Hey Bears fans! My name is Brett Stewart, and I am the owner of Waco Ale Co. I'm a native Wacoan as well as a Midway and Baylor grad. We just opened our doors for limited weekly hours and are gearing up for a grand opening on August 24th. We are at 806 Austin Avenue. I would absolutely love for die hard Baylor fans like yourselves to pregame and postgame at our taproom. So far, our crowds have been outstanding, and we are about to announce our food menu. All sicem365 members will receive a free logo pint glass with your first regular priced pint purchase. Hope to see you in a couple weeks!
Cheers and sic 'em!
(Hey Ashley, my brother and I are the ones that brought the Balcones bottles to the Texas Bowl tailgate for the guys over at Barnett's.)