J.R. said:
Redbrickbear said:
J.R. said:
As far as Costco is concerned, they are a public company and can do whatever they want. We have the choice to do business with them or not. Simple. .
They can't actually do what they want
We have Civil Rights laws in the USA
And it's actually illegal to discriminate on the basis of race
There is nothing unlawful about instituting DEI if they so choose. You are mistaken. I personally do not agree with DEI, but we all have choices. Funny how you RWNJs complain about govt, but yall love you some nanny state. Ironic?
That is not strictly true. It has been clarified by the federal government that if DEI policies result in some sort of quota to hire x many blacks next year, for example, that is illegal.
But to your point, DEI does not just mean 1 thing. Conservatives think it stands for D.evil E.vil I.iiiiveellllllll but in fact it does not. For Costco, they could have arrived at the conclusion that they need to take proactive measures to make sure minorities are not discriminated against, so that diversity has a chance and equity is achieved. Until you actually see what policies they have as a result of DEI it's impossible to tell whether the company is racist or not.
And my bet is they are not setting quotas, and are not racist at all. They do a great job by their employees, and probably just read the room 4 years ago, implemented a few measures to make sure they can't be accused of discrimination.