Bishop Budde

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Our Jewish brothers and sisters had 3 approaches to faith and governance.
1) The King was to embody the covenant law in ruling the realm
2) The Priesthood interpreted that law to the King
3) The Prophets voiced the needs of the people, particularly the poor, the widow, the oppressed, and the sojourner in their midst. They voiced the violations of the Kings. The kings were angered for their speaking out but the Prophets had a sanctioned, sacred, and moral task to speak truth to power.
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stands in the prophetic role and the king does not like it. "President Trump Demands Bishop Apologize for Asking for Mercy for the Marginalized." How sad. that a call for mercy gets a hard rebuke although rage is the way of kings
Thank God for the Prophets in our lives.
Waco1947 ,la
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This is the text the Bishop preached from: Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those
who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. You
must revere and honor the Holy One your God: only God shall you worship, to God shall you hold fast, and by the
name of the Holy One shall you swear. God is your glory and the one who wrought for you those marvelous, awesome
deeds that you saw with your own eyes."
Waco1947 ,la
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In your ignorance and mediocrity you simply desire open borders.

The spotlight hungry minister shares your fantasy, so you like her.

That no country on earth can physically or financially accommodate additional millions of illegals each year is beyond the comprehension of you both.

Robert Wilson
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We have separation of church and state (kinda mostly).

That egotistical lady was thrilled to have a little time in the spotlight, and she wanted to maximize her exposure. She did. That simple.
Forest Bueller_bf
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Budde is not even a believer. She is another progessive scam artist and was looking for her 15 minutes.

Here is what she has to say about the resurrection.


To say that resurrection is essential doesn't mean that if someone were to discover a tomb with Jesus' remains in it that the entire enterprise would come crashing down. The truth is that we don't know what happened to Jesus after his death, anymore than we can know what will happen to us. What we do know from the stories handed down is how Jesus' followers experienced his resurrection. What we know is how we experience resurrection ourselves.

Here is what Paul said about the resurrection.


12 Now if Christ is preached as raised up from the dead, how do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? 13 But if there is no resurrection of the dead, Christ has not been raised either. 14 But if Christ has not been raised, then[b] our preaching is in vain, and your faith is in vain. 15 And also we are found to be false witnesses of God, because we testified against God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if after all, then, the dead are not raised. 16 For if the dead are not raised, Christ has not been raised either. 17 But if Christ has not been raised, your faith is empty; you are still in your sins. 18 And as a further result, those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. 19 If we have put our hope[c] in Christ in this life only, we are of all people most pitiable.

She is just another heretic parading as a christian, lecturing people about things she has no understanding of.

Even if she were a born again believer she chose the wrong path for correction..she should have asked for a private meeting.


If Your Brother Sins Against You

15"If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

But, since she is a grandstanding heretic, she not only tried to correct Trump publicly, she also went on a TV tour to promote her sctick and gain acclaim after the fact.

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Her religion is socialism/communism.
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Waco1947 said:

Our Jewish brothers and sisters had 3 approaches to faith and governance.
1) The King was to embody the covenant law in ruling the realm
2) The Priesthood interpreted that law to the King
3) The Prophets voiced the needs of the people, particularly the poor, the widow, the oppressed, and the sojourner in their midst. They voiced the violations of the Kings. The kings were angered for their speaking out but the Prophets had a sanctioned, sacred, and moral task to speak truth to power.
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stands in the prophetic role and the king does not like it. "President Trump Demands Bishop Apologize for Asking for Mercy for the Marginalized." How sad. that a call for mercy gets a hard rebuke although rage is the way of kings
Thank God for the Prophets in our lives.

Enjoy your new king. These next four years are gonna be glorious! Thank you, God.
Bitcoin, $Trumpcoin, or $Fartcoin? That is the question.
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Waco1947 said:

Our Jewish brothers and sisters had 3 approaches to faith and governance.
1) The King was to embody the covenant law in ruling the realm
2) The Priesthood interpreted that law to the King
3) The Prophets voiced the needs of the people, particularly the poor, the widow, the oppressed, and the sojourner in their midst. They voiced the violations of the Kings. The kings were angered for their speaking out but the Prophets had a sanctioned, sacred, and moral task to speak truth to power.
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stands in the prophetic role and the king does not like it. "President Trump Demands Bishop Apologize for Asking for Mercy for the Marginalized." How sad. that a call for mercy gets a hard rebuke although rage is the way of kings
Thank God for the Prophets in our lives.

