Porteroso said:
Assassin said:
Porteroso said:
Assassin said:
Porteroso said:
Tribal fighter stuff. The tribe wants to cast the opposition in as bad of a light as possible, without actually getting sued. Sound like anyone you know? Heh! Just politics as usual.
So, did it make you laugh out loud uncontrollably? Were your guts hurting from her puckering up?
Surely even the lefties here got a giggle out of this one...
I don't spend my time seeking out the mild discomfort of tribal talking heads for entertainment.
Could that be why you are so dour?
Put a little joy in your life. Laugh at the mild discomfort of these talking heads. It is truly entertainment, it won't be repeated until 4 years from now...
I laugh plenty. At farts, at the silly things my puppies do, at jokes, good tv shows, etc. Just normal stuff. What I don't do is endlessly spend time watching tribal politics to get some vindictive laughs. I sort of think I'd be a lesser person for doing so.
For me it is a struggle to simply pay attention to politics. Apathy would be far easier. But there is a balance to strike. Get too involved, and I ill become a partisan hack like you. Start to revel in the mild discomfort of those I deem to be in a different tribe, and I'm just a bitter old badger.
You don't seem very happy here. Kinda grouchy as a matter of fact. I think you should have led off with 'I'm just a bitter old badger'...
Maybe you need some time off. I took off 6 years. It really helped, I feel great and re-vived, just in time for the red tsunami, an old fashioned butt kicking, Trump the Godfather holding court, everyone loves this guy!
Give it a shot and come back in 6 years. Be sure to bookmark this thread and bring it back up! See ya then.
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