I don't know how old that picture is, but it was before my time and I was at Baylor 1960-1965. There was no building next door either, and the Tidwell Bible Building was just a short ways from there. I remember studying in the library across the street, leaving my books on a work table, walking across at the intersection, getting a chocolate malt, then heading back to my research efforts. I don't know which was the worst distraction... watching some of those Baylor co-eds walking by or thinking about that malt. The campus has changed so much since my time there, that I swear I'm at a different school. My freshman class 1960 was the largest entering group in Baylor history at that time, we were 2000 strong, but 600 went home at semester break and didn't come back. We lost another 600 by the time our soph year started, and we graduated 650. I stayed on that extra year because I had 3 majors and a minor and just couldn't get it all done in 4 years. Now my dorm Kokernot has been taken over by the women, but I remember looking out my dorm window (south side) and looking at Ruth Collins Hall (about 2 blocks away). I also wondered whatever happened to old George at the Chuckwagon with his Greek accent and the pizza place across the street from Kokernot and Brooks, and George the Chinese guy who did his "eat 2 large pizzas in an hour" challenge. After the second time I won, he wouldn't let me take the challenge any longer. Mr Meyers was the Kokernot director (good family man). Sometimes it is difficult to believe that was 60 years ago. GO BEARS !!
I also remember Fred Marberry who owned the little pool hall across from Brooks. He was a major league pitcher in his day, but lost his left arm in a car accident later. It was fun chatting with him, and I often would sweep the floors just to chat with him.