Waco1947 said:
KaiBear said:
Waco1947 said:
KaiBear said:
Waco1947 said:
KaiBear said:
Waco1947 said:
KaiBear said:
Waco1947 said:
When only has ad hominin attacks on the truth teller then it means to me that you don't the guts to take on the Scripture she used. Either you take the Bible seriously or you don't. You are a bunch of hypocrites when comes to really being serious about the Bible.
You are blind guides - blind the text.
This from a 'minister' who supports abortion No, I don't "support abortion" but government should stay out of a woman's vagina.
and the mutilation of children.GD lie
KaiBear stay in your own moral lane by not lying about me.
I do support the ordination of the LGBTQ community if the are called by God and meet the requirements for ministry as established
A. Scripture in no way validates homosexuality. Much less the ordination of homosexuals. To pretend otherwise is ludicrous.
B. To use God's name in vain is a mortal sin. Using initials does not change that.
C. No legitimate minister would employ such language.
D. Jesus repeatedly pronounced the sanctity of life. You only care about vaginas.
E. Grateful you and I will never meet.
I did ask about those moral issues. I asked the Deuteronomy morals passage for a nation.
And of course you ignore A, B and D.
Paul called condemns homoerotic behavior without moral guidelines Paul describe I Can't r 13 for relationship
Your post is indecipherable. That's my fault. My apologies.
Get your day nurse to help. Did Jesus say "Love neighbor except on the Internet."
Corrected post: Paul condemns homoerotic behavior in the Roman pagan religion. He further gave moral guidelines which he describe in I Corinthias13.
What do you think Homosexuality is? Illicit sexual activity that Paul also condemned
[for the early Christians, sex had everything to do with cosmic reality. That is, it mattered very much to God what one did with one's body, because He expected His servants to subdue the passions of the flesh to the divinely mandated order. Christian marriage, for example, is an icon of Christ's relationship to the Church. Prostitution and other forms of
porneia (Paul's catch-all term for illicit sex)]
[Marriage is the recognizing a natural human fact, that men and women need each other. It's about channeling their natural sexual impulses into lifelong committed relationships that are intended to bring forth children and create the next generation of humans. It's about creating societal stability since nothing is more destabilizing to a society than young aggressive males with no attachment to women and children. And yes, it's about accumulating resources to transmit forms of wealth intergenerationally.
Gay marriage fits none of these requirements and is about economizing on resources to maximize consumption. Fundamentally different purposes.
Real marriage represents a compromise between the sexes, where a man and woman take ownership of each other's worst tendencies, which otherwise would be exported onto society, and both spur each other to grow beyond their worst tendencies. In gay marriage you instead get encouragement.]