FLBear5630 said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
FLBear5630 said:
Greenland would be of strategic benefit, if we could get it. How??? There will need to be a scare from Russia or China to prompt action. Status quo, no way.
Needs a scare?
I mean I just told you that Russia and China have partnered up in the arctic and will be building up infrastructure. Canada is already concerned. You think the West hasn't noticed, just because the TV hasn't told you about it? It's quickly becoming a greater hotbed, so if you cannot see the "scare", I don't know what to tell you. If you don't see why Greenland is important in this situation, from both resource and location perspectives, again, not sure what to say.
You and I know that. The US knows that, look at the US Army presence in Alaska it has been beefed up. But the general population has no idea of the risk or the threat. Something that brings that to their attention would help, right now they are more interested in BS social issues. Borders are that big issue. I like Trump in this role and agree with him on the need for more presence. How we do that remains to be seen.
Greenland has a whopping 56,000 people. Yes 56K. It's podunk. It's the least populated "country" in the world.
So getting Greenland on board may not be difficult. The US could make every one of them millionaires overnight. Average income was 33k USD 8 years ago, 15+ percent are poor. Their country is currently "owned" by Denmark. A deal can be structured so that they will be way better off for generations into the future.
So the question is what will Denmark agree to. Sell outright, maintain interest in a portion of mineral rights, etc.
Not sure why everyone thinks this is so impossible. I honestly don't know if it is "likely", but the US has a lot to work with and offer. And the world is less safe in that area.
Denmark will be taken care of ($$$) however this goes down. We'll see.