CorsicanaBear said:
Trains are great. I love them. The government shouldn't be in the train business. Railroads built a huge rail grid in the US with passenger service everywhere, including things like the Interurban railroad that linked Waco, Dallas, Fort Worth, B/CS, Corsicana etc without government money. If its profitable they will do it again.
You've no doubt heard the saying, "That's no way to run a railroad". AMTrack is that way. One look at AMTrack's books will tell you why it's a bad idea for our government to own and operate a railroad
There will be a break through in batteries in the next 5-10 years that allow electric cars the same range (or better) and the same refuel time (or nearly) as gasoline vehicles. How will it work? Don't know. But there is too much money to be made for the company that comes up with that technology to think that it won't.
The only way people will prefer trains to cars is if they literally can't get where they want to go in a car in a reasonable amount of time or if the cost is much higher. Why would anyone prefer going to a train station, parking a vehicle (or using a nasty ride share vehicle), waiting for a train, riding the train, getting a ride at the other end to wherever it is you are actually going to getting in your car in your garage and getting out of it at your destination. The problem with public transit is that it picks you up wherever it stops (as opposed to where you are) and takes you to wherever it is going (as opposed to where you are going).
I agree with some of the points you make here but, consider this-
We are finishing up (well, kinda finishing up) the I-35 expansion through Waco. It's a 30 mile jaunt from Bruceville Eddy to Lacy Lakeview. You know what TxDot has spent on that? Over a BILLION dollars. Over $33 million PER MILE. And all we did was expand it by one lane each direction and redo access roads/bridges. No one blinks an eye and it'll have to be redone in 20 years for 3x+ that amount.
Highways can't be expanded into infinity. It's not physically possible in some instances and when you consider the high price tag and that the more we build, the more we must maintain, it becomes economically impractical as well to just keep trying to force more blood through the same blood vessel.
Further, driving and car ownership patterns are changing and changing rapidly. The increased cost of cars (which will continue to skyrocket), combined with the increased cost of ownership, combined with the alternative transportation options (mainly ridesharing and, in the future, driverless vehicles) will mean that families have fewer vehicles and rely on them less. As I've said, I don't see us getting rid of family car ownership in my lifetime but could easily see a family of 4 having 1 car instead of 2-3 cars. It's just wildly inefficient and will make less sense when there are functional alternatives and the cost of ownership increases.
While the cost to build a high speed rail is 3-4x per mile compared to, say, the I-35 expansion, it's something that must be started now in anticipatory mode because it'll be too expensive and take too long if we let Texas grow by 25 million people and then try to make it work in a reaction. I concede that a Waco specific route makes little sense. To use your example, CorsicanaBear, it doesn't make sense to drive 15 minutes to the station in DFW, wait on the train, then take it for 45 minutes to Waco, then have to rideshare once here. All in, you are talking little time savings and little cost savings, if any while losing flexibility.
But a Dallas -> Austin or DFW-> San Antonio route actually does make sense. And one from Austin or San Antonio to Houston does as well. Perhaps the most logical is a Houston to DFW route. Those are all 3-4-5 hour trips by car whereas they could be done in 90 minutes or less by train. A few stops along the route do make some sense as well to increase ridership and usability.
I'm not anti-highway, anti-car, pro-government funded transport, or anything like that. In fact, I love the freedom that having your own car provides. From 50000ft, it just seems like if you doubled the size of DFW, Austin, San Antonio and Houston overnight (which is basically what's going to happen over the next 30 years), highways as they are right now aren't going to cut it (physically or economically) and planes are even clumsier than trains for short trips. To me, it's a no brainer that it'll be needed 20-30 years from now and we'll need to start it now to have any prayer of an functional network in 20 years.