I grew up in Austin, playing in bands since I was 14. If you wanted some play in Austin, you pretty much had to be in a band in high school. We were really competitive back then. Nobody wanted anyone listening to them write or trying new licks. Heck, I remember watching Jimmy Vaughan bust into Antones and storm the stage to beat his little brother Stevie's ass because he heard he was playin' his licks. We were a community, but more like the NFL. There was nothing better than to open for someone and just smoke their butts.
Good times. Liberty Lunch. Hula Hut. Boat Town. The Lumber Yard. Oak Door. Maggie Mae's, Ski Shores. I remember getting chased around the stage at AquaFest when our band of 17 year olds sneaked onto stage and played 2 songs using Joe "King" Carasco's setup, including "Double Life" by the Cars. We were clearly better than they were. They were irate!