry" which comes out, in this case, as an anti-candidate "zealotry."

In American politics now, you have those who are fanatically committed to a candidate. On the other side, they turn to their own fanatical commitment being one that is against the candidate on the other side.
Both sides have a certain level of fanatical commitment, if you want to refer to it as that. So for one side (in this case the left) to call the other sized "zealots" is ignoring their own level of fanaticism. It's just a different kind of fanaticism.

True that the right says that the future of our nation rides on who we elect as a leader, and that DT is the answer right now.

The left though calls up fear in its voters by referring to the opposing candidate as Hitler, in addition to a slew of other attacks, including the use of the "r" word and any other alarming word they can come up with. They really have become fanatical with this rhetoric.

The fact is, DT has already been president for four years. We know who he is, what he has done for this country, and what the hasn't done for this country. You can agree with his policies or not. But this rabid level of rhetoric aimed at him has become ridiculous. All of those fears the left tried to put in peoples' heads never came to pass with DT as president. Maybe he didn't do for them, policy-wise, that which they wanted, but the way they painted him as evil incarnate and dictatorial never came to pass.

Use this overused word if you choose, but In reality, the choices really have to come down to policy. Whose do you agree with the most, regardless of the person saying them.

DT is certainly bombastic, he hides nothing, there is no filter. Which opens him up to a lot of criticism. But those who vote for him like that in him. He takes no prisoners. His first campaign called out the media and Republicans who had turned RINO as much as he called out the left. All of them deserved to be questioned. He just did so in sometimes insulting ways which left a bad taste in a lot of peoples' mouths. He's very polarizing even though at the root of what he says policy-wise I agree with.

He was the non-politician though so that was a breath of fresh air for a lot of people.

People can lambast him for his rhetoric, call him a meanie, or whatever. But his policies are what they are.
And when you have the other side looking for tampons in boys's bathrooms, having an inability to define what a woman is, opening a border for anyone and everyone, and looking the other way on baby parts being left behind on an abortion exam table, not to mention pushing fiscal policies that only hurt those who the left panders to the most, the decision should be clear.

I can see why voters would prefer a "meanie" who calls people out on their crap over someone who would take a stand...for that abortion exam table.

Though I don't like DT's way of expressing himself in such bombastic ways, the latter takes inhumane to a whole different level. And the decision is clear for me in this election.
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Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.

I don't love Trump in the way that you mean. I admire some of things about him and dislike others. But he's demonstrated that he's a very capable president.

Not a zealot. If Obama or Clinton had been in a similar situation, and they responded like Trump. I would admire their grit. Difference is that that they weren't in that situation and I suspect that if they were, they'd have hurried to the bullet proof car, which I would not blame them them for doing so either.

As for libs and media people not liking the image. That's on record.

As for libs, they downplay and even criticize the grit he showed because they are immaculated men who worship progressive ideology over reality.

As for Trump, he was the best president we've had in decades. That's not merely an opinion. The data by objective standards backs it up.

Why are you always on the other side of truth and reality. Should be exhausting having to constantly deny reality. Well maybe your meds help.

I will vote for Trump because he's the best person for the job that's currently running.

I don't idolize or worship the man. I did not vote for Trump in his first term's primary. I easily vote for him now because of his past performance.

Anyone not voting for him now are either progressive Religionistas or someone who just doesn't care about their neighbors.
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General Patton could be a scumbag of a person. He was also a winner and the right man for the job at the right time.
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General Patton could be a scumbag of a person. He was also a winner and the right man for the job at the right time.

Gen. Patton could be a jerk...but not a scumbag.

And he had a very aristocratic spirit

[Carlo D'Este, Patton A Genius For War, Harper Collins, NY, NY, pg 317:

One night in 1922, as he was returning to his hotel from a nearby Long Island horse show, Patton spied three men and what he perceived was a damsel in obvious distress, who was being abducted into a truck parked at the curb. He slammed on his brakes, leaped from his Pierce-Arrow brandishing a revolver, and ordered the men to unhand the woman. Terrified at the sudden intrusion of an obvious madman waving a gun at them, they complied, but eventually managed to convince him that the lady was only being assisted into a truck by her fiancee. For a time the incident became a favorite topic of conversation at social events he attended on Long Island. When one woman asked why he carried a weapon to a horse show, Patton is said to have replied: "I always believe in being prepared, even when I'm dressed in white tie and tails."