The fact that anyone would defend this woman (that looks like a man) is hilarious.
If she truly believes law breaking illegals should be taken care of, why doesn't she fund it? In fact, let's set up communities for them in Mexico and she can move there to run the operation. What a fraud she is.
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Waco1947 said:

Our Jewish brothers and sisters had 3 approaches to faith and governance.
1) The King was to embody the covenant law in ruling the realm
2) The Priesthood interpreted that law to the King
3) The Prophets voiced the needs of the people, particularly the poor, the widow, the oppressed, and the sojourner in their midst. They voiced the violations of the Kings. The kings were angered for their speaking out but the Prophets had a sanctioned, sacred, and moral task to speak truth to power.
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stands in the prophetic role and the king does not like it. "President Trump Demands Bishop Apologize for Asking for Mercy for the Marginalized." How sad. that a call for mercy gets a hard rebuke although rage is the way of kings
Thank God for the Prophets in our lives.

It wasn't the call for compassion but the use of Jesus' and Scripture's instructions as a political bludgeon in an ecumenical service to pray for the nation and its leadership that stoked the fury. One can be both correct and wrong at the same time. This situation is one example.
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Waco1947 said:

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stands in the prophetic role and the king does not like it. "President Trump Demands Bishop Apologize for Asking for Mercy for the Marginalized." How sad. that a call for mercy gets a hard rebuke although rage is the way of kings
Thank God for the Prophets in our lives.

She is very brave to stand up and say what is already supported by every major Business Corporation, the Mass Media, Silicon Valley, the University system, Hollywood, and the political establishment (1 of the two parties and half of the other)

Being pro-mass migration in DC is like being a Aggie supporter in College Station.

It takes no bravery at all.

And to think she thought she was speaking "truth to power" when attacking a man who just won a free in fair election against the mass opposition of all those major power centers and entrenched interest groups

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Preachers discern the Word of God then share that discern with the people. In this case it was
Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. must revere and honor the Holy One your God:"

It is clear that national readers should hear this uncomplicated message.
Why object to God's Word?
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

Our Jewish brothers and sisters had 3 approaches to faith and governance.
1) The King was to embody the covenant law in ruling the realm
2) The Priesthood interpreted that law to the King
3) The Prophets voiced the needs of the people, particularly the poor, the widow, the oppressed, and the sojourner in their midst. They voiced the violations of the Kings. The kings were angered for their speaking out but the Prophets had a sanctioned, sacred, and moral task to speak truth to power.
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde stands in the prophetic role and the king does not like it. "President Trump Demands Bishop Apologize for Asking for Mercy for the Marginalized." How sad. that a call for mercy gets a hard rebuke although rage is the way of kings
Thank God for the Prophets in our lives.

The Palestinians were your brothers and sisters in October. What happened?
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Waco1947 said:

Preachers discern the Word of God then share that discern with the people. In this case it was
Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. must revere and honor the Holy One your God:"

It is clear that national readers should hear this uncomplicated message.
Why object to God's Word?

Posted by a ' minister who is afraid to honestly declare exactly where he obtained his ' theology' degree.

A 'minister' who promotes the murder of the unborn.

A 'minister ' who promotes the mutilation of children and the ordination of practicing homosexuals.

Harrison Bergeron
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I love when the old groomer lifts his head out of the kiddie porn to make a stupid post.
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Waco1947 said:

Preachers discern the Word of God then share that discern with the people. In this case it was
Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. must revere and honor the Holy One your God:"

It is clear that national readers should hear this uncomplicated message.
Why object to God's Word?
Because you and the Bishop only use bits and pieces of God's word to promote your agenda?

Why did Jesus object to God's word spoken by Satan during the temptation?

