RD2WINAGNBEAR86 said:Through all of this Middle East War, we should have just stayed the HELL out of Israel's way and let them handle it. I feel sorry for most Gazans but Gaza will ALWAYS be a s h i t hole country. That is just their culture. It is who they are. Trump's efforts to turn them into a vacation destination is absolutely silly. NEVER gonna happen no matter how much money is thrown at it.KaiBear said:RD2WINAGNBEAR86 said:Are you ****ing serious?The_barBEARian said:TinFoilHatPreacherBear said:It's not entirely because you don't support Israel, it's because it seems that every word out of your mouth demeans all jews and is filled with hate, so we think you're just an antisemite. That's why we don't like you. Maybe we have you wrong. I get that Israel has blood on its hands, as does the US, but at the end of the day, they both are lights in a World full of dark places.The_barBEARian said:Married A Horn said:The_barBEARian said:Wangchung said:As part of the agreement to absorb BFans they kept this free side open but now it just costs them money, which is the main reason there was discussion of getting rid of the free side. I advocated for keeping it, obviously, but thanks to the football board's trolls and a couple trolls in here it was a hard sell in the midst of all the other folks who never post on the free side yet hate it passionately.Robert Wilson said:Malbec said:Get a clue. This discussion has been ongoing for a number of months now. The owners have even posted surveys for the members regarding the state of the free forums, which act as the front porch to the site for potential members. They have been considering whether continuation of the free boards makes sense. Do you really think that the constant trash you have been posting benefits them in attracting their core Baylor-centric audience?Quote:
What have I said that would get Sic'Em365 removed from the internet?
That's interesting. For years, the free boards over here never took off, I would say part because of censorship and in part, the culture of the site. At the same time, the free site Baylor fans had been rolling for a long time, and it was wide open and free wheeling. The owners of this site acquired that one basically to give them a non-pay side (or because someone wanted to control it?), and I would say it very quickly went down in quality in part because of censorship. Them taking the next step and just shutting it down would be kind of funny. Maybe they just should've just left it alone.
Would be interesting to see if they shut this down if the equivalent of Baylor fans popped back up somewhere else, maybe even closer to the older version of itself.
So if that was the agreement the question then becomes is your word only good when its convient for you?
And for boomercons "trolls" are anyone who doesn't support the military industrial complex and endless foreign wars
Are you a follower of mohammed?
That's a new one.... according to the boomercons, I am a nazi... klansmen... <insert bad white people here>... bcs I don't support Israel
I've seen no evidence that Israel is a "light in the world"
Or is it the part about Israel supplying weapons used to kill Armenian Christians?
Do your kids go to college at Columbia or Harvard? Just curious? What a bigoted little anti-Semite you are!
My friend I have supported Israel all of my life.
However the slaughter imposed in Gaza was inexcusable.
And I have already mentioned the comments of a current Christian inhabitant of Bethlehem who sells his woodcraft at our Church twice annually.
He said the Israelis give far more trouble to the Christians there than the Muslims ever have.
I still support Israel.
But not as blindly as I once did.
Let Israel crush their enemies (including Iran) and let's move forward.
I agree
Bring US sailors , airmen and grunts home and spend our money on our fellow Americans.
Then let Israel play their own hand however they wish.