FLBear5630 said:
whiterock said:
GrowlTowel said:
FLBear5630 said:
ShooterTX said:
Doc Holliday said:
FLBear5630 said:
4th and Inches said:
Jack Bauer said:
You know, the thing!
was it written in crayon by the Biden WH press corp?
Geez, what a missed opportunity. GOP are going to nominate Trump again, the only opponent Biden can beat. Trump has become Hillary, a candidate so hated by the opposing side that he will let a horrible candidate win.
Biden has the unanimous support of congress, the judiciary, the military, the intelligence agencies, the media, social media companies, the varied class of experts, and the biggest firms on Wall Street.
As far as elections go, everyone who matters supports him and they have the ability to brainwash enough of our stupid ass population to get him re elected.
very sad... but very true.
Never in my life have I seen so many varied institutions of power & influence, alligned behind a single person or organization. It is just insane that they are all in lock-step... and yet they are supporting someone who clearly is in the throws of dementia.
The world has gone mad.
We are truly living in the end times.
Could it be that the nominee the GOP is pushing is that bad and dangerous to the Nation? Would they be this way with a Halley, Christie or Pence as the nominee.
Trump gets off on power, you can see it in his rallies. Maybe if he weren't the nominee you would get a closer to normal elections. It seems an awful lot of people seem to rally around one thing, Trump should not hold public office again.
Is the end of times worth it over Trump?
The GOP is not pushing for Trump. GOP primary voters favor Trump at this point.
what Shooter describes is in large part true.....elite society has lined up on one side with the underclass as allies, against the great big middle. It's been coalescing like that for some time now, at least two decades.
one can join that system and change it from the inside.
one can ride a populist movement that breaks the system itself.
At some point, the disgust for the establishment becomes so great, that enough people have had enough and vote to toss it out, whether they particularly like the populist leader or not. The pieces are all in line for it to happen this go-around. Trump is not really the builder of that latter option so much as a vessel for it.
Voters have chosen the lesser of two evils three elections in a row. They will do it again this time, too.
But the GOP views Trump as the lesser of 2 evils. The rest, 20 million more, view Biden as the lesser of two evils. It would be a mistake to think that the electorate secretly wants Republican rule. The last 3 of the 4 elections they viewed Obama or Biden as the better option. Only Hillary was so obnoxious to let Trump win. GOP is making big mistake thinking there is some pend up desire for GOP. Red Wave never came.
As I indicated, Biden was chosen as the lesser of two evils (LOTE) in 2020. That does not mean he will be seen the same way in 2024. Indeed, that is the weakest premise of all. Biden is now an incumbent. The election will be a referendum on him. And even a lot of Trump critics admit that he did a helluva lot better job in office than Biden. anybody can see that. And things are going to get worse from here. And public antipathy to wokeness has not yet peaked. Polling shows the race very close and trending toward Trump. So what could make trends reverse and take a kindly direction for Team Blue? Very hard to make a credible case for such to happen.
You are shoehorning history to fit an argument.. In 2008, the public voted aspirationally...for a new kinda guy. But 2012 that new kinda guy was polling in the low-40s and he had to demonize Romney to win. He did, and did = public voted for LOTE. 2016 was definitely a LOTE race won by the GOP. 2018 was mixed, about normal for a mid-term - GOP lost the house but held the Senate. 2020 was definitely a LOTE race won by the Dems, but GOP gained House seats and held a balance in the Senate. 2022 saw a loss of the Senate but a recapture of the House. So the ACTUAL description of history over the last decade shows one LOTE Presidential race after another, punctuated with midterms with mixed outcomes.
2014 will definitely be a lesser of two evils race against two badly flawed candidates. it could be another mixed outcome like we've seen the last several cycles. Or, it could tip one way or the other. The "tip" scenarios basically all involve a decision between which prospect seems scarier: 4 more years of stagflation and bullying by the woke? or 4 more years of Trump. I think Trump is going to be a lot more appealing option (within the context of LOTE politics) than his critics can allow. And no matter who wins the WH, I think GOP holds the house and recaptures the Senate. At some point, the public is going to hold the incumbent accountable for the mess we're in.