ATL Bear said:
FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
FLBear5630 said:
So, Musk is submitting a report that will be presented to Congress?
Actually, it isn't worth it. Subject done from my part.
Of course. It's been well-reported that DOGE will prepare written recommendations for both executive and legislative action. If that were not the case, why would he need to threaten primary challenges?
Glad to hear the first, but fail to see how the 2nd is relevant. Musk threatened Congress on the passage of the CR, not any DOGE recommendations.
Which donors do all the time. Nothing remotely remarkable about what he did.
Keep in mind, my concern was ensuring the DOGE cuts were supported by data and have supported the ones that were reported. My concern in the fox calling the shots and everyone's response being "how can you question, it's Elon...". I am just as concerned over the politics of personality now as I was for Clinton and Obama, both had the same charisma the led to blind following.
DOGE will not be cutting anything. DOGE will identify opportunities for reforms & eliminations of things that will save money. Legislative & Executive will have to act on it. And I have no doubt Musk and other donors will be using those recommendations as a cudgel to get GOP votes in line. That is how sausage gets made in a free society. The left does it and the right does it, only the left has for several decades done it a lot better and the system is out of balance. I would submit the entry of Musk into the equation is a needed offset to the influences of the radical left and the swamp.
Someone talked to Elon, because he has stood down recently and with this vote coming up today he has been pretty quite, same with Trump. Encouraging.
Or, perhaps, he made his point....
Loved the "Childish" comment! There is a difference between the public challenging of the system and lobbying. True, they do get the same results, but the public challenging creates distrust and undermines systems. We do not need that.
The one thing I think we all agree, to paraphrase Churchill, is that our system has warts, but it is still better than the other systems. We do not need more January 6th demonstrations, I prefer the systems to work like they should.
If we can stop illegal immigration, balance the budget, and get the economy going, we have no reason to fear any more J6 deonstrations.
Did you hear that George Soros got a Presidential Medal of Freedom, essentially in exchange for electing Fani Willis-types of prosecutors all over the country to go soft on crime and hard on political opponents? Soros spent $1m in a Democrat primary in San Antonio Tx to unseat a Democrat incumbent DA (Nico LaHood) in favor of a wild-eyed progressive. He had no DOGE and almost no PR, but did more to destabilize the Republic than Donald Trump, by a country mile.
Musk is not a malign force. His efforts are restoring balance. He deserves kudos if he and others can whip GOP'ers into line to pass the agenda Trump was elected upon.
Soros is a piece of ****, I am not for any Meda to him
I am not putting value judgements on Musk, I actually like his ideas and think he is one of the better visionaries we have had. I work with innovation, I respect the hell out of Musk.
I have no issue with his statements of what he wants and what he thinks we should do. All of that is great, we need it.
I have issue with the "OR, I will...." That is a threat. I do not believe that a Nation can respond to that or allow it without degrading the bedrock of the Nation's authority and standing. Same with Jan 6th, demonstrate, march. Donald Jr and Guilianni speak. Don't break into the Capital and attack Capital Policemen. I am good with Trump pardoning anyone that was just there, specifically, if you did not go inside or plan violence, pardon. No issues. A Nation can't condone, give in or just turn its back on threats and violence. Simple as that.
Telling an elected official you're unhappy with them and will back an opponent if they don't change their policies is not a threat and it's certainly not violence. Happens all the time, all over the country, at all levels of government.
EX: I spent last weekend with profoundly wealthy friends, one of which is 3rd largest political donor in the state...dinner with Trump at MAL level donors. They just sold a very large working ranch (6-digits of acres) and downsized to a 3000ac showplace (where they will regularly entertain governors & senators & the like.) The new ranch manager explained how he was having a hard time burning brush piles & pastures, thanks to the new fire marshal being a real PITA, basically shutting down the transformation of the ranch from deer habitat to quail habitat. What the owner will do is call county-level elected officials, starting with the sheriff, and have discussions about fundraisers for their next election. In the course of those discussions, the issue of the unreasonable fire marshal will be discussed. Changes will be requested. If not.....