All foreigners in the land of the Hebrews had to abide by the laws of the Covenant if they remained. If they objected to the laws, they were to be removed or destroyed depending on the law being broken.
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Maybe deal with he actual the Word of God.
Waco1947 9:42a
This is the text the Bishop preached from: Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those
who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. You
must revere and honor the Holy One your God: only God shall you worship, to God shall you hold fast, and by the
name of the Holy One shall you swear. God is your glory and the one who wrought for you those marvelous, awesome
deeds that you saw with your own eyes."
Waco1947 ,la
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It is not marginalizing to speak truth to someone infected by a gay parasite.
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I really don't care much that she said it. She can say that and be low class all she wants. Trump has a mouth too. He's gone where he shouldnt a few times. And sure Compassion is a good thing.
Only thing is that I wish Trump and Vance would have just responded about how we can be compassionate while fulfilling the law of the land. And how it's compassionate to remove criminals and the perverse incentives for breaking the law. Also How it's compassionate for us to keep lib adults from grooming and confusing our kids.
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Not sure why anyone would choose to engage with this gaslighter. He refuses to answer even basic questions, and appears to be nothing more than a troll.

Don't feed the troll. He will not have an honest debate with you.

He is in for quite a surprise in the afterlife. Luke 17:2
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EatMoreSalmon said:

Waco1947 said:

Preachers discern the Word of God then share that discern with the people. In this case it was
Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. must revere and honor the Holy One your God:"

It is clear that national readers should hear this uncomplicated message.
Why object to God's Word?
Because you and the Bishop only use bits and pieces of God's word to promote your agenda?

Why did Jesus object to God's word spoken by Satan during the temptation?

All foreigners in the land of the Hebrews had to abide by the laws of the Covenant if they remained. If they objected to the laws, they were to be removed or destroyed depending on the law being broken.
To expand on that, most of the foreign nations were evil and needed to be destroyed. Yahweh was loving and accepting to anyone who wanted to follow Him, but most were corrupted by the Watchers and ruled by the Nephalim. The Watchers and Nephalim taught humans all sorts of evil, including weapons, magic, divination, etc. No doubt they also taught humans about homosexuality and beastiality as well. This is why Yahweh brought the flood, and instructed the Israelites to completely rid other nations of their existence. There was some very serious corruption and evil happening, and Yahweh needed to deal with it severely.

I recommend reading The Unseen Realm for more detail on this.
Forest Bueller
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Additional insight into this false analogy.
1. Trump is not a King or even remotely close.

2. Budde is not a believer, much less a Prophet sent from God.

The entire comparison is a false analogy.
By the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved.
4th and Inches
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Titus 3:1

Romans 13:1

“The Internet is just a world passing around notes in a classroom.”

Jon Stewart
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Waco1947 said:

Maybe deal with he actual the Word of God.
Waco1947 9:42a
This is the text the Bishop preached from: Deuteronomy 10: 17-21 "For the Holy One your God is eternal and supreme, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who shows no favor
and takes no bribe, but upholds the cause of the orphan and the widow, and befriends the stranger, providing those
who need with food and clothing. You too must befriend the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt. You
must revere and honor the Holy One your God: only God shall you worship, to God shall you hold fast, and by the
name of the Holy One shall you swear. God is your glory and the one who wrought for you those marvelous, awesome
deeds that you saw with your own eyes."

Also the real word of God:

"'Any Israelite or any foreigner residing among you who hunts any animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth, because the life of every creature is its blood. That is why I have said to the Israelites, "You must not eat the blood of any creature, because the life of every creature is its blood; anyone who eats it must be cut off."
Leviticus 17:13-14

"Say to them: 'Any Israelite or any foreigner residing among them who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice and does not bring it to the entrance to the tent of meeting to sacrifice it to the Lord must be cut off from the people of Israel.
Leviticus 17:8-9

"'Do not defile yourselves in any of these ways, because this is how the nations that I am going to drive out before you became defiled. Even the land was defiled; so I punished it for its sin, and the land vomited out its inhabitants. But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the foreigners residing among you must not do any of these detestable things, for all these things were done by the people who lived in the land before you, and the land became defiled. And if you defile the land, it will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you."
Leviticus 18:24-28

The last verse follows the long list of sexually deviant behaviors detested by Yahweh.

