Golden Helmet said:
That comment is an absolute lie..if crimes took place - please list all of the Convicted Football Players below.
The "keeping it out of the hands of judicial affairs" text is spot on with what Coach Teaff and his staff did during my 5 years on the team.
Drinking, women in the dorms, pot smoking, not going to class, generally acting a fool - Coaches worked hard to be able to discipline players themselves - which they did - very aggressively.
They we're trying to keep talent on the team and save dumb kids from themselves and their own poor decisions. That football scholly was all that many of them had and was their way to a better life than they left back home.
I say good for them and good for those young men - many of which during my tenure went on to be outstanding citizens and contribute $$ back to BU today.
This clown show had gone on for decades - Ramsower condoned it - ran the BU Cops and covered things up from the general student body none of you know about.all for the sake of image.
We all know CABs teams lacked discipline - that was a shortcoming - but labeling the man as a "rape condoner".absolutely pathetic.
Art was their scapegoat and didn't have to be - what they did to him was and is disgusting to me to this very day.
Pure deflection by the administration.
Briles has culpability here but it does not rise the level of having his life wrecked by "opinion" writers.
Abject failure on the part of both upper-level and mid-management administrators charged with developing and operating a Title 9 office, even if you believe the required standards are"unconstitutional".
Abject dereliction of duty for a governance board to allow the admin to ignore Federal statute (T9). Even if the Prez and other administrators disagree with the law, the governance board is the ultimate repository of setting policy for the university.