Here is your post that started this and my reply.Porteroso said:Assassin said:Exactly. If 2020 had 20 million phantom voters, then the 2024 election would have the same or more, except they were phantom. They never existed.Porteroso said:What? I'm talking about 2020. Harris dropped out with 0 electors.Assassin said:If that were true, Harris would be POTUS and we would drop into the Hell that the left was leading us intoPorteroso said:Assassin said:Still believing that 20 million voters magically appeared, eh?Porteroso said:TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:If only there was a way to prove it. But as you know the vote counting took extra long, and the destruction of the votes went really quick.Porteroso said:TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
The FBI was claiming it was the most secure election ever within hours of the election ... when it clearly wasn't the most secure election ever.
Never mind the 15+ million votes that just disappeared this election. Crazy I know.
What is crazy is people who clearly knew nothing about politics in 2020. Anyone with a brain knew Trump was going to inspire a historic turnout, both for and against him.
The idea that the libs were able to manufacture 15 million votes in one election, but not the next, is what is crazy. Don't tell me right wing conspiracy theorists keeping "a real close eye" on the polling stations did it.
Didn't it go faster than this year? Florida used to take forever and it wasn't due to fraud. We let people watch this by the way, and the people counting are normally bipartisan. No matter how you slice it there is just no reason to claim 2020 was fraud. The evidence is just not there. Except of course your guy lost.
It's not a belief, it's a fact that more people turned out to vote than normal. Most of the country accepts it. It is just a fringe that can't accept that their dear leader lost fair and square.
You... don't get it. Your post didn't even make sense. You are a true zealot, dedicated to a cause. Just dont pretend to be capable of logic ration or reason.

If "a fact that more people turned out to vote then normal" in YOUR words in 2020, then those same folks would come back out to vote in 2024 to keep that same tyrant Donald Trump from winning!. Is that clear enough for you?
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