Oldbear83 said:
El Oso said:
I didn't say that either. But, once a person is here, legally or illegally, they are protected by the Constitution. They had an appeal pending and Trump carried out sentence. That's unconstitutional.
Please cite the Constitutional protection specifically given to those who come here illegally, especially criminal gangs.
I am unaware of any such clause in the Constitution.
For me, it's the phrases no person, any person, etc. that are repeatedly used throughout the document. The right to vote and run for office are the only ones limited to citizens in the verbiage of the Constitution. All other rights use the phrases no person, any person, all persons, the people or some other version of those phrases.
I won't list the laundry list of SCOTUS cases indicate illegal immigrants get these rights, but here are a few. The last one applies directly to your phrase "given to those who come here illegally."
Plyer v Doe (1982)--illegal immigrant children have the right to public education
Reno v Flores (1993)--alien juveniles facing deportation get due process rights
Demore v Kim (1996)--detention mandatory pending adjudication of the case
Zadvydias v Davis (2001)--held that due process applies to all aliens in the United States, even those whose presence is "unlawful, involuntary, or transitory"