interesting stopping point, 2019-2020 seasonTempus Edax Rerum said:Tell that to their parents. But you are off in your numbers, again. Par for the course.Mothra said:3 kids who were immunocompromised, apparently - 3 kids out of 73 million.Tempus Edax Rerum said: said:Mostly elderly or immuno-compromised. The idea that EVERYONE needs a flu shot is completely asinine.Tempus Edax Rerum said:
Over 11,000 dead in the U.S. alone this year from the flu and at least 250,000 hospitalizations. Rough year to not get your flu shot.
And again, tell that to the three kids who died from the flu in San Diego.
The idea that because 3 in 73 million died means everyone needs a flu vaccine is the height of stupidity.
You have a better chance of getting hit by lightning.
For the 2023-2024 season, there have been 207 reported cases of influenza-associated pediatric deaths in the United States as of September 27, 2024. This is the highest number of pediatric flu deaths in the country since the 2019-2020 season.
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Jon Stewart
Jon Stewart