So it sounds as though he might not have been dressed in white tie and tails at that occasion.]
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Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
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Trump came across looking like a total bad@$$ reacting the way he did after getting shot.

Why do liberals like Port not admit to that?

Why aren't they upset with our law enforcement for being so lax, no firings, and producing nothing worthwhile investigation wise even a month later.

They are an odd lot. Almost like their religion is Dem politics.
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Limited IQ Redneck in PU said:

Dont underestimate RD2WIN. He based his retirement on a presidential election result.
And the retired life these last few years has been great!! I owe Joe Biden a big thank you for motivating me to exit the workforce. If I could take off and get paid for spending 40 percent of my time on vacation like Joe, I might still be "working"! I've never heard a dying man say, "I wish I would have worked more!"
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.
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ron.reagan said:


I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
I don't doubt you believe that.
100 percent
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.
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ron.reagan said:


I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
I don't doubt you believe that.
100 percent

110% believe it

Why do progressives hate that Trump looked like a stone cold bad-@$$. Do they hate masculinity?

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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:


ron.reagan said:


I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
I don't doubt you believe that.
100 percent

110% believe it

Why do progressives hate that Trump looked like a stone cold bad-@$$. Do they hate masculinity?

How can they hate what they can't define
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Hah, and even more of the a mystery to them is that dreaded word "feminine".

I do find it strange that not a single lib here admitted to having some admiration for his response in that moment. Some even immediately criticized it. And at least one was upset that he used the word fight after being shot.

If Clinton or Obama had a done similar, I'd have admired the masculine display of defiant backbone.

Truth is progressives are rudderless people. Floating whichever way the TV directs the current.

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KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
Yes I watched Sesame Street. I think it came on right after Mr. Rodgers, and sometimes the TV was still on. What if I had watched Tele Tubbies and learned something from it? Of course the zealots on this forum try to discredit people who learned a thing or 2 as children. I'm sure you believe strongly in the eradication of public education. Leave it up to the parents and further the class divide in America.
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... even better, he stands up, as the bloodied american ubermenschen hero - pauses - then pulls out an arbys rosbif sammich and takes a big ol' stinkin' bite......

murrica's presidente...

il donaldo!!



Go Bears!
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Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
Yes I watched Sesame Street. I think it came on right after Mr. Rodgers, and sometimes the TV was still on. What if I had watched Tele Tubbies and learned something from it? Of course the zealots on this forum……………


Good grief are you ever limited in your perceptions and vocabulary.

Again I ask you……did you really graduate from ANY accredited university ?

If so how are you currently employing your degree ?

I'm guessing you have a BA degree, but only work part time at some non profit.

Meanwhile enjoy voting for Harris.

As there is little chance you will be able to comprehend the negative impacts her policies will have on your extended family.

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KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
Yes I watched Sesame Street. I think it came on right after Mr. Rodgers, and sometimes the TV was still on. What if I had watched Tele Tubbies and learned something from it? Of course the zealots on this forum……………


Good grief are you ever limited in your perceptions and vocabulary.

Again I ask you……did you really graduate from ANY accredited university ?

If so how are you currently employing your degree ?

I'm guessing you have a BA degree, but only work part time at some non profit.

Meanwhile enjoy voting for Harris.

As there is little chance you will be able to comprehend the negative impacts her policies will have on your extended family.

Are you really responding by attacking my education again? So what if I hold a graduate degree? How does that impact my or your opinion? You simply expect everyone to be as prideful and selfish as you, and dismiss them when they turn out to be different.

In the analogy of the melting pot, you are a grease stain on the lid of the pot that never got any exposure to the mix. Sad.
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Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
Yes I watched Sesame Street. I think it came on right after Mr. Rodgers, and sometimes the TV was still on. What if I had watched Tele Tubbies and learned something from it? Of course the zealots on this forum……………


Good grief are you ever limited in your perceptions and vocabulary.

Again I ask you……did you really graduate from ANY accredited university ?

If so how are you currently employing your degree ?

I'm guessing you have a BA degree, but only work part time at some non profit.

Meanwhile enjoy voting for Harris.

As there is little chance you will be able to comprehend the negative impacts her policies will have on your extended family.

