I love my truck. It's a 2010 Nissan Frontier with 120k miles and its done everything I wanted. But a couple weeks ago I got that infamous 'service engine now' light and funny sounds from where the engine meets the ******. Cutting to the chase, my mechanic says my ABS pump needs to be replaced and that can only be done at the dealer.
So I am thinking about this and it occurs to me it may be time to get a new truck. So I started shopping but also want to find out about the repairs, just how much they will cost if I go that way and whether other expensive things are likely to go wrong.
That's where things got tough.
I get that no one wants to commit ahead of time to a firm cost, but I cannot even get a ball park estimate on what it would cost. I do not want to dump money into a repair that only delays having to get a new truck, but given the cost of new vehicles, I am not interested in just assuming my old 2010 truck needs to be put down.
But what really galls me are the people who use links to misdirect. For instance, I went to Sterling McCall and found their service page, which included a chat link to ask questions. So I wrote my question and provided my contact email and phone. Soon after I got a response, which I thought was great until I read it.
All it was, was a form email giving me a phone number and link to start my purchase of a new car. They did not even read my message, much less answer it.
2 other dealerships only allow you to schedule service, you cannot even ask questions.
I wonder if they have any idea what that does to my likelihood of buying a truck from those yokels.
So I am thinking about this and it occurs to me it may be time to get a new truck. So I started shopping but also want to find out about the repairs, just how much they will cost if I go that way and whether other expensive things are likely to go wrong.
That's where things got tough.
I get that no one wants to commit ahead of time to a firm cost, but I cannot even get a ball park estimate on what it would cost. I do not want to dump money into a repair that only delays having to get a new truck, but given the cost of new vehicles, I am not interested in just assuming my old 2010 truck needs to be put down.
But what really galls me are the people who use links to misdirect. For instance, I went to Sterling McCall and found their service page, which included a chat link to ask questions. So I wrote my question and provided my contact email and phone. Soon after I got a response, which I thought was great until I read it.
All it was, was a form email giving me a phone number and link to start my purchase of a new car. They did not even read my message, much less answer it.
2 other dealerships only allow you to schedule service, you cannot even ask questions.
I wonder if they have any idea what that does to my likelihood of buying a truck from those yokels.
That which does not kill me, will try again and get nastier