trey3216 said:
PartyBear said:
trey3216 said:
PartyBear said:
I just saw the other night that a Rosa's Cafe is opening on Hewitt Dr. Looks to be almost complete. I had no idea about that and completely missed the news on that one. I dont drive on that part of Hewitt Dr much anymore.
It's gonna make a disaster of an area a complete and utter S-Show.
Explain. You mean traffic?
yep. Already terribly congested in that area, and this isn't going to help at all
Based on last week's opening, it looks like there will be lots of issues with Panther Way, just because the initial entrance/ exit off Panther Way is too close to the traffic light.
It's not a big problem if you're heading Northbound on Hewitt Drive, but Southbound will require a little more difficulty.
The primary mess is the drive-thru. Eventually the cars block in an entire lane in the parking lot. I think the interest will eventually cool down and that will cure itself.