Are you really responding by attacking my education again? So what if I hold a graduate degree? How does that impact my or your opinion? You simply expect everyone to be as prideful and selfish as you, and dismiss them when they turn out to be different.

In the analogy of the melting pot, you are a grease stain on the lid of the pot that never got any exposure to the mix. Sad.

Yeah same old deflection.

Speaking of graduate degrees I posses one. But in my case I actually used it.

Qualified me to work at an agricultural research center for a few years where I had several pieces of research accept for publication in refereed journals. Some times but there was far more money bring self employed.


Of course none of this makes any sense to you. Good grief I can't imagine who is still willing to pay your way in life.
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Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
Yes I watched Sesame Street. I think it came on right after Mr. Rodgers, and sometimes the TV was still on. What if I had watched Tele Tubbies and learned something from it? Of course the zealots on this forum try to discredit people who learned a thing or 2 as children. I'm sure you believe strongly in the eradication of public education. Leave it up to the parents and further the class divide in America.

Actually we want better public education. Our country is terribly behind where it should be. Liberals create an unhealthy learning environment because they use schools not for education but for indoctrination and grooming.
As for PBS, it should improve or get its funding dropped.

And why do libs like you hate Trump for his masculine reaction to getting shot and wanting to fight on. They should show that in k-12 school regularly, because kids will likely never see another politician react in such an admirable way in their remaining lives.

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I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.

The Dems have turned the FBI into the Gestapo. If I am exaggerating, it's not by much.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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It's not that Trump said, "fight!" Anyone can do that and many do. He said it moments after narrowly and miraculously avoiding having his head blown off.

Context matters.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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The scary thing is how often Leftists accuse Trump of doing things or express fear that he might do certain things with zero self awareness. The recent example was the DNC speaker who warned that Trump would pursue is political enemies, abusing the FBI to target them. They seem oblivious to what the Biden-Harris DoJ did to Trump, Steve Bannon, & others.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:


ron.reagan said:


I honestly believe our government is now the most corrupt in the entire world. Even more so than Mexico. The fact that the FBI has "no clue" who brought cocaine into the White House pretty much tells the story.
I don't doubt you believe that.
100 percent

110% believe it

Why do progressives hate that Trump looked like a stone cold bad-@$$. Do they hate masculinity?

You already know that the Left hates masculinity. They also hate women & femininity (preferring fake women), babies (they want to kill as many as possible), children (brainwashing them with every cultural Marxist fad & trying to mutilate their bodies), etc. They are a very hateful bunch.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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It comes natural to them.
“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

Porteroso said:

KaiBear said:

Porteroso said:

TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:

The Progressive Pravda fears that "defiant bloodied fight" image. They know that it connects with men and women, it embodies what it is to be an American, it embodies what it is to be a masculine man fighting for others, it embodies what it is to be a woman fighting for her family. It connects with real people with real values.

If you hate that image, you might just be a tampon Timmy type of guy.

Just another zealot making it the world v dear leader. I doubt anyone hates that image, and nobody has a problem with Trump saying "fight." But how long would i have to think, before finding other bad actors saying fight? Videos from Sudam Hussein come to mind.

You are leaking out political zealotry onto the forum. I get that you love Trump, but don't try to box the rest of us in with your horribly illogical zealotry.


Big Bird must have been a guiding force in your educational development.
Yes I watched Sesame Street. I think it came on right after Mr. Rodgers, and sometimes the TV was still on. What if I had watched Tele Tubbies and learned something from it? Of course the zealots on this forum try to discredit people who learned a thing or 2 as children. I'm sure you believe strongly in the eradication of public education. Leave it up to the parents and further the class divide in America.

Actually we want better public education. Our country is terribly behind where it should be. Liberals create an unhealthy learning environment because they use schools not for education but for indoctrination and grooming.
As for PBS, it should improve or get its funding dropped.

And why do libs like you hate Trump for his masculine reaction to getting shot and wanting to fight on. They should show that in k-12 school regularly, because kids will likely never see another politician react in such an admirable way in their remaining lives.

I don't see Trump's reaction as anything out of the ordinary. It impacts nothing politically, in my opinion. The impetus in this situation is him being shot at, and assassination attempts just aren't gonna sway my opinion.

I'm glad some of you conservatives see the value of public education. The more educated and informed the average American is, the stronger we all are. Usually I'm depressed by the backwardness of your posts but this one was nice.
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