If Presidents Can't Control Executive Agencies, Elections Are Fake
If the executive cannot control his own personnel, agencies, and funding lawfully given to him by a duly elected Congress, elections mean nothing. If the executive is not actually an executor, then the entire bureaucracy is an autocratic, self-licking ice cream cone. It runs the country, not any elected official. And Congress is complicit, because it allows the distribution of opium funds to Afghanistan and queer "safe spaces" in Kenya without ever having to take a public vote on any of this garbage, so long as these taxpayer-provided slush funds slather their retirements and relatives with "nonprofit" and "contractor" lard.
Whatever you want to call unelected bureaucrats and "nonprofit" grifters distributing funds obtained from American citizens against our consent as expressed in elections and line-item votes, it is not a republic, nor a democracy. If Trump can't fire his own employees and redistribute public funds the executive branch has been given by law, he's not really the president, and elections are fake.
All this means Trump isn't "weaponizing" or "politicizing" these agencies. He's fighting their inherent weaponization. Firing and investigating people who abuse public power, and ending the theft of American labor to fund evil international patronage schemes that isn't retribution, it's justice.