Guy Noir said:
I have always considered myself to be pretty conservative. That is why I have supported candidates that are conservative spenders and that exhibit conservative moral behavior (e.g. Not having affairs with porn stars which would open them up to extortion). I think it is classless for a politician to promote themselves by selling a Bible with their name on it. Pretending that Trump is a Conservative is a stretch for me to accept.
If you had trouble this last election cycle determining whether a Trump presidency is preferable to the disastrous, liberal policies of the Biden/Harris admin, then I would submit you aren't all that conservative. Likewise, if you had trouble determining whether you should vote for Trump over Harris or not vote at all, then I would likewise submit you aren't all that conservative.
I agree with you Trump is not a conservative in the traditional sense. I also agree that Trump is a serial philanderer whose personal morals I despise. But as between open borders, foreign wars, record inflation, woke policies and Trump, the choice was a simple one for actual conservatives.
If it wasn't a simple one for you, you might want to perform some introspection. You might not be "pretty conservative."