In case you forgot, this is just a reminder that it wasn't just the Proud Boy or whatever types, it was parents of school kids that spoke at school board meetings and traditional Catholics that the Biden administration weaponized and sic'ed the FBI on. No matter what the progressives here want to pretend, the Biden administration was truly dystopian.
All sane people need to remember the crazy that Obama and Biden brought to Americans. Don't ever forget, and don't ever vote for them. In the future they will hide their crazy, but we've all seen who they really are. And the media will cover for them. Hard to believe that Orwell was spot on, Dems are the perfect example.
All sane people need to remember the crazy that Obama and Biden brought to Americans. Don't ever forget, and don't ever vote for them. In the future they will hide their crazy, but we've all seen who they really are. And the media will cover for them. Hard to believe that Orwell was spot on, Dems are the perfect example.
Relating to the FBI memo recruiting spies to infiltrate the church and its classes and choirs:Quote:
Under the guise of tackling the threat of domestic terrorism, the memorandum painted so-called certain "radical-traditionalist Catholics" (RTCs) as violent extremists and proposed opportunities for the FBI to infiltrate Catholic churches as a form of "threat mitigation." The FBI's Richmond memorandum is a startling reminder that Americans' civil liberties and core Constitutional rights must be vigorously guarded against government overreach, including in this case from an overzealous federal law enforcement agency.
tfhpb, Thee couch-potato prognosticator.