TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
FLBear5630 said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
FLBear5630 said:
TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:
FLBear5630 said:
Do you guys ever seem to think that maybe one or two conspiracy theories may be true, but every subject? You give these people too much credit. They are not this organized.
I think you guys suffered from proportionality and confirmation biases. Anything that turns up confirms some conspiracy theory
Its almost like you don't know history.
Whose version? Fed was created in response to 1907 to stabilize the financial system. You are the one going off on some type of secret society conspiracy.
Its common knowledge that bankers formed the Fed in secret at Jekyll Island. The premise that the Uber wealthy financiers aren't that organized is juvenile thinking. Why on earth would they not be organized? They had money to finance governments. So yeah, there's all kinds of power and wealth, and there is of course evidence that they were in fact that organized and still are. Pick up a book or two on the formation of the Fed and the financiers involved.
Last, why on the earth would the richest people in the world not be organized enough to conspire to control wealth? Actually it is nonsensical to think that they would leave control to the whimsy of the electorate. My point is that they were (and are) much more sophisticated than you can imagine.
And 1907 had nothing to do with it? Something to help reestablish public distrust of banking and limit rampant speculative investing wasn't part of the Aldrich Plan. How do you go through life seeing conspiracies everywhere? I get your name, but not every act has nefarious motives behind them. 1907 doesn't occur, the Aldrich meeting doesn't happen. It was the reaction to an event, not done conspiracy plan to defraud the American people. 90% of the motives all the way back to the Founding Fathers is to set up a STABLE business environment for the Nation, not to create a system of fraud!
The establishment of the Fed is the very definition of conspiracy.
I don't see conspiracy everywhere. But you are very naive. It is absolutely the nature of the rich and powerful to conspire.
History is filled with a few powerful people manufacturing events to accomplish a goal. You should ask yourself why you think no conspiracies of consequence exist.
The whole world and this Nation were set up by the rich. There is no need to conspire. The Fed is an independent agency it has been wrong poolry and well remember the darling of the 90's, remember Miastro?
I would love to discuss the Fed. First place we have to look is its goals - sustained employment and stable prices. A side goal I would say is moderate long term interest rates. All items needed for stable business environment. So, why did they fail on prices? Year over Year formula? Biden pumping money into economy by the trillions? Fuel prices? The issue is not the Fed, it was Biden! His policies and give aways of cash were at a level on Fed could manage. Biden was a trainwreck.
By the way, using your definition every Congressional subcommittee or task force is a conspiracy. In addition, you are applying 2025 MAGA standards (nuetral description, no value intended) to a 1907 meeting. It is next to impossible to compare or rate over eras, they mores and the practices are too different.