So foreigners did not have free rein to do their own thing in the Hebrew land.
They could be put out or destroyed for breaking God's laws.
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Waco1947 ,la
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Micah 3: 8 But the Lord has filled me
with power and his Spirit.
I have been given the courage
to speak about justice
and to tell you people of Israel
that you have sinned.
9 So listen to my message,
you rulers of Israel!
You hate justice
and twist the truth.
10 You make cruelty and murder
a way of life in Jerusalem.
11 You leaders accept bribes
for dishonest decisions.
You priests and prophets
teach and preach,
but only for money."

Don't be simplistic. Micah and the Prophets still speak to leaders of this world
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

Micah 3: 8 But the Lord has filled me
with power and his Spirit.
I have been given the courage
to speak about justice
and to tell you people of Israel
that you have sinned.
9 So listen to my message,
you rulers of Israel!
You hate justice
and twist the truth.
10 You make cruelty and murder
a way of life in Jerusalem.
11 You leaders accept bribes
for dishonest decisions.
You priests and prophets
teach and preach,
but only for money."

Don't be simplistic. Micah and the Prophets still speak to leaders of this world
The pro baby killing, pro sodomite lecturing us on scripture is the height of hilarity.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?

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Waco1947 said:

A lesbian bishop in DC is not the mother of God

She is not a saint

And she is not speaking prophetically

I'm not sure she even believes in the immaculate conception
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“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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“Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!”
Psalm 119:36
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If a prophet, or one who foretells by dreams, appears among you and announces to you a sign or wonder, 2 and if the sign or wonder spoken of takes place, and the prophet says, "Let us follow other gods" (gods you have not known) "and let us worship them," 3 you must not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer. The Lord your God is testing you to find out whether you love him with all your heart and with all your soul. 4 It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him. 5 That prophet or dreamer must be put to death for inciting rebellion against the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt and redeemed you from the land of slavery. That prophet or dreamer tried to turn you from the way the Lord your God commanded you to follow. You must purge the evil from among you.

Deuteronomy 13
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Redbrickbear said:

Waco1947 said:

A lesbian bishop in DC is not the mother of God

She is not a saint

And she is not speaking prophetically

I'm not sure she even believes in the immaculate conception
So breakdown Luke 1: 52-53
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

Redbrickbear said:

Waco1947 said:

A lesbian bishop in DC is not the mother of God

She is not a saint

And she is not speaking prophetically

I'm not sure she even believes in the immaculate conception
So breakdown Luke 1: 52-53

At least this Bishop is not scared to publicly declare where she obtained her theology degree.

Yet you are afraid to do the same. Such strange behavior for a
' minister'.

Wonder what story you have been telling your associates all these years ?
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No, I ain't telling. You guys are too mean and hateful. Psalm 366 reminds me : "In their own eyes they flatter themselves
too much to detect or hate their sin.
The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
they fail to act wisely or do good."
There is no Christlike behavior in your wicked and deceitful words.

I have run into guys like you but in real life. It is not fun. They do not like to dialogue but in their own eyes there is no wrong going.
Waco1947 ,la
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Waco1947 said:

No, I ain't telling. You guys are too mean and hateful. Psalm 366 reminds me : "In their own eyes they flatter themselves
too much to detect or hate their sin.
The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
they fail to act wisely or do good."
There is no Christlike behavior in your wicked and deceitful words.

I have run into guys like you but in real life. It is not fun. They do not like to dialogue but in their own eyes there is no wrong going.

Scum like you distort the word of God for your own ends and lead people away from true salvation. You'll be burning in hell for sure.
Our vibrations were getting nasty. But why? I was puzzled, frustrated... Had we deteriorated to the level of dumb beasts?

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Waco1947 said:

No, I ain't telling. You guys are too mean and hateful. Psalm 366 reminds me : "In their own eyes they flatter themselves
too much to detect or hate their sin.
The words of their mouths are wicked and deceitful;
they fail to act wisely or do good."
There is no Christlike behavior in your wicked and deceitful words.

I have run into guys like you but in real life. It is not fun. They do not like to dialogue but in their own eyes there is no wrong going.

47, the real issue is that your words are wicked and evil. Christ called out people who spoke and acted evil. You are at odds with the entirety of Christendom's church history in what you preach. You are essentially making your religion up and expecting people to be kind to you while you lead people to hell.
I hope you wake up, but I suspect you are too far gone to ever align with the biblical foundation of Christendom.
Thee tinfoil hat couch-potato prognosticator, not a bible school preacher.

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