Are you an old fat white guy who is afraid of the Rona?
Do you really want to get a vaccine when it's available?
Are you more susceptible to the Rona than a 30 yr old black guy?
Well, it sucks to be you. Because blacks had to sit at the back of the bus 60 years ago, you get to go to the back of the line today. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Do you really want to get a vaccine when it's available?
Are you more susceptible to the Rona than a 30 yr old black guy?
Well, it sucks to be you. Because blacks had to sit at the back of the bus 60 years ago, you get to go to the back of the line today. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
Every US state has been advised to consider ethnic minorities as a critical and vulnerable group in their vaccine distribution plans, according to Centers for Disease Control guidance. As a result, half of the nation's states have outlined plans that now prioritize black, Hispanic and indigenous residents over white people in some way, as the vaccine rollout begins.
California, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Indiana have listed fairness, equity, or both as key principles for vaccine distribution. Oregon is also emphasizing health equity as a central pillar of its rollout, while North Carolina 'specifically cited historically marginalized populations as an early-phase critical population group'.
Head of the public health department, Rachael Banks, announced that vaccines would be 'particularly focused on our communities of color who've seen unfair disproportionate impact from COVID-19'.
Melinda Gates... 'Black people (would be) next, quite honestly'...We know the way out of COVID-19 will be a vaccine, and it needs to go out equitably [in a racist way].'
Biden's health secretary selection of Yale University's Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith ...'We cannot get this pandemic under control if we do not address head-on the issues of inequity in our country,' Nunez-Smith said Tuesday. 'There is no other way.'
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and an advisory committee of outside health experts in April began working on a ranking system for what may be an extended rollout in the United States. Agency officials and the advisers are also considering what has become a contentious option: putting Black and Latino people...ahead of others in the population.
Dr. Sharon Frey, a professor of infectious diseases at St. Louis University..."I think it's very important that the groups get into a high tier."
Dr. Romero, the chairman... "They are groups that need to be moved to the forefront, in my opinion."
Dayna Bowen Matthew, dean of the George Washington University Law School..."And it's that [poor choices made in black communities] inequality that requires us to prioritize by race and ethnicity."
Mr. Bearitto was banned by the cowardly site owners because he stated that U.S. battleships should not be named after weak victims like Emmett Till, like Robby suggested. Apparently the site owners want a ship named in their honor some day. ;)