My hyper-competitive 8yo daughter is looking for a select team to join in Waco. She recently tried out for a 8U coach pitch Buzz team and didn't make the cut although she was a solid player during tryouts and the coach indicated she did well and he wanted to stay in touch in case of attrition. There were 35 players for 15 spots and I didn't disagree with her not making the cut but she had to be close.
For the last few years she's been playing Midway LL in the fall and Lorena LL in the spring. We've been able to funnel her into some teams that we knew would be solidly coached/competitive prior to this year but her Lorena LL team this year barely qualifies as a team. (Neither her coach or assistant coach have ever played the game and they had a whopping 3 practices - two hitting, one fielding - before the season started and none since. There is literally no coaching going on - because no one knows what to do - and every girl on the team has regressed over the year compared to the mean.) Yall know the type - the coach who just drafts her girlfriend's kids on the team so they can "have fun together" and end up losing every game 15-0.
I'm done with her playing LL after this year (mostly because she hates it since she's the only one that gives a damn) and have been making calls about continuing lessons at D-Bat, etc, While that will help, she wants reps with a team and to play games.
I agree she's not quite Buzz level but didn't know if there were teams yall were aware of that might not quite be that level but still compete and have solid coaching. I know Diamond Athletics does this for younger boys baseball but girls softball is not offered there to my knowledge.
For the last few years she's been playing Midway LL in the fall and Lorena LL in the spring. We've been able to funnel her into some teams that we knew would be solidly coached/competitive prior to this year but her Lorena LL team this year barely qualifies as a team. (Neither her coach or assistant coach have ever played the game and they had a whopping 3 practices - two hitting, one fielding - before the season started and none since. There is literally no coaching going on - because no one knows what to do - and every girl on the team has regressed over the year compared to the mean.) Yall know the type - the coach who just drafts her girlfriend's kids on the team so they can "have fun together" and end up losing every game 15-0.
I'm done with her playing LL after this year (mostly because she hates it since she's the only one that gives a damn) and have been making calls about continuing lessons at D-Bat, etc, While that will help, she wants reps with a team and to play games.
I agree she's not quite Buzz level but didn't know if there were teams yall were aware of that might not quite be that level but still compete and have solid coaching. I know Diamond Athletics does this for younger boys baseball but girls softball is not offered there to my knowledge.