KaiBear said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
Democrats today: Who will pick our crops?
Democrats in the 1800s: Who will pick our cotton?
Unlike in 1860 mechanization has already eliminated the need of unskilled, hand labor for the majority of crops.
I agree with W on this, set up a migrant worker visa. We do it for other skills.
Anyone here familiar with trucking? I like a Pre-Pass system for immigration. Totally voluntary and based through the Companies using the labor, they submit to a pre-approval and they are "trusted". They are audited yearly. It saves time and places the responsibility on the Company to keep itself clean. For that, they get big time and efficiency bonuses. Here is a description for trucking, it is being used by about half the US. I am not arguing whether Big Brother or weight limits are right, it is an example of a system in use that can help track and expedite
"To participate in the PrePass system, the owner/operator's company must provide proof of current registration, a satisfactory safety rating, and other credentials required at state inspection facilities.
When the approval process is complete, a transponder is mailed to the owner/driver that is mounted on the inside of the windshield. From that point on, it's a hands off situation for the driver:
1. As a truck approaches the weigh station, it is electronically identified and weighed.
2. A PrePass computer located in the weigh station verifies truck credentials.
3. A green light and audible signal from the transponder in the truck give the go-ahead to bypass the weigh station. If weight or credentials cannot be verified, the driver is signaled to pull into the weigh station.
4. Compliance sensors provide validation of bypass by PrePass-equipped trucks. The computer determines whether further inspection or verification of credentials is required. At the same time, weigh-in-motion (WIM) scales placed before the weigh stations allow trucks that are within weight limits to proceed. If everything on credentials and weight checks out, the driver gets a green light in the cab.
PrePass says that the signal on a transponder will stay on for 30 seconds but will stay in memory for 15 minutes. If the driver is pulled over within those 15 minutes and a police officer wants to know his last signal, he can push the "test" button and the last signal will appear. The signal on a wired device will stay on for 15 minutes and stay in memory until the driver receives another light.
HELP provides states with computer hardware, transponder readers and database and technical support at no cost. HELP Inc. also verifies the carrier's credential information on a quarterly basis. To recover its costs, the company charges carriers 99 cents each time a PrePass-equipped truck gets the green light, up to $3.96 per day. A green light incurs a charge only if the weigh station is open."