Funky Town Bear said:
cowboycwr said:
Funky Town Bear said:
cowboycwr said:
Funky Town Bear said:
cowboycwr said:
Funky Town Bear said:
cowboycwr said:
Funky Town Bear said:
jbbear said:
Funky Town Bear said:
cowboycwr said:
Funky Town Bear said:
Volunteer said:
cowboycwr said:
Volunteer said:
bularry said:
cowboycwr said:
bularry said:
cowboycwr said:
Volunteer said:
There is certainly a feeling that public school districts have too many employees outside the classroom. But administrative bloat is a interesting term because it really has no basis in fact. Central administrative costs for Texas schools run about 2.9% of total budgets. Central administration typically includes the superintendents office, the business office, HR, public information, IT, and student services.
That list of yours leaves out many other departments that large districts have that are top heavy.
For example, I can easily think of 10 other departments that do not fall in that list at WISD with an Assistant superintendent, secretary, assistant head of (department name), secretary, and 10 people working in their office downtown.
Which would raise the budget cost above the 2.9% you quoted.
I would also point out the same thing I point out when discussing the federal budget/debt.
Every little bit helps.
When talking about budgets of millions of dollars a cut of .01% can still be a large amount that can then be spent elsewhere, like an additional teacher.
Also, when dealing with school budgets people often overlook that the largest two expenditures are operational budget (electricity, water, etc.) and teacher salary. The later can't be dealt with much. But the first can be. I have worked at schools that had hall lights that stayed on 24/7/365.
Finally I would point out that these administration heads are the ones who then make the decisions on what software/hardware to buy (curriculum). As anyone who has taught in any school can tell you these things get bought and are the next "magic bullet" of education...... only to be replaced by the next magic bullet one or two years later. IN other words.... the 2.9% makes decisions on how to spend the other 97 percent.........
so what's your point, exactly? do you dispute the 2.9% fact? I'm curious the source myself, but you seem to have data that says it doesn't include all administrative costs.
My point was in the post you quoted.
1. That the list of departments he mentioned is not the full list of administration building departments in most ISD buildings in TX.
2. That even though it is a small part of the budget, every bit helps.
3. That they spend the rest of the money and often in a wasteful way.
4. that if we combine MULTIPLE money saving features/cuts it adds up and can be better spent in education (or federal budget).
2.9% is small
I don't get your complaint on that.
It takes a lot of people power to run a large operation. You want teachers coordinating lawn care and maintenance? Principals overseeing cleaning contracts? Who is maintaining IT infrastructure and security? What about strategic planning?
The idea you can run a large organization without administrative support is so naive to be intellectually dishonest.
Larry, you are exactly right. Schools are large enterprises and it takes people outside of the classroom to make it all work. In a general sense, classroom teachers and aides make up about 58% of the budget. All other expenses account for the remaining 42%. The 58% includes salaries for teachers, teacher aides, and instructional aides.
What's interesting is to compare this to the Army. In WW2 about 40% of all troops were considered to have a role in combat. The remaining 60% were involved in logistics and other functions that allowed the 40% to fight. Today that number has shifted to 80% in support of the 20% involved in combat.
And no one has said to cut all the people outside the classroom, that they are not needed, or anything like that.
Just to cut the fluff.
And anyone who thinks school districts don't have fluff are burying their head in the sand or part of the fluff.
Do you work in the ivory tower? Have I offended you because I have pointed out that your job never interacts with a student and has no impact on the students?
To answer your question, no I don't work for a school district. How exactly do you know that school districts have fluff in the budget? I'm actually interested in what you identify as fluff.
The link below is a simple and easy to understand detailing of where the money goes in public school budgets.
One thing I find vastly interesting is the claim of fluff in the education system or other government entities, while the majority of middle management in corporate America is bloat and fluff beyond belief. I find it quite ironic.
Corporate America has lots of fluff as well. The big difference is those are private companies. Most that do not get tax money to operate or have people whose entire salaries are paid by taxpayers.
Imagine how good our economy could actually be if we didn't give the fluff in private companies a pass while they ***** and moan about people who work for schools as fluff.