Happens ALL the time.
You know that.
We disagree on this. Sorry, Musk came across as a threat. You or I say that, it means little. Musk, Soros, Bezos, Allen, Gates, etc say that, it is a different meaning. I expect MAGA spoke to Trump about it. I noticed Musk has quieted down.
I expect Trump, or someone with a good sense of how to get things done in Wash, had a discussion with him. Johnson was elected Speaker. Trump says he wants a CR in April, more than enough time to negotiate. Trump seems to get it this time. He needs to focus on getting things done. I want to see the "Art of the Deal."
To his credit, he seems to be got it under control this time. I am encouraged.
No billionaire is ever under control of anybody other than themself.
Musk got what he wanted at this time = the party united behind Trump, Speaker elected, election certified, etc...
Musk is the furthest thing from a problem. He's been a uniformly positive influence thus far. He's not crossways with Maga at all. The recalcitrants in the Speaker election were not a Maga rebellion. Norman actually supported Nikki Haley in the 2024 primary.....
You know, someone cannot be a problem or be liked and still do a stupid act. It is not a binary choice. Musk screwed up threatening Congress before a vote, with great wealth and power comes great responsibility. Publicly threatening and then expecting everyone to sign off on it undermines our system. Billionaires can pull bonehead moves.
Except it worked. It guaranteed that a fight over the Speakership would not prevent Trump from being certified winner of the 2024 election.
Also, Musk doesn't HAVE to get everything he wants and still be good for the Nation. If we lose the ability to disagree, call out and discuss acts under the threat of being "cancelled" we are no better than the those that came before.
Why do you reflexively waive the strawmen about Musk? He hasn't asked for "everything." He's actually on record saying there is no need for tax subsidies for electric cars.
Listen or read Gorsuch's book, excellent view on our system of Government.
Why does it bug you that a donor on the right is making demands that will facilitate policies you like? You were an outspoken critic when Freedom Caucus members removed McCarthy and took the election of his replacement to 15 rounds. You do want to fix the problems on the southern border don't you? You do want to restore fiscal sanity, right?
I keep saying the same thing. I don't care if it is left or right, it is the expectation of public and official acceptance that it is alright to threaten elected officials. There is a separation between Legislative and Executive Branch for a reason. Musk is pseudo-Executive Branch threatening with his billions. That is not right. I do not know how many ways I can say it to you. It is not appropriate or acceptable to threaten elected officials and doubly so not for our media, public and institutions to approve of it. Pretty basic, not a left, right or subject matter issue.
Threaten in what way specifically? Losing office or loss of life or injury?
Pick your way. Any of them. Any form of extortion is wrong and contrary to how the system is supposed to work. Being primaried. Physical harm. Financial ruin. Any of them.
If we start losing sight that the system is supposed to work a certain way and decide it is ok as long as we get what we want, the whole thing is shot. Congress is not supposed to be extorted into voting a certain way. Does it happen, of course, I am positive it does. Doing it publicly and everyone saying it is ok because he was right and got his way, undermines the system. That we cannot have.
In the Judiciary, just like lady justice is supposed to be blind, take off the blindfold and we are Putin's Russia or Xi's China. Does it happen, sure. But to watch it happen and condone it?
Idealistic? Naive? Yeah, but at the end of the day people have to defend what is right and be originalist in reading the Constitution. We have to strive to meet the original intent. Just like Biden should be prosecuted if he broke the law. Just like Soros is wrong. I like Musk, but he was wrong in doing what he did on X. It undermined the system, weakened the GOP (the only ones on their side) and gave the perception of extortion. You guys don't care, but someone has to if we are going to keep a Democratic Republic. Read Gorsuch's book, he explains the same thing better than I can...