TexasScientist said:
TexasScientist said:
TexasScientist said:
TexasScientist said:
TexasScientist said:
KaiBear said:
TexasScientist said:
KaiBear said:
TexasScientist said:
KaiBear said:
TexasScientist said:
KaiBear said:
Yes, she is very beautiful.
And certainly a better Christian than most First Lady's.
Yeah. Her nude lesbian shots really exemplify what Christianity is all about.
A. The returning First Lady is in fact a devout Christian.
B. Nudity is not a sin if done tastefully.
C. However in your case nudity would be an abomination.
It seems that it was a problem and wasn't considered "tasteful" in the fable of Adam and Eve. I don't know any Christian theology that advocates nudity and "tasteful" lesbian nude scenes. You may want to ask your pastor what he thinks about it. I thought homosexuality was a sin. Apparently, Christianity is changing its stance, as long as it is practiced "tastefully."
Nudity is not a sin.
The First Lady is a practicing Christian
Her only real 'problem' in your eyes is she is married to Donald Trump.
Have a nice day.
Neither Melania nor Trump are practicing Christians. Most posters on this board would question someone's Christianity that hold her pro abortion views. Christians went over the edge when Michelle Obama exposed her arms in a sleeveless dress, but readily excuse Melania's nude lesbian scene.
Melania is well known as a practicing Catholic.
Your hatred of all things Trump clouds your judgment.
It's a numbers game, especially on the internet. Regardless what Trump does or does not do people like you will continue to rail against the guy.
As I recall, in FBC Southern Baptist Sunday school, I was taught Catholics, and Mormons are not real Christians, and wouldn't make it to the hereafter unless they made a profession of Christ and were baptized. The last I checked, Baptists and other Protestants consider nude lesbian photos not acceptable behavior of a Christian, nor is nudity with children by clergy, oh wait….
What I dislike is Trump's ignorance of history, ignorance of the importance of America's foreign policy role on the international stage, his dangerous isolationist views, lack of economic understanding, his grift, erratic behavior and judgement, his autocratic tendencies, and the danger he presents from being a malignant narcissist (a mental disorder).
He's done a few things I like, but I can't overlook the overall danger he presents.
Quit reading at "baptized"
Thief on the Cross
You don't believe in baptism being a requirement?
A Christian should be baptized but the baptism doesn't make that person a Christian.
A husband/wife should be monogamous but the monogamy doesn't make that husband/wife married.
Look back to the thief on the cross. Christ said "today you will be with me in paradise." Christ said nothing to him about baptism.
Just a suggestion, rather than being argumentative or cynical, try discussing. If pride is in the way, create a new screen name and account to have your discussion. You wouldn't be the first person to come under the cover of darkness to ask questions.
I'm just pointing out the inconsistencies in what you hold up as a virtue with your religion. You're essentially advocating living your life as you want, as long as you remember to ask for forgiveness, you're good to go.
Not even close.
I used the thief on the cross as an example. He had a change of heart but never had a chance to be baptized.
In my example of a marriage I said they should be monogamous but the monogamy doesn't make them married.
A Christian should be baptized because Christ wants us to be baptized. A deathbed conversion or the thief on the cross don't have a chance to be baptized but Christ knows their heart.
Quit beating the wind
Baptism as a requirement has been a source of debate in the past. More recently, in some sects it has been dismissed as a requirement. The Catholics still seem to think it is necessary for salvation (with some unusual exceptions) and to become a member of the church.
Getting back to the point, Melania doesn't exemplify what I was taught is acceptable Christian behavior, nor does DJT, nor Matt Gaetz. I find it odd that the theocrats on this board want to embrace them because they make appeals for their support. A pretty good con job.
How about Saul/Paul. Does his behavior exemplify what you were taught is acceptable Christian behavior. Maybe Peter, the guy the denied Christ three times
Well that is where the debate really is, is it not? A Christian is supposed to be a change person, living a "Christlike" life. At the same time, they can do whatever they want, treat others however they want, and it is excused as long as they profess to be a Christian, and all is forgiven. Just keep asking for forgiveness and you're good to go. Pretty good theology.
Use hand lotion. I'm sure the straw you are grasping at must really chap and dry.
Why do you continue to look at sinful Christians rather than looking at Christ. No one is asking you to follow Christians? If you heard Beethoven played poorly, would you call Beethoven a fraud or suggest the one who played it poorly practice more?
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to dothis I keep on doing. Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is sin living in me that does it."
Becoming a Christian doesn't make a person perfect. It doesn't give that person a free pass to sin at will, as you suggest. Becoming a Christian changes a person's heart. You may or may not recognize their change, their fruit because their change may be more in their thoughts, their conscience.
Skepticism is fine and understandable. Cynicism gets old and worn out. It's like watching you beat the wind.