Imagine what it could be if we didn't use tax dollars to subsidize wasteful endeavors like the USPS and Amtrak.
That's all you've got? Really?
What percentage of the budget goes to the USPS and Amtrak compared to other things needing attention?
While both are small expenditures my thinking with the government (and schools) is that every small cut helps. It doesn't ALL have to be billions and hundreds of millions cuts. Yes you need the big ones to make a large impact but you also need the small ones to add up.
That's great, but when you have a trillion dollars deficit, take a quick peek at where the most blood is coming from. And it's not Amtrak no matter how much it's hated. Most conservatives don't want to discuss defense spending. Reality is that there is exponentially more waste there than Amtrak due to sheer volume.
Did you even read what I posted?
I believe it is your type of thinking of why we never get anywhere on the deficit/debt. Because every time it starts to get discussed if the cut isn't trillions of dollars at one time/one program then it gets dismissed
If you walked into the ER tonight with a gushing wound from your head where major blood was being lost and a scraped up leg that had some bleeding, but was also kind of clotted, which would you want them to treat first? I know what I want addressed.
And before you say that's different, it's really not.
Thank you for confirming you do not read my posts.
ER visit= life and death
budget/deficit= not life and death.
You are comparing apples to pillows.
Besides, in your crazy example they would treat BOTH eventually.
They would not say "well the 2 doctors on shift can't agree on how to treat the head wound so let's do nothing."
Why can we not talk about the small items first and then leave the big items for later?
Why does it have to start with the big items and then NOTHING ever gets done. No Cuts of any kind.
Then again I don't know why I bothered because you won't read any of this and will reply with something else totally unrelated comparing dental surgery to mowing next.
Irony is that you did exactly what my last sentence said not to do. Therefore you didn't read what I said.
There is no irony in showing you that you are flat out wrong.
That you compared a life and death situation to cutting excessive spending.
I then went on to show you why they are not the same.
But you still want to ignore it and argue the point of your comparison instead of talking about how small cuts are needed to balance the budget ALONG with big cuts and that a bunch of small cuts could be more effective as they will add up to large cuts and the government doesn't need to balance the budget by making ONLY one or two cuts.
But you and many others want to dismiss the small cuts because by itself on small cut won't balance the budget but then also argue about which big cuts are needed/acceptable and then in the end we get no cuts.
If we continue to rack up debt at a trillion a year, it will be beyond life and death for our country. You can say it's not the same, but it doesn't make it true.
What do you do for a living Cowboy?
I own and run a business. I have to make decisions every day on what to focus upon to make sure we continue to survive and grow. I'm ALWAYS going to focus on the areas that net me the most return. That's how we stay in business because you cannot accomplish all things. I'm sorry that you don't understand this.
NO sorry it IS NOT LIFE AND DEATH. If the US owes $1 or $250 trillion will not cause people to suddenly die.
None of your business. But I can tell you I deal with budgets ALL THE TIME.
So if an employee of your business came to you and said that they could save you money but it was only $50 a month they were saving you would you dismiss the idea and tell them to go away?
OR would you listen, look into it and then make a choice to go with their saving if you product/result would still be the same?
Let's say the saving is on printer paper. They find a cheaper paper, but same quality, weight, etc. Would you go with their switch or dismiss it because it is only a measly $50?
I understand perfectly what you are trying to say, even if you are doing a poor job of saying it.
What you are not understanding is that I have constantly been pointing out that dismissing small savings/ small areas of waste just because they are not in the trillions of dollars is incredibly stupid. It doesn't matter if the amount saved compared to the overall budget is 1%, 10%, 50% or .5%. There is still saving there and eventually they add up and can equal large sums of savings. This applies to school districts with budgets in the millions, to the government in the trillions, state governments in the billions, or the local family owned business with 2 non family employees with a budget in the thousands.
Ignoring the small cuts in a budget because they don't immediately get you to the goal is incredibly stupid and why we don't get anything done.... oh wait that is what I have said about 4 times now but you ignore because you are stuck on the large cuts ONLY mindset.
But I am done arguing with someone to stupid to accept that small budget cuts can add up to large amounts.